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Topics - jawillia1987

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Shinobi Life Online Clans / The Kuroi Clan
« on: August 05, 2015, 20:08:02 »

Leaders: Jorrez Kuroi
Affiliation: Originally from the Hidden Metal Village (Kuroi clan members are pushed to spread to other villages)

Clan history:
The Kuroi Clan at a young age must go through the Kurli-mist ritual. Since members are born with a considerable amount of chakra that has the potential of running out of control; during this ritual the heads of the clan place a seal which looks like a tattoo on the body of the member where their chakra is most concentrated. After time the tattoo/seal is concentrated with chakra and grows which soon looks like an "eye" which it is referred to as the third Eye.

The Kuroi Clan once known in history as a formidable clan outside of the Hidden Metal village. These members were very useful and skilled in battle when it came to acquiring intel from enemies and using enemies genjutsu against themselves. Some members would use the "Capturing Eye" technique on opponents which would place an invisible, almost undetectable Kuroi Eye over the opponent's eyes. This allowed the user to see what there opponents would see and bring back information to their superiors. Other users would become skilled enough that when opponents would use their genjutsu, they could locate them immediately and/or attack just as instantly.

After this time of war, the Kuroi clan had one member by the name of Tesen Kuroi who thought of the clan to be able to reach higher positions and capable of positioning the clan at the top of all clans. Tesen was able to persuade higher clan members to move toward this goal. The clan as a whole began experimenting and mixing with other clans in secret in order to gain Kekkai Genkai and other rare abilities for the clan. Later, Tesen's son Temoko began experimenting on clan members to removing the seal which caused the person to explode with enough energy to take out towns and cities. Realizing this was unsuccessful, he began taking the Kuroi eye from one member and adding it to another. He found that the person who received the additional "eye" would gain additional sight and power of the other, however the chakra would continue to go out of control as the body was unable to handle the amount of chakra. Temoko began experimenting on adding the "eye" to shinobi from other villages and found that some shinobi from the Village of Shock Waves were capable of holding in the amount of chakra due to their affinity to the Explosion Release techniques. This began a war against the Hidden Metal Village from other lands and eventually the Kuroi Clan's numbers were diminished and they spread to neighboring lands. Temoko himself was able to put up a good fight having experimented on himself; giving himself cells of Metal Village shinobi and two other Kuroi Eyes implanted on his body.

Current Day:
Currently the clan is spread throughout the lands; however keeps in contact in order to pursue the clans goals. Clan members future goals are kept track by the top clan leaders to make sure members are excelling to high positions. The Kurli-mist ritual continues; however, experimenting on clan members has been "formally" outlawed.

Kuroi plans: Looking for all members to excel and reach high levels within all villages for the clan's own benefits

Unique traits:
Due to their history of experimenting on their own clan members and mixing with other clans in order to acquire different abilities and Kekkai Genkai, this clan does not have any defining characteristics besides the Kuroi Eye which is kept hidden under clothing or genjutsu.

Most clan members are able to pick up on Genjutsu techniques quicker and easier than the average person, and when really focused on learning Genjutsu have no problems getting to mastery level within the art. Also, using other techniques that require a large amount of chakra for a certain period of time.

Weaknesses: Attacking the Kuroi Eye disables the member for a period of time and disrupts their chakra; for that reason members always hide the eye under clothing or within a Genjutsu. Members also generally shy away from Taijutsu as it makes it easier for their opponent to sometimes directly attack the eye by accident.

Special Clan Techniques:
-"Catching Eye":  user places an invisible eye over the target allowing the caster to see what the target sees
-"Overwhelming Sight": when user is placed under a genjutsu, user can immediately detect it, also locate and target the caster immediately
-"Kuroi Seal Chakra Release" : user releases stored chakra increasing damage (can be stacked three times), however after effect is done, user needs to recover
-Forbidden: "Kuroi Seal Full Break" : after "Kuroi Seal Chakra Release" has been stacked three times, user fully breaks the seal of the Kuroi Eye becoming a massive explosion

Rival clans: (None yet)

Allied clans: Hazo-Ryu Clan

jawillia1987 - Jorrez Kuroi (Leader)

1. Members are to look and achieve high office positions with villages
2. Members are to keep the location of their "personal eye" secretive
3. Any member found to be rogue, will be eliminated by the clan personally
4. Forbidden: Removal of one's own "personal eye" or Eye's seal
5. Forbidden: Gaining another member's "personal eye"

To join use this layout:
Chakra Nature(s):
Chakra Mix:
Specialization(Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.):
Best Technique:

Didn't see this topic, sorry if it has already been posted.

I thought that like the anime, there should be test to make it to each of the separate classifications.
Originally, everyone starts as an academy student. As an academy student you decide where you want your stats to be focused - taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu, intelligence, might, chakra, health, etc.

In order to become the following:

Genin (Users can take this test any time) - 1. Be an academy student, 2. Pass two of four test - a. Release genjutsu (Base genjustu of 1), b. Perform basic clone jutsu (Base ninjutsu of 1), c. defeat easy instructor in hand-to-hand combat (Base taijutsu of 1), or d. written exam where user answers questions on base jutsu and other knowledge

Chunnin (User can take this test twice a month, but they are set to like the first and 15th of the month, must be chunnin level) - 1. Written Test - Ibiki's test - a. all members of the team must get the ten answers without being catch five times b. certain kekkai genkai allow an edge for example byakugan for one member allow you to see answers but u may need someone to have a puppet jutsu or mind transfer to get the answers to other members, or members with high intelligence can pass by themselves 2. Survival Test - Must fight other teams to get the two scrolls and bring to a certain location within a time limit, no one knows what scrolls each team has 3. Solo battle - randomly selected battles between users, winners become chunnin

Jounin (Can be applied for once per month, must be chunnin level) - 1. The requirements change every month; one month user must have completed 50 missions, another month user must have a genjutsu skill of 25, or maybe have two chakra natures for example, and could be a combination of many different requirements

Kage (can be applied for once per month, must be jounin level) - 1. Must have been a clan, faction, or department (i.e. hospital, research and development, security, etc.) leader for at least a month 2. Must have completed a certain set of S-rank missions 3. Must defeat other applicants 4. Must defeat current kage in a battle

Shinobi Life Online Character / Leven Douzo
« on: June 30, 2015, 15:27:13 »
Name: Douzo
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Height: 1.85 meters
Weight: 205
Hairstyle: Bald
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: AB
Primary chakra nature: Lighting
Village: Thunder Village
Clan: Leven
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of character's personality: Serious natured and well mannered. Douzo

Shinobi Life Online Character / Heneti Roboko
« on: June 29, 2015, 22:22:48 »
Name: Heneti Roboko
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 180
Hairstyle: Ponytail
Facial hair: Little Mustache
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: A
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Thunder Village
Clan: Heneti
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the Character's personality: Carefree at times, lazy. Roboko becomes skilled in genjutsu specifically getting information from almost any opponent's head and many times without them realizing it. Using this technique he likes to confuse his opponents and later use their own jutsu against them. Also using this technique he has been able to pick up simple wind blade techniques that he likes and remembers therefore he can use them in battle. He is also able to use earth style jutsus but does not reach to excel past mediocre training til later in life. Currently he is pursuing using his genjustu abilities to gain favor into the Interrogation Force and later the Kage's guard.

Description of the character's history: Born into the Heneti Clan, Roboko has inherited the clan's ability read others thoughts. His father, Robu, taught him this genjutsu early not realizing that it would make Roboko lazy in his studies and he would later use it cheat through school. This cheating comes to a haul when he is suspected and his father is asked teach one of the classes. At first, Roboko does not care to take the clan's kekkai genkai training much further than basic telepathy. Roboko befriends Jorrez at a young age, but later finds it disturbing that his father seems to show more interest in Jorrez rather than his own, even though he brushed his father aside. Roboko is currently part of a squad with Abanaki Chiniha and Jorrez which was under the leadership of Douzo but has recently switched to under Remik's leadership.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Abanaki Chiniha
« on: June 29, 2015, 21:01:23 »
Name: Chiniha
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 1.6 meters
Weight: 140
Hairstyle: Long Braids
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: O
Primary chakra nature: Lighting
Village: Thunder Village
Clan: Abanaki
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality: Serious natured individual and mean when things do not go her way. Her attitude after failing the second test during the chunnin exams (which she blames on her teammates being unskilled) put her in a team with Jorrez and Roboko. Chiniha is very gifted at medical ninjutsu and capable of summoning large eagles. She is fully capable of using sealing techniques and some lighting style techniques. During the war, she is interested in joining the fight but is told by the Kage himself to stay within the village as she will become an important figure and to help the hospital aid in the injured. After the war, she hears of some of the great Medics' feats, and is even more upset that she was unable to show her true ability. Later, she does learn and invent ways of using sealing jutsus to aid in medical ninjutsu.

Description of the character's history: After the Abanaki Clan went into hiding, it is unknown how the Thunder village came to the inhabitants of certain members for example Chiniha's parents. At a young age, Chiniha showed great aptitude for medical ninjitsu when she found an injured bird and one of the Kage's guards, Semenee, showed her how to nurse it back to life. This aided Chiniha in later forming a summoning contract with the great eagles. Chiniha is currently part of a squad with Jorrez and Roboko which was under the leadership of Douzo but has recently switched to under Remik's leadership.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Jorrez Kuroi
« on: June 29, 2015, 19:09:04 »
Name: Jorrez Kuroi
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 1.9 meters
Weight: 210
Hairstyle: Wild
Facial hair: None
Hair color: White
Eye color: White
Blood type: A
Primary chakra nature: Lighting
Village: Thunder Village
Clan: Kuroi
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality: Serious natured individual, Jorrez excels at ninjitsu and genjutsu techniques and currently is pursuing learning the Black Lighting technique in order to become one of the Kage's guards. Previously has been taught by Douzo and was seen to have great potential. By himself, Jorrez was able to learn how to activate his Kuroi "Eye" in order to pick up on enemy genjutsu and reflect the attack back. After the great shinobi war where we witnessed a medic defend himself using the "Chakra Scalpel" technique to disable his opponent, he has been work on this skill in order to keep his opponents at bay as Taijutsu is not his best. He is capable of one or two Taijutsu techniques however often not effective against stronger opponents for a long period of time.

Description of the character's history: Jorrez's mother, Zien, is a native of the village hidden in the thunder. Jorrez's father was obviously from an important Clan but captured after seen as betraying the his village by falling in love with someone from a different village (he is presumed dead by the Thunder village). Being that Jorrez was held as a secret within the village once he was born, for fear the Metal Village would try to capture him as well; he was watched carefully by Roboko's father, Robu, who became somewhat of a father to him and started mentoring him into becoming a shinobi. Jorrez is currently part of a squad with Abanaki Chiniha and Roboko which was under the leadership of Douzo but has recently switched to under Remik's leadership.

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