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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - Techypanda

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General Discussion / Trolls
« on: September 22, 2015, 13:09:53 »
I am one, I am simply here for the shits and giggles

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Jutsu Helper UI
« on: September 21, 2015, 14:27:02 »
This Is More For Beginners Then Pros!
So when we all start we have the trouble of forgetting numbers or mixing it up e.g. Instead of Chidori we use Firebreath
I think you should make a Beginner Jutsu Helper UI that disappears if they click the X
Basically it works like this -

The reason I suggest this is that I have seen a few players join the server and stand there for a while trying to figure out about /controls. This would be so much simplier with this UI
Of course it would look alot better, (I couldnt be bothered to make it look good sorry ;-;)

Advantages: Newb Friendly, Helpful, Toggleable, Will work with full vers as it replaces all jutsus listed with ones you know.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Multiple Characters
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:29:45 »
Not sure if this is already been announced/suggested as coming into the game but ima just say it anyway
Can we have multiple characters?, I'd love to be able to experience more then one game type at once e.g. One Rogue and one Anbu

Games / The Triangle Game
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:26:55 »
This game is about trying to beat the Illuminati, makes sure you have your mlg juice with you when playing this or you will get spooped. Lets begin by explaining the rules
you cannot power rp (When you say you damage someone) you must only attempt at something e.g. throws a triangle at the Illuminati to try and destroy it
You objective today is to kill the Illuminati leader known as Ankoku, You must wait for a reply on how it played out before you double post.
Make sure you include yourself drinking your MLG juice in each action

Ankoku walks down the street with her tri-gun which shoots out triangles preparing to kill everything except illuminati supporters.

Naruto Fanworks / MLG Illuminati Darude Naruto Storm.
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:23:41 »
Hello welcome to teh MLG Illuminati Darude Naruto Storm Story, plz keep advized tat I will be requsting u tu keep MLG Juice (Mntin Dw) wit u at all times.
This is the story about how Darude Sandstorm and The Triangle beat the Illuminati haters

they formed the ultimate triangle and when people who h8 on dem for being part of teh illuminati thy git gud and dey die immediately. Naruto fell to this fate as he waz informed thet they were low on lluminatry juice fed by the illuminati to dumb them down, this was unacceptable so natruto barged into the illuminatryz base and blew things up. Ankoku, the leader of the illuminarty, stood up and formed handseals to trap Naruto into a bottle shaped like a triangle. He crushed it and then music started playing going "DUNN DUN DUNNNN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUDNUND UDNDUNDUNDUND" and then naruto was dead.

The End...
 :'( lik if u cri everytim

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Secret Jutsus....
« on: September 20, 2015, 14:32:34 »
I know its early in development this game but if your going to implement something like GLT, I think it should be legitimently possible to figure it out like most games do. E.g. this is a scenario, in a tutorial book maybe on a few of the pages is the page number circled with a number next to it to say how many times its in the jutsu, This would make the game alot more fun and enjoyable to people such as me as I don't like the fact atm, the game is not noob friendly with this stuff, I understand GLT is getting a nerf but it should still be possible to figure it out other then sitting their for 5 hours mashing at 1 - 0 on your keypad until you get all 11 numbers in the right sequence. You are practically encouraging new players to get a bot that goes through every possible combination of numbers up 16 keys per second. Thanks C;
NVM, This was intended for Donators so it makes sense.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Triangular Clan
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:58:21 »
Clan name: Triangular

Clan logo:

Founder: Unknown (Ankoku)

Leader: Unknown (Ankoku)

Affiliation: Owned by the Organization - The Triangle, Explained In History.

Clan history: This clan was only created by Ankoku's ancient grandmother who passed it on in blood. The cost of the jutsus in the clan were far too great to call it humane (it required parts of humanity/animals e.g. Eyes and tongues) so Ankoku's ancient grandmother locked it away within her hoping she would never pass it on, she asked for her to be burned to ashes when she died so no one ever uncovered what it was about. The way that Ankoku recovered this was during intense training to create Ankoku's own jutsu, (after her family had been butchered when she was 8), Ankoku spent every year, every day, every minute training to be able to create a lightning jutsu called Triangle Of Power (A triangle lightning blast) but during this training she fell into a coma, for three days she was stuck inside her body with a triangle only being seeable by her eyes. She finally figured out to punch the triangle and a lightning flash struck her, this is how Ankoku's "Fake Death" happened, Ankoku, as soon as being hit by the Lightning was zapped away miles only leaving the ashes of her jacket. The ninjas who were near rushed over to find the ashes, they had no idea what had happened, but Ankoku, far away, had uncovered something great... (No One Knows This Clan Exists Unless You Are In The Organization!)

Unique traits: Primary Chakra nature for all members of the Triangular Clan is Lightning, this is mixed to a certain degree within the body to create a new type of Chakra nature, Ankoku calls it, Trinature, this special type of chakra nature that only members of The Triangle organization learn to harness. When using this chakra nature, Trinature,you fall into a trance and your eyes turn inside out to create a triangle symbol within your eyes. To control this jutsu you need body parts as the one who uses this chakra nature gains immense power, but loses all control of their body if they dont feed on body parts (Human parts last the longest).

Strengths: Kenjutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu aswell as special summoning spells.

Weaknesses: Taijutsu excels against Trinature users of the Triangular clan. However, If the user of the Trinature has not consumed enough body parts then they go into a trance of losing all control. Their Taijutsu is boosted but they no longer seem human almost demon, this makes it so they have little/no intelligence so Ninjutsu works best against them when this happens.

Rival clans: Neutral.

Allied clans: Neutral.

Rankings: As you have to be in The Triangle to even know this Clan exists, the same hierarchy is applied check the Organization page for details.

Members: All Members of The Triangle who can manipulate Lightning nature.

Rules: Same rules as The Triangle, Check the organization page.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Ankoku
« on: September 20, 2015, 07:27:51 »
Name: Ankoku
Age: 9
Gender: Girl
Height: 3'5
Weight: 99 lbs
Hairstyle: Long Hair, Silky, Covers One Eye,
Facial hair: None, Its a girl?
Hair color: Pink
Eye color: White eye in one Red eye in the other ( (Not Uchiha/Hyuuga I just like Red and White :P)
Blood type: Blood Type B
Primary chakra nature: Raiton Lightning Nature
Village: Lived In The Woods.
Clan: N/A
Good or evil at heart?: Intensely Evil.

Description of the character's personality: Filled With Rage, Lunatic, Crazy, Murderous, Insane, Toyful (With her enemies...)

Description of the character's history:  Ankoku grew up alone, having been born and at the age of 5 both of her parents leaving her in the middle of the night Ankoku had to learn how to live on her own. She had no idea where food came from at this age so she did what anyone would do and ask for adults help, but they simply all shunned her and had to figure it out. At the age of 6 Ankoku was feared by the animals around her in the forest as she ate anything that moved, her belief was that in this world the Stronger live and the weaker die. As soon as she reached the age of 7 she came across some ancient lore in her bookshelves that taught Ninjutsu. She trained in Ninjutsu night and day to learn how it worked, naturally, Ankoku was interested in how to harness her chakra to its full capability. So for her first part of Ninjutsu she decided to combine her Lightning Nature into her feet to run faster. It took her many nights and countless days but finally she learned to do it. She dashed around world landscape finding out about ninja talents from other promising ninjas. But what she saw was disgusting to her, She saw people being greedy about their food, one very fat man had a small bite taken out of his bread he bought and he yelled "USELESS!, I WILL GET MY REVENGE IF I DO NOT GET A FULL REFUND!", he then turned the bread to ashes. Ankoku was so angry at what she saw she vowed to destroy everything that these people thrived on and started to develop jutsus to help her eliminate oponents quickly. At the age of 9 she took her first life, it was a peaceful little house were the kids were running around happily with parents who loved them, this made Ankoku so mad, her parents had left her at a early age and she despised them for it. She lost control and dashed at the children, she covered her hand in lightning and then ripped out their still beating hearts as their parents watched. She then turned to the parents and smiled, then she simply walked away.

I redid my character because I didn't like my old one C:



Shinobi Life Online Organizations / The Triangle
« on: September 19, 2015, 15:44:38 »
Organization name: The Triangle

Organization logo:

Founder: Unknown (Ankoku But you dont know that.)

Leader: Unknown (Ankoku But you dont know that.)

Affiliation: Independant

Allies: Unknown, No one has information on this Organization, All meetings made with them are done in front of a stand-in. You can only assume you are allies...

Enemies: Unknown, No one has information on this Organization, All meetings made with them are done in front of a stand-in. You can only assume you are allies... (Everyone :P)

History: Ankoku grew up out in the woods and always had a fascination of Triangles (They were the strongest shape of course!), So when a rogue ninja came in and butchered her family she of course went to other organizations and villages for help. The simple answer she got was "We cant act on your word or it could start a war between multiple or singular groups or villages." So on that day she swore that she would be different, She left and never spoke to another soul and faked her own death. She created the Triangle to fix these issues, to kill who she pleased, to make the world a truly peaceful place.

Purpose/Goals: The Triangle's goals/purpose is to make the world a peaceful place. In that matter if someone comes up to them with the money or evidence to do something e.g. Defend a store, Assassinate a target, or even kill them (Helpful suicide) they go and do it. If you don't pay up at the end of the job they have a fascination of carving triangles into craniums.

Unique features: On the pants of the ninja who is in this organisation is a triangle with a eye to symbolize them always watching. They are hidden all around the ninja world and the reason you most likely would realize they have this is that they were a cloak to conceal it. A stand-in however, (What they send when someone requests to speak to them) has a triangle draw in blood on their forehead, No one knows why Ankoku chose to do this to her stand-ins, Maybe its a fashion statement? Some other ways to know if someone is part of the triangle is their common signal to eachother which is covering their eye with a triangle, As if redoing the Triangle logo.

Rankings: Anyone who manages to get into the organization is in the Hierachy of the Triangle, There are three levels of Order within this Hierarchy I will insert a Diagram below

Members: Ankoku

Rules: You cannot be seen as a member of the Triangle, if anyone knows you are a part of the Triangle you are kicked out with your tongue ripped out of your throat, Your mouth seared together and your eyes ripped out and put into a bucket. The tongue is cut up into sushi and fed to the people who don't pay up to the jobs they assigned the group. This may sound harsh but if they get to a medic in time (since the bucket goes with them as they are kicked out) they can have their eyes reattached. Oh wait, I forgot to mention. Their arms are cut off so they can never do ninjutsu again.

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