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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Dev Blog – March 8th 2017

Greetings gentles and welcome to a very special edition of the dev blog, featuring *actual development*! My name is Whatasnipe, and I'll be your fearless captain this evening as we embark on this exciting journey together! There isn't a whole lot of new news, because this Dev Blog is to update you on progress pertaining to things that have already been shown, however there are definitely some new things worth mentioning. To start things off, we've found two new team members. Make sure to toss your welcomes at Daniel in programming and Marci on webdesign when you get the chance! Marci is going to be working on a fresh new website to attract more attention and keep us looking professional. Daniel has been working on a building creation tool using our building kits for the community, meaning you'll be able to design buildings in the editor, and also actively help development as part of the community!


You can always count on Matt to be cranking out the goods here in the texturing department, so finally the long awaited Hidden Hill Village has been  assembled and is more or less just pending the implementation process. For now Matt is working on some smaller. Stay tuned, enjoy some of his more recent work, and remember to tip your local texture artist/village builder.


Darren and Matt L. have been putting a lot of time into the trailer over the last little while, ironing out all of the details and really stringing together different ideas so that they can start finalization. The trailer has really taken shape in the last couple of iterations, coming closer and closer to the final product. I suspect the next few weeks will be incredibly fruitful in terms of progress on this front. This also means that the new character model is getting close to deployment as well, and is only undergoing a couple more finishing touches to meet the SLO Brand of excellency.

Concept Art

Aaron has been helping with the trailer for the time being, working on some different shots and creating some stills so that we have a clear direction for the final product, and we can really reflect the lore decisions while having some artistic flair to go with it.


As you know the long awaited Kenjutsu update is finally here! Available first to chuunin donator + for testing, however will be available to the general public soon after. Our new Kenjutsu system allows you to use a Katana to cut down those who oppose you with a quick strike! Although it does less damage than being impaled by a fist full of lightning, it features damage based on your running speed at the moment of impact, as well as a dash that pushes you forward as you slash at your foes! This is the first time we've been able to murder our friends and enemies without the use of hand signs and fancy jutsu, truly a time to be alive! Get in on the swordplay as soon as possible, because as the Kenjutsu system evolves you'll be able to sharpen your wits and really be on the cutting edge of the SLO combat meta. (Not apologizing for the terrible puns). Vreg will be improving our Kenjutsu system as we go so remember that this is an early version, a foundation if you will, for what's to come. This means that all bugs caused by the implementation of Kenjutsu will be fixed shortly, and we appreciate everyone taking the time to report them.

That's it for the 8th installation of our Development Blog, keep your eyes peeled as the updates start rolling out, and as always check out or social media, discord server and the shoutbox for more frequent updates!

SLO General History Lore Poll

Hello everyone! It's your fourth favorite green name Whatasnipe, bringing you something exciting while you countdown the hours to the next update. Malix and I (Mostly Malix to be fair) have been coming up with some different general lore ideas over the last little while. The team has decided to get an opinion from the community as to which idea we should stick with. So take a little looksie through what we've got and cast 2 votes to directly influence which idea's we'll be going off of. Some of them will have a more detailed description to tie things together like a story, and some others won't. It's heavily encouraged you read all of them before casting your vote. Cheers!

General History Lore Candidate #1 - Breaking Bonds

Main Points
  • Land was once contained in a shogunate type empire that was centered in what would eventually be the Hidden Hill.
  • First shinobi would be those who had high, and uncontrollable amounts of chakra, forced into servitude for the Shogun.
  • These slave shinobi were forced to train themselves purely for combat for the remainder of their lives.
  • As they advanced in their training they discovered ninjutsu/genjutsu, chakra affinities and eventually kekkai genkai. The Shogun used them to dominate their enemies and eventually rule the continent.
  • Shinobi were now allowed to have families in order to keep their kekkai genkai from dying out. Clans were formed.
  • Clans eventually revolt and overthrow the Shogun eliminating all remaining authority figures.
  • Each clan goes their separate way and eventually form the different hidden villages. Those without clans remain behind and create the Hidden Hill.

Detailed Breakdown:
Spoiler: show
The shinobi world was once controlled by numerous different factions and neutral inhabitants. This early in time chakra was known and used by those who trained as samurai however the shinobi profession did not exist. These samurai used chakra strictly as a body strengthening tool and nothing more. No modern forms of ninjutsu or genjutsu were known as the samurai devoted their training to swordplay and not to advancing chakra abilities.

The most dominant force in the land was an empire governed by a single shogun. This empire was centered in the area that now contains the Hidden Hill. This empire sought to expand their control to the entire continent using their armies of samurai.

Inhabitants of the region lived normal lives for the most part however every now and then some would be born with very high innate levels of chakra. These usually manifested themselves in uncontrollable ways which led to wide scale destruction in the areas they were in. Fear and panic would follow as little was known about chakra at the time and these people posed threats to all. So the Shogun ordered that all who showed signs of high levels of chakra be detained and imprisoned. Some were captured early, others ran and had to be hunted down, and some even turned themselves in but all were caught and imprisoned in the center of the empire.

Rather than leaving them to rot or simply executing them the Shogun envisioned a use for these people. They were isolated in a large complex in the countryside and told to train themselves to control their abilities. No samurai would train outcast souls like this so instead they were forced to learn subterfuge and guerrilla warfare tactics. Thus the first shinobi were born.

Years past like this and the shinobi progressed. They were not allowed to leave the complex. Not allowed families, ambitions, goals, or anything resembling a normal life. They lived and died as prisoners from the day they were caught to the day they died. However this forced method of training produced great results. Unlike the samurai they were told to completely master and control their chakra. Those who progressed well would teach those after them and thus the lessons were past on.

Soon the first forms of ninjutsu and genjutsu were discovered as well as chakra affinities and eventually second affinities. These discoveries they melded into their combat tactics making them their own. Samurai would continue to dismiss these new ways as inefficient in regular front line combat, leaving the shinobi with a very unique role in the shogunate. The first squad was sent out to deal with a group of rogue samurai who had deserted the empire and were attacking caravans in the hills. The regular army was having difficulty tracking them down. The group of four senior shinobi were dispatched with low expectations. Many felt that their abilities were more suited as parlor tricks than actual combat maneuvers. Still these shinobi were expendable and so they could send endless waves of them at the enemy if the need arised. When the shinobi returned much earlier than expected, having wiped out the enemy forces with little difficulty, it changed the way the empire would do combat forever.

Shinobi battle squads were formed and sent out for a variety of missions after that. With each mission the samurai of the empire would lose more and more of their value. Shinobi were proving unstoppable in small scale battles. They also took no income and were completely expendable so the Shogun saw less and less use for regular samurai. The empire’s borders expanded greatly, its enemies having no way to compete with the shinobi forces.

When the first among the shinobi unlocked kenkai genkais things changed again for the empire. The Shogun recognized the uniqueness and strength of these powers and he did not want to lose them when the shinobi died. So after much deliberation it was decided that these shinobi would be elevated above the rest. Allowed to move out of the shinobi complex and have families. As expected the children of these shinobi would prove to also have the same abilities of the parent. The first shinobi clans were formed.

The Shogun pit these clans against eachother. Giving praise, honor and rewards to those who completely their missions the most efficiently. The clans struggled desperately to gain whatever rewards they could. Despite the elevation shinobi were still considered lower than common citizens. Their children were born and raised as shinobi and would live and die in service to the empire in the same fashion as their parents. This would prove to be a sore spot for the shinobi. Where once they were all individuals that struggled together with others who were captured, now their own children were born into this way of life. Children who would never experience freedom or own their own lives. It was a fact that did not sit well in their minds.

In regards to the expansion, the clans made short work of whatever remaining opposition the empire had. The Shogun now controlled the entire continent, all bowed to his will. However instead of bringing peace to the land this only sparked infighting between the high nobles of the empire. They demanded access to the shinobi clans and pitted them against eachother in their own personal vendettas. The Shogun allowed the practice as it not only pleased his supporters but kept the shinobi active and sharp while the rivalries between the clans would prevent any from joining together in revolt.

This was the theory at least. It did not stop the clan leaders from one day meeting in secret. They discussed their future as shinobi, and that of their children. They agreed that they could just sit by and let their children live their entire lives never knowing freedom. The Shogun relied too heavily on his free source of military strength to ever allow things to change. The only option remaining to them was a planned coup. Thus the shinobi set to work making arrangements. Eventually the day came, and over the course of one night every shinobi in the empire rose in unison as they overthrew the Shogunate. There was little resistance, shinobi were too deeply entrenched into the empire’s defenses. Many noble families employed only shinobi to defend them. These were all wiped out without mercy. The Shogun and his family itself were assassinated in the same night. By morning not a single remaining official of the Shogunate was left alive. The work was bloody and the shinobi took no chances. Never again would they succumb to a life of slavery.

The days following the mission were full of confusion and panic. The common people did not know what to make of the sudden change in power. Some feared the shinobi and ran away with their families while others stayed and submitted themselves to shinobi rule. The clans however had a hard time adjusting. Many still felt resentment not only to the common people but to the other shinobi clans. Old rivalries would not be so easily dismissed. Instead the clans split and went separate. Each making a home in what would eventually become the different Hidden Villages. Those shinobi who had no clans remained in the area where the Shogun was and eventually formed the Hidden Hill. Each village has their own unique story to the trials they faced as they formed their village.

General History Lore Candidate #2 - Sacred Grounds

Main Points
  • No regional borders or governing force exist. Land is made up of independent shinobi clans and neutral villages.
  • A single day of continuous earthquakes changed life for everyone. The landscape was vastly changed overnight, new rivers, valleys, lakes, and mountain ranges forced people to start brand new settlements.
  • With the change in the land came the discovery of new high density chakra areas, the existence of which caused a continent-wide effect as shinobi discovered that they could absorb the chakra to boost their abilities.
  • These areas also enjoyed an abundance of resources, water, vegetation, fertile soil, nearby ore and wood. Combined with the chakra source they made ideal candidates for settlements.
  • Clans began fighting over the areas. Some look to destroy their rivals while others formed alliances. Some had to fight off rogue bandits, samurai, chakra beasts, or other obstacles.
  • The result of this would be established settlements in the form of the hidden villages.
  • Each village has a unique story as to how they secured the land to form their village.
  • What truly formed these chakra lands and how they were were connected becomes a subject of research for people throughout the land

Detailed Breakdown:
Spoiler: show
The history of the land goes back to a time where no major regions or countries existed and instead the land was filled with independent villages and shinobi clans. The shinobi were hired to protect the villages from bandit groups and other rogue shinobi but for the most part there was peace across the land.

This changed when the continent was hit with a series of earthquakes. They went on continuously for days having devastating effects. Rivers dried up, hills were ripped apart and whole valleys sunk into themselves. Many of the settlements were left in tatters, their source of water or resources taken from them. These people were forced to set out in search of new areas in which to start over. This invited a lot of turmoil as clans and villages fought amongst eachother for suitable locations to inhabit.

One day a piece of land was discovered that seemed to flourish much more than those around it. The grass was greener, the soil fertile, plenty of wood and water was nearby, the location seemed ideal for a community. This wasn’t what excited people though. The land itself exuded a pure form of chakra. It seeped from every living plant and animal, filling the air. When breathed in it seemed the chakra had a natural regenerative effect on people. They felt less tired and wounds and broken bones healed faster. Perfect as a defensive location. Rumours of this area would spread and soon more clans would spread out searching for similar “chakra lands”.

They were found all over the continent, some in obscure places that would normally not be suitable for life (land of inferno). However they would not prove easy to secure. Numerous clans would fight over the rights to these lands, sparking long, bloody feuds between them. Eventually one by one these lands would be claimed though and thus the Hidden Villages were formed.

Studies were done into the cause of the chakra emission. Clans hoped to reproduce the effect and use it to their benefit but few no concrete results were found. None of the Hidden Villages would be willing to share the knowledge they gained and thus it made progress move at a crawl. There are those who have grown worried over the presence of the lands. Living creatures can only hold so much chakra before having to rest and recover but these lands never stop releasing their healing chakra. The question is raised as to what is powering it and at what cost?

General History Lore Candidate #3 - Gifted Abilities

Main Points
  • Land is filled with numerous shinobi clans each vying for dominance in their respective regions.
  • No Kekkai Genkai existed at first, until one day different clans around the continent were met by the same man.
  • A cloaked figure, visited each clan leader and offered to unleash their hidden power at no immediate cost.
  • Most clans took the offer and immediately began carving out a region for themselves, eventually forming the Hidden Villages.
  • Wars broke out between the Villages, forming rivalries that have lasted to present day.
  • The Hidden Hill is the only exception to the other clans. Unlike the others their clan leader refused to take the help of some stranger, fearing future repercussions, and sent him away. Instead they went into seclusion, training themselves until the inevitable day that the other Villages would come to their land to claim it.
  • When the time came that the first approached them, they met them not with kekkai genkais but a third chakra affinity. Something never seen before.
  • The Hidden Hill clan took this opportunity to secure themselves in the region, and soon other clans joined them, many of which fleeing from clans with kekkai genkai. Hidden Hill would prove to be a haven for these shinobi refugees.
  • Meanwhile generations later rumours of the cloaked figure have return, he had not been seen since the first day he met the clans. Demands were being made by him in return for the power he’s granted the clans and the villages must now choose how to deal with them.

Detailed Breakdown:
Spoiler: show
Shinobi clans have been fighting eachother for dominance for generations. As one clan is eliminated, other new ones sprout up to replace them. It seemed unlikely that there would ever be an end to the bloodshed. That is until one day when various clans around the continent were each met by a mysterious cloaked figure. The man met with each clan leader, sometimes welcomed other times forcefully, and offered the leaders an opportunity to reach new unheard of heights of power. In return he only asked that they grant him a simple favour some time in the future once they’ve established themselves as a dominant force in the land.

Most clans were weary of the man but eventually came to accept his offer. The power he bestoyed on them would be that of the Genkai Kekkai. These new found abilities helped the clans wipe out their opposition and claim whole regions for themselves. The Hidden Villages would form from these. One village in every section of the world, having complete dominance over the lesser clans in the area. As the clans expanded out further, wars broke out and each Hidden Village refused to give way to another. Each claimed a right to dominate and so these wars would go on for generations, rivalries forming that would last even to present day.

The single exception to this would be the Hidden Hill area. The clan there rejected the cloaked figure of his offer and sent him away. Upon hearing the news that other clans had received the gift of Kekkai Genkais, the clan chose to go into seclusion to devote themselves to training. There they stayed for years until the day arrived when the shinobi from a neighbouring Hidden Village arrived to claim their land. It was then they Hidden Hill shinobi emerged to meet their would-be conquerors. To the surprise of their attackers they met them not with Kekkai Genkais but with a third unleashed chakra affinity. The shock of it was enough to give them the advantage and force the attackers back into retreat. News of this revoked attack spread across the land and soon other clanless shinobi flocked to the area to join this clan. The Hidden Hill Village was formed in earnest from then on.

Years past and the villages secured their boundaries. It was around this time that rumours emerged that the clans were being visited by a familiar cloaked figure. One who had not been seen in years, not since the first day Kekkai Genkai were introduced. The rumours say that he was asking for his payment now. A payment that would change the course of the land.

General History Lore Candidate #4 - Uprising

Main Points
  • Chakra users live in secrecy among the common folk, who see shinobi as inhuman and a threat to their way of life
  • As kekkei genkai appear in certain shinobi, it becomes harder to hide
  • Shinobi band together in what would become the hidden hill village and strike back against their oppressors, sparking a revolution all across the nation.
  • Shinobi take the large settlements with powerful chakra based techniques and guerilla warfare tactics passed around through their hidden communities
  • The 11 main settlements are renamed as 'hidden villages' to commemorate the shinobi's victory
  • In different areas, some shinobi allied with the pre-existing samurai forces, swapping techniques and merging armies, while some of the new shinobi leaders disagree with these alliances, as these disagreements get more and more aggressive war breaks out
  • Generations pass and although the bloodshed has died down the conflict is still present as villages fight over resources and territory. Ambushing other villages, hijacking trade routes and taking territory by force are common place for this age of Shinobi.

Dev Blog – December 8th 2016

Hey guys, what it do? It's ya boy Whatasnipe here with another large development pizza fresh out of the oven! I know it looks like things have been going slow lately, but I assure you that is not the case. Behind the scenes at Vreg Headquarters the team has been cooking up some insane new gameplay elements that I know you guys are going to love. But I'm not going to spoil it all in the opener, so let's kick it off ladies and gents!


As always Matt has been pushing out a steady stream of content over the last month. Our change to Modularity (as mentioned in the last Dev Blog) has increased performance and the rate at which buildings can be created, as predicted. Matt is working on assembling the village, while always keeping in mind different interesting ways to traverse it. We've taken on another team member with experience in Level Design to help Matt put the village together as well as keep the Hidden Hill exciting to maneuver around. We've also started reusing our Twitch channel to show building progress live as he assembles the village, with some sweet background tunes to boot. You can find the link to our Twitch channel down below. Aside from the buildings, Matt has also been working on a slew of other little tidbits that all have their own place and importance in the game. Most notable of these items are the new weapons that we'll be seeing in the near future! That's right, if you haven't already heard, Kenjutsu is coming to an SLO near you!


Great news in the Modelling and Animation department, Rafael is back and there are no more army issues! He will be back to modelling certain objects that we still need or making new pieces for our modular building kits. As you've probably heard from the last Dev Blog, Darren and Matt L. have been working on the cinematic trailer with help from Aaron. Aaron's been swamped with school but he's helping more in this department than concept art currently, creating concepts for the modelling and animation guys to use as reference in their work. They've also been working on the new model's animation rig so that everything looks natural and realistic for both the trailer and the game. The rig will be worked on and improved as we go, and we're creating all of the animations necessary for our near future plans.


As far as Music goes, our boy Rustam gave us the hookup. Have a look at this new track he whipped up, but fair warning, you may want to have a seat because it's spicy.


Since the last Dev Blog, Vreg has found a job so that he can spend more time on SLO while still being able to support himself. This means that we can now finally work on some big changes that will shape the future of SLO and push us closer to our goals. The first of these changes being Kenjutsu and a brand new movement system. Kenjutsu is still in an early WIP state and is subject to change and guaranteed to improve in the future. But we've definitely got some exciting plans currently for it. With Kenjutsu you'll be able to perform multi directional attacks and blocks on your enemies, creating a very fast and reactive gameplay environment. The position of your scabbard will also be changeable, giving a minor element of customization to spice up your look. This coupled with our new camera based movement system as well as our kickback/recoil system will change the way SLO, as you know it, is played. But these elements go deeper than what you see on the surface. It's not just a big change because "we can use sword nao". The creation and implementation of Kenjutsu along with the new movement system paves the way for so many great things to come in the future such as Taijutsu, Parkour, and more elaborate Ninjutsu. Keep that seat belt on boys and girls because we're not slowing down.

That concludes our 7th issue of the Dev Blog, next time you see us we'll be in 2017 so enjoy your winter holidays errybody ^^
In the mean time, check us out on our social media and in the shoutbox for more frequent updates!

Dev Blog – November 5th 2016

Hello everyone! Whatasnipe here taking over the Dev Blog for EternalEyes.  Now there's been quite the gap since the last one as I'm sure you're all aware, but the Dev Blog is back and it's here to stay! We've got plenty of interesting things to let you guys in on, but first a quick introduction to clear up the dev blog situation.

Malix: "Hey how’s it going guys? I’m Malix and I’ve been brought on to help out with the blogs as Whatasnipe’s assistant (i.e. slave). As we were both judged in the social media manager competition to have a more or less equal skill level the social media manager responsibilities have been split between us according to our skillset, with some overlap when needed.  I’ll be taking care of the SLO media outlets: Facebook, Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, etc…So look forward to seeing more regular updates there!"

Whatasnipe: For those of you who don't know me, I'm a "5th Gen" of the forum, I've created a couple videos based on SLO and I love me some Naruto. Frequently go by "Whata" or "Snipe" if you prefer. As Malix has stated we've both been taken on as SLO's Social Media Managers. My focus will mostly be around writing the dev blogs along with a few other things where Malix will be assisting me. In turn I'll also act as an assistant to Malix while he works on our Social Media outlets.

We've got plenty of interesting and exciting things to let you guys in on, so let's jump into it, shall we?


Matt has finished texturing all of the buildings for the Hidden Hill now, however problems have arisen upon implementation. Due to their nature of creation as slow, intricate buildings using plenty of individual assets, this caused big performance issues. Thus, the team has decided to move to modularity - A much faster, smoother, and better method of creating open worlds for today's standards. The change was set forward by a new member, Adil, who has experience with modularity and texturing, and has shown Matt the ropes. Now, what exactly is modularity? The change to Modularity means that Matt creates different individual parts (walls, floors, etc.) and then applies different textures to them to create a variety of different looking buildings. Think of it like puzzle pieces that can fit together in different ways. This means that not only can we create more diverse villages on a far larger scale, these villages can also be created much quicker than before! It also makes it easier for these buildings to have interiors as well (as seen in the images below). In addition, it opens up the future possibility of player base building, since the player would use the same assets and methods we do to create and decorate to their heart’s content! Of course that doesn't mean our old progress is going to waste. While Matt works on making everything modular, we're going to give you guys a smaller village in a brand new environment that Adil has started working on. You can see the map of this village down in the concept art section!


As for Modelling and Animation, Rafael has been involved in military duty, but we've recruited two new members. Matt L (Animation) and Darren (Modelling). They've been working on an in-game cinematic trailer to be used for promotion upon its completion. It's a very early work-in-progress, but some of the shots that will be used in the final trailer can be found on his channel. This means Darren is working on a new and improved model that will live up to the team's standards and be shown first in the trailer, then in the game. Matt L has also been working on some new animations for SLO in general, which you can also find on his Channel. This means that we are now creating our own animations, rather than simply relying on those from NNK. Which means that we can start tweaking the animation cycles to make sure everything is smooth, detailed, and realistic. Some of the changes we're making to the game's style can be seen in Matt L's latest videos, such as doing away with the impractical Naruto sprint, for something that still looks badass but allows the player to use their hands for jutsu or ninja tools.

Matt L's Channel:

Concept Art

Since the last Dev Blog, Aaron (EternalEyes) has finished the Hidden Snow environment piece. A harsh, secretive village in the upper-northeast area of the SLO World.
We have also decided to shift SLO's direction, design wise. Taking a step away from Naruto, and moving more toward a classic ninja theme with modern elements. This is both to further avoid copyright, as well as establish our own intellectual property (IP) and allow us the freedom to work outside of the Naruto Universe. This does not mean we're doing away with Naruto completely, and these design changes will not impact gameplay. You can see the kind of design changes we're talking about in this W.I.P Character Costume sketch - a realistic blend of traditional ninja and Japan, mixed together with modern style tactical gear. From this point on, Aaron will be working with Matt on creating the new building look, and with our animator Matt L, and modeler Darren to create key frames and character designs for the upcoming cinematic trailer.


As for Vreg, anybody who's played the current version (Pre-Alpha of the game has probably seen quite a few changes since the last dev blog.
These things include:

  • Earth Dome
  • Earth Wall
  • Aiming Mode
  • Hidden Hill Arena Implementation
  • Improved Lighting
  • Damage Numbers
  • Trees

And more!

As some of you may have heard, Vreg is getting out of school and looking for a job. This means that SLO's development will be more consistent in the very near future, rather than frequent patches of radio silence due to studies/exams. It's for this reason that there hasn't been too much going on very recently, and at other points in time during development. But fear not ladies and gentleman we're still moving and getting back on track. We just need a little more runway before we can take off.

That concludes our 6th Dev Blog, we'll be back soon so worry not my compatriots! Thank you for having me and allowing me to present this to you! Be sure to keep your eyes on the Shoutbox, our Social Media and the Discord for random tidbits of the team’s progress, as well as quality banter. Au revoir mes amis ^^

Games / Hunger Games Simulator
« on: June 30, 2016, 21:23:53 »
So as some of you saw I entered a few of you into a hunger games sim.

Will post the next results every day, starting with the first simulation some time today.
Place your bets! Remember that districts aren't teams, and there can be only one winner.

Technical Support / Ran into a problem
« on: June 28, 2016, 05:02:12 »
So I was dicking around on the server, was typing something out and a caught a chidori left hook and died from it. Right before I got up, there was an enormous lag spike that a couple other people got too. However when I came out of it, something terrible happened

Using Chidori

I've fallen outside of the map and became some fucked up kind of fleshy transformer. I pretty much just need a teleport I'm thinking though, if Vreg or any of the mods want to help me out

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Clan Suggestion
« on: June 22, 2016, 07:28:48 »
So right now, if you look at how clans work on SLO and in the Naruto universe there's a bit of discrepancy.

Let me run through some examples of just what I'm talking about.

The Nara Clan: Known for their secret shadow manipulation techniques
Inuzuka Clan: Known for their Man/Beast Jutsu
Hozuki Clan: Known for their Unique Water Style Jutsu
Iburi Clan: Known for their ability to take on the form of smoke

Clans on SLO however, currently can only share physical traits and perhaps a main chakra nature.

Now you can discover and pass along a jutsu through the lines of the clan and have a sort of makeshift hidden clan jutsu, however nothing prevents someone from a different clan or village to discover the technique the same way the original founder did, and also pass that down to his clan.

Despite this, I'm sure you all know that the dev team can't just make a jutsu for every schmuck that waltzes in and makes a clan. The further we'd go the more clan specific jutsu we'd have to make, and the more ridiculous they would get.

So I propose a system. Allow clans from each village, after reaching a certain amount of members, to apply as an "Official" Clan. Do this until we get maybe 3 official clans in each village. Official clans can choose from a list of pre-approved hidden techniques created in the Jutsu Creation topic to use in their clan. First come first serve. Members will still be able to create their own clans in the same format as we have now, they just won't be able to have an official clan specific jutsu. The Clan leaders will also be able to strictly control the people using this technique by denying applicants they don't see fit.

I can brainstorm some ideas for the Hidden Jutsu'  if the idea gets approved, but for now it's just a way I find to make clans more intuitive. As always let me know what you guys think of the idea, and if you'd prefer this system over the current system.

Introduction / Greetings!
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:59:11 »
I guess I missed the introduction forum when I let myself in, so making this is almost irrelevant now because you've probably already seen me somewhere.
Here it is anyways:
Name: Whatasnipe
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: Canadian
Living in: Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Born in: October 14th, 1997
Sports: Airsoft, Kendo
Hobbies: Vidya games
Goals in life: Be able to support myself and my girlfriend just well enough so that I can eat every day and have a good portion of that day to be unproductive
Languages: English, French
Education: Graduating 12th Grade in a couple weeks

I've been following since NaruSimu, created an account around the time of that rocky map and everyone was Kakashi, and am just recently using the forums and playing again.
So far everyone's been very nice and welcoming, so thank you to everyone in this community

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Hidden Village Symbols
« on: June 10, 2016, 16:30:40 »
Hey everybody! So it has recently come to my attention that SLO is missing symbols for the hidden villages to put on things like headbands. This is because the dev team's priority right now is on the game mechanics and content (as it should be). To get our creative juices flowing, and potentially alleviate some of the work, I've created this topic to pool together ideas for the Hidden Village's Symbols. I don't expect this to gain much traction, but I know this was something I was looking for, so maybe other people are too.




You may notice that the Inferunogakure design differs from the other two. This is because I made it a couple days before Yuki and Heizu. In the future I will probably redo the Inferuno and the rest of them with the newer style.

Would love to see what you guys can come up with!

Shinobi Life Online Character / Hikaru Kirishima
« on: June 06, 2016, 04:54:11 »
Name: Hikaru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120lb
Hairstyle: Long, pushed back in the middle for view
Facial hair: N/A
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Blood type: A+
Primary chakra nature: Fire
Hidden Village: Haigakure born, Inferunogakure Residence
Clan: Kirishima
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Hikaru (Early Teens)

Hikaru (Later Teens)

Hikaru (Post Rōguhantā)

Description of the character's personality: Hikaru can be described as sarcastic, out-going, and lighthearted by friends and clan members in the village.
Outside of the bounds of comfort and in potentially volatile situations, he takes the form of a very grim, focused and serious person.
Hikaru is a strong believer in justice, and rarely bends the rules unless absolutely necessary. His comrades and brothers are always his top priority beside
his loyalty to the clan and upstanding it's virtues. Doesn't fare well with standard educational material, but is much more intelligent than given credit for.

Description of the character's history: Hikaru was born in Haigakure, living alone with his mother. His father, a NobleBlood of the Kirishima clan rarely visited from Inferunogakure.

As a young child, Hikaru longed to be a Shinobi like his father. Whenever his father would visit, he would beg to be trained how to fight.
His father would train him lightly in Genjutsu and Ninjutsu , but both Taijutsu and Kenjutsu were the focal points. When Hikaru was 5 years old, his father bestowed upon him
his own sword, hand crafted by a master smith in Inferunogakure. It was a replica of his fathers blade, Black handle with Red Wrappings around the Tsuka. The Wrappings exposing a blood red "家族" engraving, and the Kirishima Clan Crest just above it. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. However this feeling would be short lived, as his father had to return quickly for an important assignment. Months pass and his father had not returned. In his anxious state, he got into a fight with his mother and decided to sneak off in the middle of the night. He had no initial plan of where to go, when he overheard the driver of a supply caravan say he was stopping shortly before continuing to Inferunogakure. He quickly stowed himself away, along with the only two possessions he had brought with him; The sword, and a Red scarf. He stayed hidden among the cargo for 3 days until he came out inside of the village where the caravan had stopped. He found his way to the Kirishima Clan domain, recognizing the crest. Inquiring to one of the members about his father, he discovered that he had been killed in action a few months prior. Broken, Hikaru fell to his knees. The blade laying horizontally on the ground in front of him in it's scabbard. With no way of returning home and sorrow in his heart, Hikaru was adopted by one of the RoyalBloods under the promise that he would serve the clan
until his last breath, just as his father did. Hikaru agreed, and was inducted as a Demi-Blood.

(Will be expanded further in the future)

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