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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Lore
« on: February 28, 2015, 23:28:32 »
You should make a separate topic on the forums (with maybe a directing link) for this world's lore. After that, perhaps America could post up the lore on a monthly basis or something so that new players can FINALLY understand that this world is different from Naruto's and what the lore is for each of the lands in it. We really need an easy-to-access area for the lore of this world so players can look to it for reference and information.

Games / Songs for the Soul
« on: February 26, 2015, 14:42:57 »
Just needed something to do, so I came up with this challenge. I'll start up this topic with one song I believe really evokes the emotions inside of you. Then you guys try to one-up it with songs of your own, and we'll see if we can find the "most emotional song ever". Good luck, and here's my first entry:

Remember, songs can evoke emotions with either their lyrics, tune, or both.

And here are the followups all crammed up here to keep M4 happy...

"Now, I am the master..."-Darth Vader

Quick rhyme:
Listen to it chill your vains,
Hear it,
Hear a thousand dreams of pain,
All will fall,
By their follies' end,
None will escape,
No hearts will mend....

General Discussion / My Best Story
« on: February 25, 2015, 18:20:42 »
Back in 2014, I was involved with a semi-active Minecraft RolePlay server called Selderin. The server died off in late 2014 (after having lasted for about 3 years), but the stories and the lore it left behind are (in my eyes) truly quite exceptional. The link below leads to what I believe to be my best, and most interesting work of fiction. If you end up enjoying it, I suggest you check out some of the other stories and lore posted in those (now silent) forums, or just check them out if you want a good read to blow some time upon.

Naruto Fanworks / The Yodo Chronicles
« on: February 22, 2015, 19:48:29 »
                                                                                   Chapter One: The Roadside Incident

"Hell on earth...", that's what my eldest brother had called this weather. And, being out directly in the sun, having traveled for miles nonstop, and having walked the entire way at a snail's pace, I couldn't agree more with him. This was ironic, because the times we had agreed on something were far out-weighed by the times we hadn't. Even now, we seemed to subconsciously disagree with each other. We were opposites in every way; he was cautious, I was reckless, he was calm, I was all over the place, he took the front of the caravan....and I had the misfortune of taking the ass of it. "Correction...”, I thought to myself, "...I had the GOOD FORTUNE of taking the rear, and in more ways than one would think." While he kept a close look out on what was ahead of us, I was assigned with the easy task of keeping an eye on whatever happened in the back. But to me, there was no real reason for this, as I was assigned to inspect what had already been reviewed from top to bottom (and subsequently approved) by the ever-vigilant eyes of my brother. So instead of this, I came up with my own, and in my opinion, far more lively assignments. While he was up at the forefront, I was fighting off nation-sized armies of mindless soldiers. When he was looking out for the safety of our cargo, I would be off attending to the various matters of state in the "Yodogawa no ōkoku". He was busy thinking of matters in the real world, and I was off living out my fantasies.

I'm not usually one to accept my inherent flaws, but I will say that I may, just may, have lowered my guard a little bit too much because of my...daydreams.

The most I heard was a crack and the sudden thump of the blunt weapon that struck me unconscious.

After what seemed like only a few seconds, I came to. But the face that hovered over mine threw me for a loop. She had pale skin, shortly cut black hair, and brown eyes. This was the first thing that registered in my mind; it would be shortly followed by, "...hottttttt....". My stupor was to broken by my brother's face appearing above me. The warmth that had started to swell inside of my chest was rapidly replaced by a mixed feeling of shame and fear. "You think he's okay?", stated the mysterious woman of around 17-18, "...he did take a pretty nasty blow." I felt another sudden change in my attitude when a sharp sting ran across my face. I lurched up rather suddenly, barking out, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?" "You don't have to worry about him...", stated my brother in reply to the woman's previous question, "...he's not one to be ousted so easily by a mere bludgeon." Seeing that my brother had no intention of responding to my outburst, I turned to the woman and began, "Hi there, I'm sure you're dying to know who I am, my name is..." "There's no need...", she interrupted calmly, "...your brother has already been kind enough to introduce you to me. Since you were out cold for a little while though, I suppose I'll have to likewise introduce myself to you." She outstretched a welcoming hand and a warm smile that melted any traces of the anxiety I had shown earlier. "My name is Kinuko, of the Deguchi family. I'm the second daughter in my family, and I help run the inn that you're currently staying at." I was on the verge of accepting her handshake when my brother, yet again looking out for me with his...ever so comforting tyrannical-level of care, stopped my hand mid-course by grabbing it with his own. "That doesn't mean we'll be staying any longer than necessary." "Of course.", replied Kinuko with a somewhat less approving tone, "Stay as long as you have to." She looked at both of us, my brother with his eyes closed and a clearly disapproving posture, and myself with an annoyed look overall as I pulled my hand away from his with a sudden jerk. "Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to discuss, so I'll leave you alone for now.", stated the Deguchi daughter as she stood up and left the room, making sure to gently close the sliding door as she exited. When I was sure she was out of ear-shot, I turned to my brother and prepared to open fire with everything I had. A single glance from his eyes made my words stick in my throat, and I was again overtaken by a blanket feeling of shame. "Our father assigned you with our family's livelihood back there, and all you ended up doing was screwing up....again." I didn't have to reply, we'd gone through the motions before, and I knew all the words. Never the less, I was still deeply worried, both for myself and for my family. The trade hadn't been too good lately, what with the skirmishes breaking out between the Hokorigakure and the Okagakure. The weather had proven unfavorable to the inhabitants of the Dust, and famine had driven those poor people to their wit's end. With a constant demand of food, and too little of it left to be given out, the Dust had to resort to robbing caravans like my father's for supplies. The Hidden Hill had previously offered to aid the Dust, but the Kage of that proud village only assumed the Hill was offering such help in order to put the Dust at a disadvantage. With this in mind, the raids were almost guaranteed to happen, posing a greater threat than ever before to the workers of the trading business. My brother let out a sigh and said, "I know you're not listening, as usual, but you have to understand that the risks are higher this time. We're not exactly in a danger-free zone when we take these routes, we move slowly, burdened by our valuable supplies. If we lose too many of them, we'll only end up having to become the very people we despise. Try to remember that next time...for your sake if not for mine." With that, he stood up and left me to brood in my self-loathing.

It would be, for myself, what seemed like hours before I left the room. That's a funny thing time can do when you're thinking deeply on a certain subject, it seems to slow down everything around you. The sun, which I could have sworn would have set by the time I felt prepared to exit the space, was still shining brightly through the windows. As I stood up, that star's bright beams cast a shadow before me, and I was struck with the sudden thought that this must be what my family saw me as. A dark, wild creature, twisting and turning around the room, giving off an unsettling air wherever it went. It didn't do anything useful, all it seemed to do was mock those beholding it, and they in return cursed it and wished it would disappear before them. I cursed my own shadow before walking up to the sliding door and opening it. As I left the room, I quickly observed the new space around me. The inn was constructed with wood, of course, and like many others it was built with two stories. The first was designed as the entertainment area, though this design differed from the others I had seen in that it had thin, man-sized half-walls separating each table from one another. The privacy offered by this architectural choice, as well as the overall atmosphere of the place, made it seem quite inviting to the average traveler like myself. The second story, consisting of the bedrooms offered to customers, was reachable only by a single ascending staircase that ran up through the middle of the room, just in front of the inn-keeper's counter but also out of range of the tables. A quick guess left me thinking that inn must have been coming close to 2,500 square meters. For a roadside establishment fairly far out from any major settlement, it must have had a good reputation, as I scanned the room to see a host of customers ranging greatly in likeness. Descending the staircase, I headed outside for a breath of fresh air and the chance to relieve myself of the volumes I had "acquired" over our long journey. Like that of a ghost's, my brother's hand landed on my shoulder, a sudden cringe appeared across my face at the thought of being at my most vulnerable, and I very nearly emptied the contents of my bladder right near the door. "And where do you think you're going?", stated Koshiro. "Relax bro...", I began, "...I just need to empty my traveler’s canteen." I could feel his eyes burrowing through the back of my skull, attempting to weed out any hidden truths that I might be hiding. After a rather uncomfortable minute of this form of silent interrogation, during which my need to go steadily rose, he finally released me from his hold. "Don't take too long...", was all I heard as I bolted off, across the road, and into the forest opposite the inn.

I felt a pleasant feeling of wholeness whilst emptying the contents of my "Traveler’s Canteen". The rising pain I had been feeling before now trickled away at a moderate pace, allowing me to relax my muscles and let out an, "aahhhhhhh....". I tilted my head back and started to hum a little tune out loud to myself, when I noticed I was being eavesdropped upon. The dam in my lower half closed up immediately as I heard a low growl coming from my left, and I had the inclination that the next turn of events would be either fairly smooth, or terrifyingly suspenseful. I turned my head to see the large...menacing....and terrifying form of a furry brown demon with eyes intent on claiming a future victim. Slowly, very slowly, I backed away from the bush I had been standing next to and used my peripheral vision to try and find a quick escape route out of my rather unpleasant situation. The door back inside was too far to reach without provoking the dog's intent to defend its territorial boundaries, and I no longer had a supply cart to hide in. This meant that I was left with only a few optio...

The dog, having sensed that I intended to make a run for it, acted first and charged head-on at my (then) motionless figure, barking out warnings of its own intentions the entire way. I did what any great warrior did in a situation where they were (quite literally) caught with their pants down...I ran as if the world itself were falling upon me. Of course, pulling my pants back up mid-sprint was no easy feat, and I ended up compromising with a half jogging/run that left me open to attack by my pursuer. Thankfully, years of experience running away from my problems had helped me to identify some key telegraphed moves that almost all attackers made when they assumed their prey were within range for a strike. This time, it was no different, with the dog giving out a vicious snarl just as it jumped, which in turn gave me the time to break off in another direction. I hadn't yet thought of yelling out a few cries for assistance, as I had previously been too terrified to think properly, and it occurred to me now that it might be beneficial to request some aid. Having thought it over within the few seconds I had before the dog reached the ground and began the chase again, I started up with a rather simple, "HEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!! SOMEONE GET THIS BEAST AWAY FROM ME BEFORE IT TEARS ME TO RIBBONS!!! HEEEELLLP, HEELLLLPPP, HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" Having said this, I heard an almost immediate reaction from the doors of the inn as they burst open with a loud "KRACKOOMPH!!!" I knew I had help on the way, but this didn't change the fact that the dog was still gaining on me at a rapid rate. The scars it might leave me with before my assistance could find me shifted my legs into a whole new gear, and I shortly broke the speed of sound. Despite the fact that fear was aiding me in my escape by increasing my speed (which was now at a full run) three-fold, I couldn't help but notice the ever increasing presence of the dog behind me as it rushed onward, thrilled at having a worthy chase for once in its life. I looked ahead and noticed that the area I was running through was made up of trees, which would actually have helped earlier had I noticed them. I launched myself at the nearest one I could find and started a mad scramble to gain sufficient height above the dog. Unfortunately, the dog was also aware of my tactic, and it promptly leapt over to, and chomped down upon, the one area that man hates the most to be bitten in...or second most, I suppose. I released a loud, and certainly blood curdling, yell which actually startled the dog so much that it let go for a second, giving me a moment of relief before the pain set in again. The animal didn't want to be left without a trinket though, and it decided that tearing off a rear section of my pants would be sufficient evidence of my defeat. I prayed that the tree I was hugging would protect me from any further assault, and it was at about this time that my rescue party arrived to see the chase coming to its end. They were able to restrain the mutt, which was owned by a patrol officer who did his rounds close to the inn. "Can't you keep that thing on a chain?!?", I yelled as an embarrassed female medic tended to my wounds. "I'm sorry sir, he usually doesn't attack anyone he deems unsuspicious...though you do have a rather odd look about you now that I think about it", stated the officer in reply. "I happen to have this look because of your wild bitch sir! And I'll have you know that...Oww! Be careful will ya?!?" "Alright, that should be all finished now..", stated the medic as she quickly retired from the scene. It was obvious even to me that she was new, and I hoped I wouldn't end up gaining an infection from her work. "On the other hand, worrying about that is the least of my problems...", I thought to myself,"...I won't be able to sit comfortably for the next few least." My brother and a few of the others helped me as I limped back inside the inn where, once again, I was confined to my quarters. As he left, a smirk crossed his face and he stated, "Well, I guess this proves you really are a bit of a pain in the ass..." He exited before I could retaliate, and all I was left thinking was, "What a prick...since when have I ever been rude to him while HE was in pain? I really don't know what I did to deserve this..." I grumbled as I lay back and attempted to shift my rear into a more comfortable position. After several minutes, I finally found a suitable one and proceeded to place my arm underneath my head. “Nothing could be worse than this right now…”, I thought to myself. It was another one of those times when I hadn't yet realized just how bad “bad” could really get.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Combat Aim
« on: February 20, 2015, 20:48:57 »
A suggestion on aiming, whether it is with a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or jutsu.

Essentially it comes down to this, wherever your mouse pointer goes (this could be a small kunai or target, whatever really), the weapon (or aim of the weapon) follows. If you have a sword, the blade will follow whichever direction you swing once you click and hold the left mouse button. Since blocking is essentially just swinging the sword to meet the opponent's weapon, there's no need for a special block button. If you have a ranged weapon, you'll need to calculate the drop rate of the item based on it's wieght and your strength (more strength = great distance). Of course, you'll also need to slowly increase your precision with the weapon type you are using if it happens to be a ranged one. As for using two weapons at the same time, one could simply alter between which one you are controlling by switching between the right and left mouse buttons (this also helps with prefered hands, as a player need only equip the weapon to the prefered hand).

Some combat examples:

With ranged weapons, this is simple. All that's needed is to use the system from Mount and Blade. Wait for the reticule to narrow down (its minimum size depends on your skill/accuracy with that weapon) before releasing the projectile. There is still a random aspect to which area it launches at (pretend there is a large batter's box, and it may become smaller depending on your skill, but there is still a randomizer for which area of the batter's box the projectile will go to). Also, strength should determine the amount of power you put into launching that projectile (more strength means the projectile goes longer and does more damage upon impact), though the amount of power will also vary based on the projectile's weight (shuriken go the farther, but a kunai hits harder).

With melee weapons, you need only hold down on whichever mouse button (hand) the weapon is equipped to and swipe. The blade follows the target with perfect accuracy, but stats again come into play. More strength grants greater power and speed with your chosen weapon, though again the weapon's weight comes into play. Heavier weapons take greater strength to wield comfortably (not super slowly), while lighter ones deal less damage (unless in the hands of a very strong player). Also, as I stated before, players can equip (depending on the weapon type, we'll say sword as an example instead of polearm) two weapons for both hands. Using the previous method of aiming, they can they block and parry with either weapon, or both at the same time. Having trouble countering against that sword? Grab a second one, hold your block with the first, and counter with your second. With polearms (two handed weapons like staffs), the player can change up which is their primary or secondary side of attack by using either mouse button. Ex: Parry the attacks of two players from both sides by alternating which side of the staff you are controlling.

If a player is good enough, they will be able to fully manipulate their chosen weapon with the speed and grace of a regular shinobi. It should also be noted that (like and yet unlike MaB), there needs to be a button for switching between ranged or melee use of a weapon (for throwing weapons and melee ones only, not for bows and crossbows).

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Dominant Hand?
« on: February 10, 2015, 22:58:28 »
Will we be able to have our characters have dominant hands? Like, right handed holding of jutsu, left handed holding of jutsu? Just wondering about this.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Taijutsu Control
« on: February 08, 2015, 16:09:38 »
I noticed a lot of players have been wondering how you guys will do Taijutsu, and I believe I have an answer.

Essentially, the combat of Taijutsu will work almost like Ninjutsu. With your ninjutsu, you press different keys to combine handsigns. With taijutsu, you should press different keys for different stances/modes of combat. Using the Q and E keys, you switch between Fist and Kick stances. Then, you simply use your mouse to aim which ways your punches and kicks go (much like a regular weapon, such as a staff or sword). R is then used to activate the Inner Gates (once you have learned how to use them).

Example: Player presses R four times in succession and thusly activates the fourth inner gate.

By chaining kicks, punches, the power of the inner gates, aiming, and movement direction (W A S and D), a Taijtsu player, or even just a player using Taijutsu will be able to become a deadly fighting machine capable of fighting in ways close to Kakashi and Obito's fight (maybe without the kicking of kunai at opponents). Anyone who really masters this fighting form will be able to chain punches, kicks, gates, and jumps in rapid succession for impressive results. Plus, this in itself uses little chakra (though something like a stamina bar would be necessary to keep it from being OP).

Hope you guys agree or at least consider taking some of the ideas listed above.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Ships and Sailing
« on: February 08, 2015, 15:52:20 »
I noticed you guys said you'd prefer a realistic form of travel for going over the sea. This means (based on your map expectations) that it could probably take quite a few IRL hours to cross over. Because no player wants to have to guide a ship that long, I have a solution. There are two ways you could go about this, I would recommend you use both:

Transport Ships: These are entirely run by NPCs on set routes that go to/from various ports across the world. Times and destinations are all preset, so if you miss your ship because you can't pay the boarding fee or because you were late, then you'll just have to wait for the next scheduled ship going to the route you have chosen.

Voyages: Certain places within ports will have merhants/ship owner NPCs that will rent out their ships to you (for a hefty price of 75% of the ship's worth) for decent amounts of time (say, a few in-game months, or about a week IRL). These ships are also run by NPCs, however you give the orders and act as standing captain (you tell them which directions to go or which ports to sail to). This could be used for many types of minor situations, from a merchant player transporting cargo, to shinobi escorting a prisoner or important person.

As for player owned ships, perhaps those should be left out until late game.

Drawings / Drawings by the Dragon
« on: February 03, 2015, 14:12:49 »

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Chakra Channeling
« on: January 31, 2015, 17:43:29 »
Actually, I was thinking, could you add in something where you channel chakra through your feet? This would allow players to (with the press of a button, not sure which really) be able to run up trees and buildings. Perhaps this could be added in so you can choose to walk on water instead of automatically walking on it? This might add in situations like:

Example situation, combat:
Player runs at P2 running on water, player deactivates chakra channeling, player subsequently falls down into the water...but is cunning enough to release a spear stab from below at just the right moment, P2 is killed from below with latter bad-ass tactic.


Example situation #2, player is recognized in enemy village:
Player is chased by player 2, player activates chakra channeling and runs up side of village defensive wall, player turns around, goes into crouch, and starts launching numerous shuriken at P2 from above, P2 also runs up wall, P2 and P1 continue to duel it out on the wall, P1 deactivates chakra channeling and falls down towards P2, P1 releases swing right as they fall past P2, taking P2 down, when both hit the ground only P1 is left standing.

It's probably a lot to ask, I know, but just think of the possibilities and the new tactics players could come up with in battle!

Example, tree travel:
Player activates Chakra Channeling and runs up tree, player uses sprinting jump and hops onto another tree branch, player's Chakra Channeling allows them to automatically stick to that branch without worries of falling off.

Anyway, Ik that's a lot to ask for (and even more to explain), but I hope you at least consider the potential behind it.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / World Exploration/"Living" Villages
« on: January 31, 2015, 17:03:29 »
On the topic of world exploration, I already know you guys are going to do a great job building the map, but about how big will this "world" be? And also, will there be lots of hidden locations you can find (and perhaps even get some exploration achievements from)? I was thinking you could do something like the following for hidden areas of the map that take some thinking to get to:

Silver Spring Meadows:
Location: Land of Hills
Terrain: Beautiful meadow with a shining spring and small open cave ceiling...located in the very heart of a dark labyrinth cave which happens to be set in the middle of a deadly forest.

If you find this (example) place, then not only do you see a very fine example of modeling, but it also has a little "Silver Spring Meadows" window that pops up and gives a brief history of the hidden location (probably two paragraphs max, explaining some interesting tidbits about the history of the place, like how perhaps a deadly battle was fought here or that the spring is supposed to heal all ailments). In the case of this place, you can then close the window and walk over to the springs, where you will be able to "get a drink" of the spring...which neutralizes all poisons and restores your Hp and Chakra a good bit for every drink you take. On top of this, players could use these hidden locations as meeting grounds for whatever they desire. I think this could really help keeping players interested in the world around them, especially if they happen to be travelling and inadvertently discover an interesting hidden location with a unique purpose or item/person/creature/other in it.
On the topic of "living" villages, how do you guys intend to make the atmosphere of the villages feel right? I.E. will there be plenty of buildings (even small homes/shops) to walk around in with NPCs reacting differently based on your allegiance, their own personalities (i.e. a jerk npc will rudely tell you to leave their house before they call for help), and your reputation. And will NPCs have a random chance of giving you various side quests (i.e. A shop owner asks you to find the troublesome kids that stole some of his produce, or a shinobi guard asks you to find an item he lost, but can't go looking for as he is on duty)? Of course, you would have the option to decline these minor quests, but it would still make it interesting all the same and would help more players enjoy their stay in settlements.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Character Age/Appearance Over Time
« on: January 31, 2015, 00:30:53 »
I've been hearing talk of the characters having to train to become Genin, Chunin, and Jonin level...but just thinking about that made me think about a new question. How will this correspond to the character age/appearance over time? In the show, Genin are generally kids of about twelve years of age, so does this mean that (like so many other generations) you'll start out as a kid and slowly "grow up" (i.e. will you have a certain amount of time in game to pass before your char becomes taller/ must get a new change of appearance to correspond with a change in age)? Or will you start out as...say....someone who lost their memory and must now re-learn all that they once had. Personally, the idea of a slowly aging char sounds pretty awesome to me...but it also seems a little bit odd (not to mention revolutionary...hell, even SWTOR doesn't want to FULLY embrace that idea). Please explain in more detail how you guys are going to address training to become Genin, Chunin, and well as if you will actually be implementing a time system to correspond with how long the players' chars have survived.

P.S. If you are intending to add an aging system, then will there just be a cap for the non-perma death servers but no cap for the permas? As you can see, this question really needs to be dealt with.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Shingen Kajahara
« on: January 30, 2015, 21:26:52 »

Name: Shingen Kajahara
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 138
Hairstyle: Spiky plume?
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark brown
Blood type: O+
Primary chakra nature: Water
Village: Yukigakure (Hidden Snow Village)
Clan: None
Good or evil at heart?: Moderate

Description of the character's personality: Shingen is not entirely trustworthy of anyone outside of his own brother. Because of this, he likes to test others to ensure they are...genuine in what they purport to be. If they truly are truthful, he will trust them to a certain extent...though he will still keep them at a short distance. If they happen to be lying to him, however, he will quickly assume that they cannot be trusted. The line he draws here is very fine because of his past, a reacurring element that influences most of his decisions in life. He believes that by studying the past, one can predict the future--to a certain extent, and he acts up this logic in all that he does. He sees no real reason in killing for "fun", and will take lives only for what he deems to be good reasons. His humorous side is genuine--likely picked up from his father--but rare to see, especially amongst outsiders. The only thing he truly regrets is his hesitance to act in certain situations, a problem he has spent much of his trying to correct.

Description of the character's history: Shingen Kajarhara was born as the second of two sons--underneath his older brother Raisho--in a small settlement a ways out from the Village Hidden in the Snow. His father, Morihiro Koyanagi, was a decent man with a comedic personality and a...problematic...gambling addiction. Morihiro originally married Shingen's mother, Nahoko Kajahara, with the belief that he could use some of her wealth to pay off his debts and fund his 'hobby', as Nahoko was a merchant. Unfortunately, she didn't make enough of a profit from her ventures to continue paying for the difficulties Morihiro was causing for their family, and,  though the couple got along fairly well--because of his efforts to keep them together--his problem ultimately led to Nahoko leaving the village. This caused Shingen's father to sink even further into his addiction, and he soon amassed a small fortune's worth in gambling debts. The local crime lord of the settlement, in an attempt to scare Morihiro into paying his debts, started making threats against Morihiro's sons...Shingen and Raisho. Seeing no other way out, the poor man committed suicide in the hopes of wiping away his massive debt and freeing his sons of the burden. The local crime lord was greatly angered by this action, and would have had Shingen and Raisho killed had his first lieutnant, Michihiro Takamura, not stepped in and persauded him to let the boys go free. He then--secretly--sent the boys off to become shinobi in the Village Hidden in the Snow.

By the time the two had become Genin, Michihiro had become the new crime lord of their home settlement, and he quickly put them to use in secret missions of his own devising while they were on leave. Upon completion of these missions, Shingen and Raisho were not paid, but were instead forced to assume that their compensation was adding up to work off their father's debt. Because of this, Shingen and Raisho began to have doubts that they would ever work off the burden their father had inadvertently placed upon them.

Despite this down-heartening problem, the two became quite skilled shinobi. Shingen specialized in fighting with his blades at both close and medium distances. He was able to do this because of the construction of the blades, which could be described as a cross between kunai and curved swords...mainly due to the rings at the hilt of each blade. The swords were attached to strong wire cables that were themselves attached to Shingen's wrist guards. Because of this, Shingen was able to utilize his blades in both close and medium range combat by simply throwing them. The blades could be pulled back to his wrist guards, as they were attached to the wire cable mechanisms sewn into each guard. Depending on the amount of force Shingen used, he could either pull or be pulled by the blades if they struck into a hard object like a person or the ground. This allowed him to maneuver around the battlefield quickly or pull enemies within reach of him. He was also quiet adept at channeling his water style in conjunction with his brother's wind style, and the two would often use this tag-team strategy to gain an advantage against most other chakra types.

Eventually, Shingen realized he could no longer take the idea of his brother and himself being enslaved to the day they died. He made up his mind to leave the Village Hidden in the Snow and join up with Kurohasu, a rogue shinobi group operating out of the Land of Snow. Though he despised the idea of leaving his brother behind, he promised himself that, as soon as the time was right, he would help his brother escape their father's debt...even if it meant crossing everyone from both the Village and the organization that Michihiro ran in his home settlement. He would have to have patience until the time was right...

...But patience, was a virtue Shingen possessed an abundance of. With this in mind, he left the Village Hidden in the Snow and became the newest face in the Bingo Book.

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