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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / AoE preview for Jutsu
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:19:16 »
Based on my current experience, and taking into account the fast pace of game - jutsus could use a preview of the aoe of it's attack.

For example, the fire jutsu is a cone aoe jutsu. Giving it a cone-like ui shape would allow easier targeting and could contribute to overall appeal of the game. Since it wouldn't be so damn hard to hit anything with it.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Shoku (Eclipse)
« on: January 23, 2016, 07:00:19 »
Organisation Name: Shoku - 食 (Eclipse)

Organisation Logo:

Founder: Hadokawa Heihachi

Leader: None / They answer only to current Daimyo of Hadokawa Clan

Affiliation: Hadokawa Clan - more accurately - their Daimyo

Allies: None

Enemies: None

History: Created over two hundred years ago by Hadokawa Heihachi - one of the most ruthless and paranoic daimyo that held the title. As his rule brought much dismay on the Clan itself, cutting many bonds to other families - this organisation was probably the single thing that Heihachi did well. As mentioned, born from daimyos paranoia and wrong interpretations of his ancestors vows - he created a top secret organisation that had but a simple agenda. To maintain the balance of the forces in the world of Shinobi. Since its founding days - Shoku eliminated countless enemies to the Clan and any potantial hazards that could create a threat to the country of even known world itself.

Organisation history is maintained mostly through records of their deeds, rather than events which took place. Moreover - the history is kept recorded by every members dossier, which creates a list of actions undertaken by this secretive organisation, thus creating a complex and difficult to understand web of events that need to be connected together, only to form a vague and often chaotic story of what really happened.

Purpose: Their sole goal is to act as a balancing factor and to even out the odds in terms of global balance. Some might say they are merely peacekeepers, other will call them blatant murderers and terrorists even. Since their methods are far from clean and fair - they would be the most hated and despised organisation even. Only if someone outside of the Clan would be aware of their existence. For their another major goal is to remain undetected and invisible to worlds perception. You cannot blame someone you have no idea of existence in the first place.

The Shoku utilise a very strict rule that enforces a captive agent to kill himself or do anything that the circumstances will call for - to ensure that the information they carry will never be brought to the light. This often results in utilising a special jutsu which calls forth the Shinigami, to take their soul into the deepest and darkest place of their domain - never to be brought up for questioning both in body or soul. Such action is often treated as a highest sacrifice and ensures those related to agent - to be properly compensated for such sacrifice.

Unique Features: They use various forms of calls and responds to determine wether or not they are to share their info with a designated contact. Every single member of the organisation has a seal tattooed over his pallate to prevent from speaking against other members, giving out secrets or acting against the Clan.

Rankings: Every member of this organisation has the same rank towards the others, making everyone equal. Despite the equality, everyone is given a proper codename to utilise, given directly from the Daimyo.

Members: Undisclosed


* You will never act against the will of the Daimyo
* You will never disobey your orders
* You will never betray one another
* You will never undertake an action that will harm the Clan
* You will never reveal yourself
* You will never fail
* You will uphold the rules and obey them - otherwise you shall die

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Hadokawa Clan
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:59:56 »
Clan Name: Hadokawa

Clan Kamon:

Founder: Hadokawa Renmaru

Leader: Hadokawa Yaminoyori

Affiliation: Kinzokugakure

Clan History: Hadokawa were one of the founding clans of Kinzokugakure. Their founder was Hadokawa Renmaru. The clan and its members are widely considered to be villainous and untrustworthy by the rest of shinobi world, though they merely attempt to fulfill the duty given to their family by the first leader of their village, on the day of his ascension. The Hadokawa Clan were always considered an underhand of Kage. It is a family of spies, manipulators, and assassins who valued loyalty and duty and for whom the ends justifed the means. They truly understood that by dirtying their hands, they ensured that no others need to do so. As they prevailed through the course of time, they were often tasked with dangerous and very responsible missions that often involved meddling with various forbidden arts and things most considered foul and cursed. Those events were also crucial in developing their superstitions, which often had a hidden meaning.

Years before founding the hidden village, Takeshi Honnou, a rogue spiritmaster, was approached by Renmaru - first Daimyo of Hadokawa. He was the first to approach the cursed man, who often seen shadows and could see between the worlds, believed to be tainted by the demonic essence of the underworld. Honnou was believed to betray everyone whom he loved and cared about. Renmaru however - asked him to join him as a companion, to which Honnou replied, telling him about the curse. Cunning daimyo smiled faintly and said bluntly "But you don't love me Takeshi, do you?". And in such way did Takeshi family joined Hadokawa as their servants and retainers, to create various techniques, to soon serve the clan.

As the family rose in power, it supported its village as much as it could, knowing that one day - they will be tested for their loyalty and devotion to protecting the village. And so, one day Kage of the Kinzokugakure asked for Renmaru to pay him a visit. Some say they talked for hours, other - that the meeting took only mere minutes. Truth be told, after a short cordial meeting, Renmaru was directly approached by the Kage asking him to give up their good name and reputation for the sake of protecting the village at all costs. Heavy at heart, Renmaru inclined if anyone else couldn't do this in his place. Kage however, was unmoved, claiming that the other families were either too bound on their honor or not flexible or cunning enough... Or merely unreliable. That day, Renmaru promised their first Kage to do what must be done, in order to make the village prevail. At any cost, under any circumastances. Even if it would require kidnappings, arson, extortion or any other various forms of criminal and foul activity. By selling his good name and honor - he bought an insurance for his homestead, to be sure that everything will be done as it should be. By any means necessary.

Last tale about the Renmaru, tells about his only daughter - Yumiko, who was chosen to be his voice and acting hand during the Days of Darkness. She was the one who wandered into the land of shadows, only to come back marred by the tainted essence, carrying three cursed scrolls in her satchel. Once again - the unlucky number of three deemed his daughter blighted forever. It is often said that when she returned from the tainted lands, her appearance was changed. Her hair became white as snow, skin turned pale as a ghost and her eyes changed as well. The sclera turned pitch black and her iris were golden in color - a sign of taint that sunk into her soul. As it is merely a legend, no one really knows if it's true. The only thing sure that could refer to those days is the heritage of Hadokawa - the golden colored eyes that every person from the main family branch bears to this day. As for the scrolls carried by Yumiko - they were the three forbidden jutsu scrolls, which were never to emerge from their vaults. Only the Daimyo of the family has the ability to enter the vault and carry out the scrolls when the time will be right, but as the prophecy says - the day that the vault doors shall open and sunlight touches the scrolls, will tear the land asunder and make sky rain with thick blood for days to come.

As of current events, twenty five years ago a mysterious event took place during the birth of the last heir to the Clan. No one really knows what happened back then, but one is sure - those who witnessed the events of that day, had their tongues sealed with proper techniques, so they shall never reveal or speak agains the current heir. Now or in the afterlife. The only two people who know the truth behind the story is the old Hag who dwelled in mountains and the former Daimyo and father to the current one.

During the events of recent years, Hadokawa created deeper connections, thus forming alliances with Sandāreisu Clan and nobles from Kirishima. Since they shared some similarities and could easily work together - their families begun to develop stronger bonds, creating lasting connections, thus - creating trade routes, courtship material and access to potential sources of influence and information. Just what the Hadokawa sought outside of their homeland.

Unique Traits: They are mostly identified by deep red and onyx-black colors. Their symbol is a black scorpion placed upon red background. They also prefer to shadow their appearance in many various ways. It is a common sight for a Hadokawa Clan member to wear any sort of mask, hood or headband, at least partially covering his head. Another popular gimmick among their clothing - are tall collared shirts and jackets. Their unique feature shared by the main-line clansmen are the golden eyes.

Strengths: Genjutsu, Infiltration, Diplomacy

Weaknesses: Taijutsu, Horrible Reputation

Rival Clans: N/A (but I'm willing to add any)

Allied Clans:

* Sandāreisu Clan
* Kirishima Noble Clan


* Main Family Branch
= Clan Daimyo - Clan Leader
= Saiko-Komon - Clan Administrator
= Wagashira - Clan's Right Hand
= Shateigashira - Clan's Left Hand
= Kyodai - "Big Brothers"

* Outer Family Branches
= Yoriki - Branch Head
= Shingin - Advisor
= Kaikei - Treasurer
= Hakogata - Retainers
= Shatei - "Little Brothers"

The main family branch is most important and is a pureblood Hadokawa line. Entry to the main branch can only be attained through birth or marriage. Outer family branches can be accessed through pledging allegiance to the clan first as Shatei, proving their loyalty to become Hakogata.

* Hadokawa Yaminoyori - Daimyo
* Hadokawa Kano - Kyodai

* Nazo Seikatsu - Shatei (little brother)
(Clan is open for recrutation, feel free to PM me so we can figure something out)

* You will serve the clan above all else
* You will remain loyal even in face of horrible death
* You will never leave a kinsman in need - united we are strong, while divided we show our weaknesses
* Every action is acceptable as long as it serves the Clan
* Betrayal will be met with fate far more horrible than death
* Respect the elders and traditions

Traditions and additional info:

Childbirth is a welcome event among the Clan. It is an event to be remembered, with the lucky parents celebrating for several days. The head of the family often excuse the father of an infant from his duties for a few days so that he may commemorate the birth properly. Hadokawa servants and workers are generally not treated as well as those from other Clans, so this custom mitigates their resentment toward the shinobi. In the shinobi caste this custom strengthens the bonds of loyalty within the family. A newborn is welcomed from the first moment of his life. Relatives and friends pay their respects and offer their protection. Only family members and close friends may visit the household following a birth. An outsider is only admitted if trusted utterly. He who participates in honoring a birth - and this does not happen often - is a Hadokawa in the Clan's eyes.

In a clan that takes as much pride in family and politics as the Hadokawa, courtship is taken very seriously. Marriages are arranged well in advance, always to benefit the family. Marriages for the sake of love are rarer in this Clan than in any other. A Hadokawa may marry only once. If that marriage is not to the clan's benefit, than he has betrayed the clan through his selfishness. Like most Hadokawa ceremonies, weddings are great celebrations open to all. Though the initial ceremonies are as stately and reserved as any shinobi wedding, the subsequent festivities are notorious for their vigor. Even a normally controlled Hadokawa shinobi relaxes his facade somewhat to display true emotion, crying openly or dancing in joy at the union. Some who know them, well theorize that this is yet another ploy, intended to draw their guests into lowering their guard. Although the Hadokawa seldom refuse such an advantage when it presents itself, they take a sincere joy in weddings. They see their loyalty to their family as a matter of honor, and the opportunity to share that loyalty by inviting another to their Clan fills the heart of a Hadokawa with happiness that few outside the Clan can ever understand. They see arranged marriages as contracts. Backing out effectively declares war on the other party's family. Any shinobi who reneges on a Hadokawa marriage can expect immediate retribution. Only a moderator of higher social status than either of the engaged shinobi can break off a Hadokawa marriage without creating bad blood between both parties, and then only well in advance. A shinobi who abandons or mistreats his spouse earns the ire of the spouse's entire family, even if the spouse marries outside the clan and is no longer technically considered a Hadokawa.

Though the true power lies in the courts, the Hadokawa are a clan of warriors. Their numbers are not large compared to the other forces, but the wise commander does not relish facing a Hadokawa commander on the battlefield. The Hadokawa deserve their reputation for ruthlessness in battle. They believe that unnecessary bloodshed weakens the world, so the most honorable way to end a battle is rapidly. If this means that a Hadokawa must poison the enemy's supplies, hire someone to assassinate the opposing general, or pay the enemy's mercenaries to double-cross them, then that is acceptable. It was a wise man who said that, "On the battlefield, all actions are honorable." For the Hadokawa, truer words were never spoken. Failure, of course, is another matter. Hadokawa cannot abide failure in battle. For a Hadokawa to fail means that all of his dirty tricks, diversions, and underhanded maneuvers were for naught, and thus he has truly been dishonored. Of course, for many failure is a relative term. A wily Hadokawa general may allow another to triumph on the field of battle and see no dishonor in it if the another's victory serves a higher purpose for the Hadokawa.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Hadokawa Yaminoyori
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:50:34 »
Name: Hadokawa Yaminoyori  歯ど皮 闇の寄り
Nicknames: Black Scorpion
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 183 cm / 6'0"
Weight: 90 kg / 198 lbs
Hairstyle: Mid-back long, straight hair often kept under a black beanie.
Facial hair: Dim grey stubble
Hair color: Clear white
Eye color: Golden
Blood type: AB
Primary chakra nature: Lightning
Hidden Village: Kinzokugakure
Clan: Hadokawa


Rank: Jounin
Specialty: Genjutsu / Bukijutsu (weapon specialist)


Good or evil at heart?: Neutral, not really leaning towards good nor evil.

Description of the character's appearance:

Image by demand (but I still think it's lazy ass thing to do)

He stands quite tall, often donning the jounin uniform. Skin pale, maybe a tone darker than ivory along with the clans unique appearance trait - golden eyes. His hair grows a bit below the half oh his back, which he often wears loos or combed back, falling from under his black beanie, which he wears most of the time. In formal occasions that forbid wearing of a headdress, he was often seen having a thick braid. He's a man of fit posture, neither too lanky nor too athletic, aiming more into an average shinobi build in terms of appearance. Often seen with hands donning plated, fingerless gloves with bandages peering from beneath them, sinking in jacket sleeves. Similar to forearms, he covers his shins with bandages that bind his trousers at the bottom, sealing them and preventing from anything to "flap around" as he states. As of his headband, he tends to wrap it around his left arm in an armband style, which blends with the jacket pretty well. When out on a mission, he often wears a desert scarf tucked under the flak vest, covering his face and nose. Sometimes when seen during a leisurely moment - he wears either a black turtleneck or a simple black robe made of silk with the family mon imprinted on his back.

Description of the character's personality:

To fully grasp the complexity of his nature, one would have to devote a big hunk of own life to analyse this man and give a clear answer about what is truly driving him in life. Although he won't show off much of what dwells inside him, one could at least try to describe the role he tries to fit in. One could easily say he's a collected and composed man, who tries to stay as an arbiter and overseer of events - as often as possible. Some say he doesn't really want to get involved in important matters, while others describe this trait as some sort of profound wisdom. Those who worked together with him during missions and various tasks often describe him as a silent tactician, reserved in action and a person who prefers subtlety and stealth instead of a full-scale assault. He'd rather lure an enemy into a devious, well prepared trap and watch him suffer greatly before capture or dealing a swift and efficient death. It is said that he's one of those ominous sort. Not much of a conversationist, at least not with those whom he doesn't trust enough. He's a loyal subject to his superiors, always trying to accomplish given task without further hesitation or asking needless questions. Some would say he is somewhat withdrawn from the social activities, since he's rarely seen during any sort of public events that doesn't include him doing his job. Prefers to stay and relax at home, where he claims to have everything he needs. As stated by himself - a resourceful man of simple needs.

Description of the character's history:

From the very beginning of his life, he was branded as an omen. His mother died during labor and he was presumed dead himself, until an old mountain hag that served his clan for generations came by and offered to bargain with the Shinigami to restore the only heir to life. Yamato Hadokawa - his father and current clan leader - was hesitant at first, but it was family honor and well-being at stake. The hag didn't asked for much, her request was merely to give her a small patch of land for her own, and not bother her with trivial matters. Yamato and the councilmen of the clan agreed to bestow a small patch of land to the hag and leave her be for time being. Thus the ritual begun and she bargained long with the spirits of the underworld and god of death himself, only to bring the only child back to the material plane. As soon as the ritual was complete, the hag emerged with baby in her arms and gave it to his father. Although there was no corpse of the late mother and room in the mansion smelled of bitter herbs and fresh ash... All seemed almost too good to be true. The only stigma that the boy was given, were his white hair and horribly pale skin - a stigma of the Shinigami, permanent sign to show that he escaped death itself, branded for eternity. No one really knew what would that bring... But the boy was safe and sound.

Years have passed and the boy grew up, raised under the careful eye of his family. Even the clansmen that weren't fully aware of what happened that night were fearful of the young heir. His appearance was dreadful enough to strike fear in their hearts and those who witnessed the ritual had their tongues sealed with a forbidden seal to never speak of this event - even in afterlife. When the boy was big enough, he was sent to the Academy where he received proper education to soon become a genin. He never made any real friends, since most kids were too scared of him, and those who wished to harm him were soon prone to many disastrous events. Soon, most of his colleagues decided to just leave him alone and not to meddle in his affairs. After graduating the ceremony, he received his headband, which he promptly attached to his arm. Soon, he was assigned to Team 3, which was considered unlucky number by his Clan. Despite the odds - the boy prevailed up until the Chuunin exams. Due to high intelligence and combat prowess, he passed the evaluation successfuly and received the rank of Chuunin at his first attempt.

His years as a Chuunin could be considered as most succesful, since he had lots of opportunities to actually prove his worth not only to the Clan - as a succesful and worthy heir to his father Yamato, but also as a skillful shinobi who could serve and protect his village every single day. Due to his aptitude towards both genjutsu and bukijutsu, he was quite an opponent, and he was offered a job at defensive ANBU squad, at first - as a rookie. During his service in ANBU, he was moved to the division responsible of recovering and interrogation, which later gave him the nickname - black scorpion. During those times he used to carry a simple spear, often tipped with various, home-brewed poisons. Despite that, weapon proficiency was just a second thing, for his true strength lied in creating illusions and hallucinations, often leading an unsuspecting prey to an elaborate trap... Some survivors claimed to experience vivid, utterly horrible creations which could be described as "witnessing hell itself". Since those events, people were often afraid of looking him straight into eyes, afraid of sharing the fate of those he interrogated.

After years of service in ANBU, he decided to quit the interrogation and recovery cell and with a written recommendation, he undertaken Jounin examination to advance in rank. Due to years of excellent service and high skill, he received the rank and was soon asked about his upcoming occupation. The outcome was... Odd at best, since he asked to become a sensei - to teach the younger generations of shinobi, and guide them in their development.

Introduction / Hello
« on: January 20, 2016, 10:23:13 »
Welcome everybody, since I actually decided to post something on the forum, let's start with an introduction. I'm an old time roleplayer, dabbled a bit in everything, so to say - a jack of all trades. I'm not good at giving short descriptions of myself, so I'll just use the thing that Vreg provided. If you have any questions about me - catch me on shoutbox/pm me or ask for my skype.

Name: Victor
Etchnicity: Polish
Living in: Poland
Born: 13.07.1990
Sports: 1st kyu in Aikido, practiced Wing Chun for about two years and spent more than 9 years in bohurt (medieval full contact martial arts). From time to time I practice archery and throwing (knives and axes)
Hobbies: Computer graphics and design, cartography, pen-and-paper RPG, writing novels and short stories. Also cosplay - along with costume design and creation.
Goals: World domination, no less :B
Languages: Polish, English, German, Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew
Occupation: Armorsmith / Culture Animator
Language to learn: Japanese (for so many years tried and never had the time ;__;)
Education: Masters in Culture

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