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Topics - ToadSage

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Music / Share some of your favorite tracks/music
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:57:17 »
Here is a few of mine :p

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Anakisuto
« on: September 23, 2016, 07:25:02 »

a  n  a  k  i  s  u  t  o
    アナキスト  組織

Organization Name: Anakisuto

Founder: Shiro Satori

Leader: Yoru Satori

Affiliation: Satori

Main Village: Morigakure

Allies: Morigakure, Haigakure, Rōguhantā

Enemies: Katakiuchi

Purpose/Goals:An organization founded with the ideals of helping those held under thumb of tyranny. Robin hoods to a certain degree. Medical ninjutsu is greatly valued, as living off of the land and having a vast knowledge of medicine is helpful when looking out for people in potential danger. All forms of offensive and defensive fighting tactics are equally as valuable when looking out for eachother. Our ultimate goal is to live free, protect or pursue freedom for those without, and take care of those who disagree accordingly.

Unique features: Medical ninjutsu, kenjutsu, jonin level ninjutsu, able to gather intel on targets with ease.

Hogo-sha(Guardians ; protectors) - Must be jonin
Iryō no(Medics)


Shinobi Life Online Character / Yoru Satori
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:35:23 »
Name: Yoru Satori
Hairstyle:Short spikey on top two braids on each sideburn.
Facial hair:shaved
Hair color:Ash/black
Eye color:Hazel/brown
Blood type:A
Primary chakra nature:Wind
Chakra Mix:fire/Wind
Born:The hidden ash
Village:Morigakure(Village Hidden in the Forrest)
Clan:       Satori

Character Lore:

Yoru literally meaning Night.

was always a smart child, his mother Shurui and father Honō the two of Haigakure's most trusted shinobi. Honō was once apart of the anbu, and he carried out various missions for the kage himself. Yoru's father was a gifted shinobi hailing from the fabeled Satori clan, he inherited the clans insane kenjutsu speed, and the vast amount of chakra the clan is said to have.

Honō was said to have a scary arsenal of jutsu up his sleeve, earning him the name Moeru kaze of Haigakure for wielding Scorch style, he is said to have taken a whole squad of jonin & anbu to their graves in a few blows. As for Shurui she is from the Jinsoku clan literally meaning swift,she was brutal in battle but yet so kind-hearted. she harnessed the power of true wind style she was known far and wide as Kaze no arashi or wind tempest as she was known to cause catastrophic damage with her abilities.

Yoru was an average student in the academy and never slacked on training, Honō and Yoru practiced almost every day the brawls were always long and brutal. Yoru had gained his fathers fire style and his mothers true wind style combined he developed his own arsenal of scorch style. Yoru reached the rank of chunin at the age of 12 with his wits to out smart every opponent in the exams, it was no surprise to his parents and peers that Yoru completed these trials with ease.

As the nations grew so did Yoru and his mind, he grew more interested in the past and the teachings of the old clan. One night Yoru decided to take a look in his fathers archives, what he found was astounding to him tales of the past...of a character named Kitsune and his life. In these old scrolls he found that his clan originally hails from the hidden Forrest village "odd he thought to himself I was born here in the Hidden Ash" he shifted through more scrolls and found one marked Shiroi honō " I have heard this name before Yoru thinks to himself...wait is that Gramp's name?" Yoru slowly opens the scroll as pictures fall out of them he reads the scroll to the very last letter "the scroll talks about Yorus grandparents leaving the hidden Forrest for new refuge as their clan name dose not mean much in the village any more". Yoru reads all this with tears in his eyes, he picks up the old pictures of his grandparents takes a long look at them, his grandfather with his long grey white hair smiling holding his father in his arms next to his grandmother white dark grey hair, as Yoru looks down another piece of paper falls to the ground and on the back it reads...Sōdai kaijin eikoudan(Majestic ash flare). with all this on his mind Yoru  knew what he wanted to do.

At the age of 18 Yoru had been training so much you could say he was a prodigy at the things he would do, he picked up the art of Kenjutsu and was a natural at it. Many things changed about Yoru he looked different then he did when he was young braids on each side of his sideburns and spiky, his hair also turned a lighter ash color the trademark color of his clan. He was thriving at this age as he was already a jonin and taking part in S ranked missions.

Yoru and a small team of elite jonin were headed towards the outskirts of the hidden inferno village, to capture a group of rogue fugitives. It would take them at least six days to hit their destination, so Yoru took this chance to train more and more he decided to sign a pact with a group of toads, one by the name of Gamashiro. He would be Yorus life long summon these two trained together whenever they could gamashiro teaching Yoru the art of frog Kenjutsu dubbing Yoru the Gama Sennin(Toad Sage).

As the group neared their mark they where ambushed...surrounded Yoru took a good look at the engaging doubt they are the rogues we are after, I could feel their presence the second we step foot over the inferno's border. With smug looks on their face the rogues engaged Yoru's team with a coursing wall of flame and heat closing in on them, Yoru cracks a smile weaves hand signs and yells: Fūton Idaina kaze no shōzon!(Great wind burnout) a great gust of wind kicks up disapating the flame wall and knocking the ambushing shinobi to the ground. That is it Yoru yells they are open! as the team takes to the fight, Yoru looks around with great speed and notices a shinobi out of the mix....he looks like the leader Yoru thinks to himself...better not let this one escape.With great speed he lands next to the shinobi in the tree....holy shit kid you got some speed in ya eh? the rogue leader states. I assume you are the leader of this bunch then yes?...That is right I'm Shizen of the hidden inferno...and this bunch is my little group...we like to collect debt of those villagers to weak to fight back...and take assassination orders in our bingo books.Nothing but scum in my book...I will take care of you once and for all. Yoru states boldly.

"Stated Boldly kid but lets compare how you fight to how you talk! Shizen lashes out with an armored fist. Yoru jumps out-of-the-way just in time to watch the tree come toppling down.  Shit if that would have gotten me...Id be done for...this guy...he has insane strength...Ill need some help with this." Yoru with a grimace on his face weaves his hands signs BOAR,DOG,BIRD,MONKEY,RAM, SUMMONING JUTSU! A few trees collapse and the ground cracks all around as Yoru summons Gamashiro. Alright Gamashiro this guy has insane strength in his right arm so watch out for other words I need your help with this, ugh hey Yoru you summoned me when I was eating I want to finish that...ughhh Gamashiro help me beat this guy and you can go back to eating...RIGHT! Gama ken Keisei!(Toad sword Formation!)

Yoru and Gamashiro point their blades forward and simultaneously jump into the air at the same time, Shizen laughs and bares his metal arm and leaps to the air to meet the two Yoru yells don't be so cocky old man! coming down with great force  Shizen dodges the attack and swirls around to put and end to Yoru. Shizen weaves his hand signs BIRD,DOG,HORSE,RAM! Kokuen: kasai tsume no jutsu!(Blaze style: Fire nails jutsu!) a thousand fire sharp nails fly out of Shizen's metal hand and impale Yoru, smiling and snickering Shizen yells I told you not to get ahead of yourself kid!"

A roar fills the air AND I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET COCKY!  as Your erupts from GamaShiro's mouth with spectacular speed lopping off Shizens metal arm with one precise slice. aghhhhhHh....what the fuck! actually..connected. Yoru looks up at Gamashiro and nods, as he is falling Gamashiro releases a blast of sticky oil and wraps it all around Shizen.Yoru Smiles Boldly as he weaves his hand signs; RAM, MONKEY, BOAR, DOG, HORSE! Shakuton: Sōdai kaijin eikoudan no jutsu! (Scorch-Style: Majestic Ash Flare!) Black & white dust spews out of Yoru's mouth, it fills the air all around Shizen's screaming thrashing body. Damn you kid it's not o...err, Disgusting Gurgles take place over shizens words, Flare...yoru lets slip from his mouth and the black dust ignites all around the enemie scorching and melting his whole body.

Yoru's Team had taken care of the hostile rogues awhile ago, they had just enough time to witness the destruction, that their leader is capable of. Sir, one shinobi starts not question me Yoru interupts...I do what I must for my comrades and that is finale. The whole team stirred with silence and coughing, We must not wait for backup if there is any, take whatever you can and we will depart back to the ash.Release, Yoru yells and Gamashiro disappears with a poof sound, Here it is...he picks up shizens half melted headband, alright guys lets head back to the village.

The return back to the village was very welcoming for Yoru's team they reported directly to the kage himself confirming the mission was a success.The team walked through the main market district, and continued up to the higher section of the Hidden Ash and finally the kage's mannor.Yoru swiftly opens the door and walks inside, followed by his unit...Hello unit 17 the kage breaks the silence in the room, Hello sir...was the mission a success? yes it was sir,Yoru hands over the leaders headband along with everything els gathered. You men did well now get along with your day, YES SIR! (whole unit) Yoru started his walk back to his house, he stopped by at Hai neko Ichiba (Ash Cat Market) to pick up his favorite pack of smokes, Yoru lights up a smoke a waves by to the market workers.He walked a slow pace back towards the villager's homes, arriving in front of his house Yoru takes a long drag off his smoke, and drops it to the ground putting out the ember.He was greeted with wide smiles and hugs from both his parents asking about the mission, how was it? did anyone have to go beyond their limits?...I killed another shinobi today he states.The looks on his parents faces were calm and cool its alright son, his father says to him and holds his son's head close to his chest, we do things in life that we are never proud of...but you saved your unit...and thats all that matters, Yorus mother joins the hug.

That night moon bright Yoru sat in his room, with a wide open mind he shifted through the scrolls he had found years ago, pictures scattered about...he was going to make his legacy.He wrote up a letter explaining his reasons and why he would be gone to his parents, Yoru sealed the letter and placed it on the main rooms table along with all the scrolls and pictures.

Yoru left the Hidden ash village and headed for the Hidden Forrest village to make a name and bring back his clans name. He wandered two years before commuting to the Forrest village, he was 20 years old and with age comes wisdom he was a new man, a white linen head wrap with his clans crest was his new pride, a new short sword gained from training with Gamashiro in the caverns of toads.He had become very Intelligent, thus allowing him to progress even further into kenjutsu and ninjutsu, he had traveled far and wide for those two years spreading his clans name taking jobs far and wide protecting people and hunting rogue.After two years of wandering Yoru step foot on the Hidden Forrest's gate border, he lights up a smoke and walks into the village.He met personally with the kage and told the story of Kitsune and his clan.

                                                         Main Lore


Shinobi Life Online Clans / The Satori Clan
« on: September 06, 2016, 00:27:57 »
Logo designed by Snoopy
Clan name: Satori

Founder:Kitsune Satori

Leader: Yoru Satori

Affiliation: Main village: Hidden in the forest

Clan history:The name Satori has been around for ages but only in the past 20 years has its name resurfaced.(very secretive)

Clan Lore:Kitsune Satori…
Kitsune was a wise and noble shinobi, his name meaning fox. Highly skilled in Ninjutsu and feared in Kenjutsu... Kitsune grew up in rough times, he saw the small nations grow enormous in size, and was always top in his class. Kitsune excelled in ninjutsu and weapon handling. He was promoted to Chunin shortly after graduating from the ninja academy, and was thrown in a war alongside his parents at the age of 11.

His mother, Hana Satori, was highly skilled in ninjutsu, however she could never really hold a weapon properly, but that wasn’t a big concern since she was known to be quick-witted and fast...very fast.

His father, Shiro Satori aka "Shiro the White" identified by his dark but almost pure white hair was once the Hidden Forest’s most trusted shinobi and protector of the Kage. He is also the founder of Anakisuto. An organization founded with the ideals of helping those held under thumb of tyranny. Robin hoods to a certain degree. Medical ninjutsu is greatly valued, as living off of the land and having a vast knowledge of medicine is helpful when looking out for people in potential danger. All forms of offensive and defensive fighting tactics are equally as valuable when looking out for eachother. Our ultimate goal is to live free, protect or pursue freedom for those without, and take care of those who disagree accordingly.

As the war raged on, Kitsune Satori grew and began to make his mark at the age of 18, he had mastered 4 elements...he was a prodigy. His mother trained him well, he learned her fire style and water style, but adapted his own wind and lighting. Shiro taught everything he knew to his son about advanced weaponry. Kitsune took a liking to the katana and with a lot of individual practice he could now swing the sword almost twice as fast as his father and infuse his lighting into the blade at age 18. Shiro and Hana were very proud of Kitsune.

The Great War was coming to an end but things were getting worse. Kitsune had been dispatched to intercept and help with an ambush on another village. As his unit moved toward the objective, there was a flash and a colossal, searing heat wave passed, almost burning Kitsune's unit. Kitsune yelled “Great water barrier!” and watched as his troops were flooded with cold, refreshing water as the heat wave passed. Relieved, the unit moved on with great speed eager to see what happened.

When they arrived, there was a group of shinobi standing around a hidden forest unit. Kitsune could see which unit this was…it was his parents’ unit, and they were surrounded. He could not do a thing.

Kitsune watched as the entire squad was torched alive; he lost everything that day. A massive amount of rage fuelled Kitsune as he embedded a ferocious grin on his face and began waving his hands around in a frenzy-mannered way, attacking the ambushing unit with an insane arsenal of jutsu. His comrades were terrified at what they were witnessing by their leader

he leapt forward, drawing his sword simultaneously and beheading an enemy. He leapt from shinobi to shinobi dropping heads and bodies. Kitsune then sprang into the air above a group of ambushers and wove hands signs; Majestic Flare Jutsu, and burned them to a crisp.

Kitsune grew and developed further, and at the age of 20 acquired the title of Jonin. However these experiences affected him negatively; he lost human emotion. His hair once jet black turned to an ash white colour...similar to his fathers.

The only things that still mattered were his home and his name.
Kitsune had wandered for 15 years after the war and by the time he was 35 he had grown so much in wisdom and knowledge.

His return to the village was greeted with honour and respect, he even found the love of his life five months later. Her name was Eien, meaning eternity. They had two sons one named (Hono) the eldest, and (Hyoga) the youngest. Hono obtained his father’s furious Fire style and his kenjutsu skills, as the youngest gained his father’s rushing water style and gained his superior intellect.

Kitsune had made his mark on the Shinobi world under the name Satori meaning (awakening) and his clan thrived for many years, but after his passing their name went into the shadows not much was heard of them.
Until many years after Kitsune's death emerged Yoru Satori a direct decent of Kitsune himself.

               Main Lore (will write more)

Unique traits: Most Satori members have black hair, there has been a handful of members with white or darker colors etc.

Strengths: Satori members are highly skilled in ninjutsu and kenjutsu, very weak to genjutsu. Most members have multiple chakra natures, and are very quick witted.

Weaknesses: Genjutsu is a major problem for Satori members but they can still amaze you when it is needed, the welfare of the clan comes before anything else, and because of this rule, members will go beyond their own limits to help one another during missions and especially when genjutsu is involved.

Rival clans: Satori has no rivals as of yet.

Allied clans: Himitsu

Rankings: Satori does not have names for their ranks yet, but they are soon to come.

Members: @ToadSage

Rules: NO racism, NO begging for ranks, NO attacking clan members, going rogue will be considered as treason and traitors will be punished severely by being hunted for the rest of their lives.

Application format

Chakra Nature(s): (Your first chakra nature)
Village: (Village you will start from)
Specialization: (Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.)

Forum Profile Code (paste this in the "Clan" field):
Code: [Select]

So Im back and want to try and stay as active as I can........SOOOoOO ivee thought real hard on this and i have decided to try, and start a little clan on here ill be thinking of names and everything soon here i just need some ppl to back me.

alright guys thanks :D

Drawings / Im Back/////Free Photoshop sigs!!
« on: September 04, 2016, 05:59:16 »
Hello Hello yes im back and want to make some sigs put me to work cmoon ppl...I have a old thread with older work on it
but I have new work sooooOo Im gunna post it here and see where that gets me >.>

Sigs examps

Photo shopped sigs

Profile Icon I guess?

Music / Anyone like underground rap? O.o
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:19:06 »
well ive got a bunch of good underground rap music and tbh lots of other genres if ya want to know any good underground rap just ask :p

Drawings / Sigs/profilepics/desktop brackground
« on: September 29, 2015, 00:22:29 »
Bored and ive been doing this for awhile need something to do so ill fill and gfx requests sigs etc..... you seen the tittle lol.

Examples of my work:

New sig work:


Profile pic:


Well if you need anything you can ask :D ~Toad

Shinobi Life Online Character / Yoru Satori
« on: September 22, 2015, 23:42:31 »
Name: Yoru Satori
Hairstyle:semi long bangs hair cover ears on side top is long and spiked all the way down his back.
Facial hair:shaved
Hair color:Black
Eye color:Hazel (in picture he is in sage mode)
Blood type:A
Primary chakra nature:Wind
Chakra Mix:fire/Wind
Village:Hidden in the Forrest
Clan:       Satori


(UPDATED CHARACTER Final Character thanks to Leebz)

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