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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Games / Round 1: Secret Assassin
« on: May 05, 2014, 02:45:54 »
A group of 10 Shinobi are sent on a search and rescue mission from the Village Hidden in the Volcano. The Kazankage has requested that these specific squads be sent for relief efforts. At least that’s the cover mission. Secretly each of you have been warned that there is an assassin among you, and you have been charged with finding and eliminating him. As you all enter the village you see it is destroyed beyond repair and all of the villagers have been evacuated. You all decide to set up camp in the village as night begins to fall. Everyone rests uneasily, fully aware of what may happen.

(Assassins, PM me with your first kill)

Games / Battlegrounds Thread
« on: April 30, 2014, 22:25:55 »
Hey guys this is where I'll post any relevant information for Battleground games well play such as the rules and and list of participating players winners. If you have any questions about the games this will be the thread to post them in.




You all are members of the Village Hidden in the Volcano. At the present moment the village is in an uproar. No one can be trusted, as day by day members of the village are secretly being murdered by what seems to be an assassin. This cold blooded murderer has successfully infiltrated your village and is blending in alongside you, slowly killing off the village’s ninja force to weaken the village and strengthen the coup d’état of the Kazankage. Your group has been sent on a mission away from the village and is believed to contain the assassin. Your objective is to find the mole and kill them before The Hidden Volcano is overthrown.

This game will test your ability to deceive your opponents as an assassin or use your deductive skills to pinpoint the killer. If you work as a team you may be able to survive and win the game. If there is more than one winner, an advancement round will be held to narrow it down to 1 winner.

KSA will be starting soon. If you're going to participate I need you to reply to this thread so I can add you to the list. I will leave registration open until November 21, 2014. The game will begin November 22th.


1.   In order for the game to commence there must be at least 4 players.
2.   Each player will be assigned a role (I’ll inbox you); Either a Shinobi or an Assassin
3.   There will be 1 Assassin for every 1-6 Shinobi (So 2 Assassins if 7 people play, 3 at 13, etc.)
4.   Every ‘night’, the Assassins (who will know each other’s identities) will agree to kill a Shinobi. They will tell the narrator (me) in inbox who their victim is and I will inform the Shinobi of their fate in the thread.
5.   Every ‘day’, all of the players will get to vote to kill someone off in to game, in hopes to target the assassin(s).
6.   For every 2 Assassins, 1 Shinobi will be an ANBU member (meaning none if only 6 people play)
7.   ANBU will be able to ask me the identity of a named player (Shinobi or Assassin) once per night. The ANBU will be on the Shinobi's side, trying to vote the Assassins out of the game.


1.   If at any point in the game, the Assassins outnumber or kill all of the Shinobi, they win. If all Assassins are killed, the Shinobi win.
2.   Lying about your role is authorized. If you’re an assassin you’ll probably want to convince everyone you’re not, so they don’t kill you. Likewise, you can pretend to be an Assassin or ANBU if you'd like, but then you would become an instant target.
3.   'Day' voting will be done in the thread.
4.   Use the thread, shoutbox, or inbox messages as your resources. Try to survive.
5.    If you are an assassin and you are killed. Do not reveal the other assassins out of spite. If the assassins win, you still win too. This rule doesnt apply to the Shinobi.
6.    Roles will be randomly assigned using Don't ask for a role.

1. Xendrus...
2. json243
3. Kai
4. mikansen
5. Mars
6. joca94

Shinobi Life Online Access Sweepstakes

Shinobi Life Online is rapidly changing and new updates are always being added to the game. If you don’t have the money to donate to the game you still have a chance to win 5 days of access to the game just by being active on the forum! As new updates come for the game you’ll want to check em out, so here’s how you can be a part of the action.

1.   Have an active account on the forum.
2.   Log in and complete at least 15 quality posts by weeks end.
3.   All qualifying members will entered into a random drawing.
4.   The winner will be announced in the Access Giveaway Thread, and from the time of the announcement, they will be given access to
Shinobi Life Online’s closed testing server.


Quality Post: This means either create a thread that can (or will) get responses from other forum members. Topics dont even have to be Naruto or Shinobi Life Online related. OR Respond to an existing thread with a comment that adds value to the thread. One or two word responses like “lol.” won’t be considered.

If you wait too long to claim your prize, no additional time will be added to your access key. You’ll just have to post and win again  :D

Forum Battlegrounds

We well also do forum games regularly for fun and for random prizes that will be announced at the end. For those of you who already have access to the private server we will have other prizes.  Winner's can display game badges in their signature for bragging rights. (Make sure you keep track of all of your wins. There will be a prize for most wins)

Kabuto’s Secret Assassin May 5, 2014
Anko's Forest of Death (TBD)
Shikamaru’s Shogi Challenge  (TBD)
Inuzuka Keen Sense Challenge (TBD)
Hinata's Byakugan Search (TBD)

If you win a challenge more than once put "X" and the number of times you've won next to the badge.
For example, if I win the "Forest of Death" Challenge 4 times it would look like this: X 4

Posting Sweepstakes begins as of May 1, 2014!!
Stay tuned for the Battlegrounds. Challenge will be announced and rules will be posted very soon.

Before making a suggestion, make sure you've read the Frequently Asked Questions to see if your suggestion has already been planned.
Then try using keywords and searching on the forum to see if your suggestion has already been suggested.
Only once you're sure that your suggestion has not already been planned or suggested before, you can make a post about it.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Quick Hand Seals
« on: April 01, 2014, 23:47:31 »
So we were talking about how, at higher levels, you would be able to shorten the justu hand seals but we ran into the conflict of justsus that have similar starts clashing.

Scenario: You know 2 different 6 seal jutsus, both start with the same 3 seals and differ for the rest.
Lets say  Level 3 Chidori: HOIJUK
Level 3 Lightning Storm AOE: HOIMIM

Shortening to the first 3 hand seals doesnt work. So here's an idea; Lets say you do the first 3 seals. From there you have a few options. If you have several 6 seal level 3 jutsus, they would be numbered. IE: Instead of HOIJUK, you would press HOI2 and it would automatically complete the Chidori hand seal chain. Would that work?

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Traps
« on: February 10, 2014, 19:02:35 »
This in turn will probably create more tactical gameplay which includes traps...
He just brought up an interesting question... traps... how are those going to work?
Example: Lets say I want to string a trip wire among some trees that triggers a bunch of exploding tags. Would I be able to do that? Would my trap have a time limit before it expired, or would it stay there forever until triggered (even by some other poor unfortunate person who walks across it and explodes).
If it does stay... do i get experience from the kill even if half way across the planet? Does this add to my kill count (im pretty sure there will be one since there's going to be a bingo book for missing nin)

Games / Fun Run!
« on: January 22, 2014, 22:51:25 »
Trying to kill some time. Its basically a racing game similar to Mario Kart. As you race to the finish line, you collect powers that allow you to speed up, cut your opponents head off, shock everyone with lightning, throw saw blades and more!

Download the game from your app store and play with me! If you're already on, add me: jelaniws

If you do join, add your screen name here in this thread so we can organize games

Games / cfazt elkbgosw (Fat elbows)
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:58:10 »
So yeah that was a crappy turn out. Name of the game is Fat elbows. The way to play is for you to spell out your screen name using only you elbows.

NO CHEATING! Lets see how good ya are.

For you kids at libraries, try not to get caught. You'll look stupid and probably get thrown out lol


hali9,lksa (Halika)

Not bad, lol you try  :D

General Discussion / What do ya think?
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:50:03 »
I know we all have a common goal here and thats to see this game get off the ground.
There are so many dead projects out there and a wealth of potential and I think it'd be a good idea to tap into some of it, so I'll be to-the-point.

is a video I found a couple weeks ago of another project (dead), but they made a lot of progress as far as the village and what not. Now granted, theres is a GTA San Andreas mod, and I'm far from a game producer, so I dont know what it'd be worth, but if its usable, I think it's worth trying to contact them.

I did some digging around and I found the information of all of the modelers that had their hand in that old project. Even though this project ended a while ago (roughly about a year), I ran into a model one of them made just recently (about 2-3 months ago)

titled "I'm back"

before I do it, I wanted to know should I reach out to them and try to bring them to this project, and also if what they have done would be of any use to Shinobi Life Online.

BTW, i think they might speak like... Portuguese or something. So there may be a bit of a language barrier

What do you guys think? Vreg and Ritsuko more specifically, but I kinda want to know what everyone thinks... is this Shinobi Life Online standards?

Naruto Fanworks / Halika's Naruto Fanfic
« on: November 02, 2013, 04:23:57 »

It's gotten to a point where l amost expected now. The most trivial thing becomes a full fledged argument... every day. Yesterday it was a shouting match over taking out trash. Today she's upset about her day at the Academy. Tomorrow I'm sure it'll be something else. She's intentionally trying to drive me away. But I've known her since we were five. I can read her better than any book and I refuse to let her go. The real problem is that she's always wanted a child. I'd give anything to make that happen if I could. But she knows its impossible.. so she argues.

"Are you even listening to me?" She says with a sharp tone.

 I watch her for a few seconds in silence. She glares at me with her hands propped angrily on her hips, awaiting my answer. Even when she's upset she's so beautiful. 5'6, long, brown cascading hair, dark green eyes, a slender shape and a few freckles that almost look deliberately placed.

"Well?!" She barked.

"Mina, I have to go. We'll have to finish this up later or else I'll be late.. Im sorry. I love you." And out the door I go before she starts up again. She throws her hands up in a fit of anger and screams as I shut the door behind me.

 I'm due for a mission briefing at the Hokage's Office, and the last time I was late my pay was docked (another argument).

"Mizuri Yamaguro, you are to accompany Squad 6 on this mission. Rank C. You will be escorting a dignitary from the Land of Rice to the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls. Estimated time of completion will be 120 hours. Please report back here upon completion. Understood?"

"Yes, Hokage". I replied.

"Good. You have one hour before departure. Dismissed."

Just another day. We set off on our mission and completed it successfully. Even returned with a half a day to spare. After reporting our return, I headed to the local bar for drinks  then stumbled home.

As I fumbled for my keys I could hear my wife upstairs. Thankfully she seemed to be in a great mood. I smiled.. "She's happy". I walked up the stairs and headed to the bedroom.

"Mina." I called out to her "I'm home.". A series of rustles and footsteps from the room followed my statement, but no response.
"Mina?" I beckoned again as I opened the door. She sat there, naked with a remorseful expression being careful not to eye the open window. I already knew. But why... why would she do this to me?

I blacked out. And when i came to, I was over top of her repeatedly bashing her until she was unrecognizable. Blood spatters decorated all corners of the room, complete with a pool that stained the floor. I just murdered my wife....

Shinobi Life Online Character / Tsume Inuzuka
« on: September 29, 2013, 18:16:46 »
Name: Tsume Inuzuka
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Weight: 73 lbs
Hairstyle: spiky pony tail
Hair color: brown
Eye color: black
Blood type: B+
Primary chakra nature: none yet
Village: Konohagakure
Clan: Inuzuka
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality: Tsume is quick tempered. Easily one of the most hotheaded amongst her siblings. She learns as a pretty average pace but doesnt like to be reminded of it. She's very friendly though. As long as you dont push any of her buttons she's the coolest ninja you'll ever meet. Problem is she has a lot of buttons

Games / Roleplay. Lego!
« on: September 29, 2013, 18:01:50 »
- If you havent already, go make a character sheet so we have an idea what your character looks and acts like
- No meta-gaming. If your character would not normally know something, dont act like you do.
- be imaginative. Dont just say you do something. Describe how you did it
- You can NOT kill anybody without their consent.
- if you need to say something Out of Character, but "OOC" So its known that youre not speaking from you character's perspective
I'll add more rules as they pop up.. for now lets just get this thing going.

Games / Second Shinobi Life Online Contest [CLOSED]
« on: September 26, 2013, 20:46:14 »
So to get this forum moving, I'm offering a series of contests!
Prize being me sketching your OC for you. Check out my portfolio

Scavenger Hunt
Congrats man. I seriously enjoyed your ENTIRE list. This was damn near exactly what I was looking for..

ALL entries were EPIC. Thank you all for participating! Biz, please send me a picture, or an extremely detailed description of your OC and I'll have em sketched out for you ASAP!

Contest 1: M4R1us!
Contest 2: Justforbusiness

General Discussion / SO MANY GUESTS!
« on: September 25, 2013, 22:52:45 »
Way too many guests and not enough members on the forum!
We gotta wake this site up so people will wanna sign up and talk
All this peeping is just creepy

Naruto Fanworks / Some of my art
« on: September 24, 2013, 23:52:24 »
Here's some of my art! What do ya think?


EternalEyes colored one of the pics I made. I LOVE it, so Im just posting a link to it. :)

If you havent guessed by now I think konoichis are cool. They get dogged out in most animes, but hey.. what can you say.

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