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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Naruto Fanworks / The Sabre of Heizugakure
« on: October 11, 2016, 17:30:56 »
The adventure of Makino Yosai begins here.

It was neither my duty nor right to accept the Sabre of Heizugakure. I wish to make that very clear here. Yusuke had pronounced me the next Kage on his deathbed; it wasn't legal, yet his words carried power and influence. The commander of the anbu immediately hailed me as the lawful eleventh Kage of Heizugakure. The other military officers were less certain of what actions to take. No Kage had been chosen by his predecessor without an election first, but, the tenth’s massive sway over the village and its people legitimized my claim in the eyes of the junior officers.

I scratched my forehead and swept my hair to the sides of my face. My head nodded passively as I pondered what to do in this situation. My hand reached up to chew the already worn nails of my calloused hands, but it stopped before its destination. My head turned around, peaking outside of the tent to see the Sabre of Heizugakure firmly planted into the ground. Maeda’s first division had gathered around the command tent, waiting for the outcome of this ad hoc meeting. Nobody dared to get closer than a few feet to the sword. They all had puzzled looks on their faces. Does the campaign end here? Do we disband this army after just one battle?

I acted by impulse. These men needed their Kage now more than ever. Heizugakure had not lost a battle in a long damn time under the leadership of Yusuke. This most recent battle ended in a decisive victory. For the Eastern Coalition. The allied contingent from Hokorigakure was absolutely demolished, suffering a casualty rate of about 85%. The last of their one hundred and fifty or so troops would no doubt be disbanded and sent home. Only a miracle could ever coerce more reinforcements in the future.

I nodded and grunted in approval of a statement nobody had made. The sun was brutal on the Plains of Ribo. My eyes squinted as I strolled outside to the bottom of the hill that protected us from our enemy’s sight. About two hundred curious eyes watched my movements. I looked around at them, their light red vests and steel armbands identifying them clearly as Heizugakure shinobi. Nearby shinobi kneeled as I moved closer to the blade. This rippled throughout the rest of the gathered troops, I could now see the depth of this body of people. Perhaps five hundred men and women of standing threw themselves to the dirt before me. It was not custom to kneel even to the Kage; they are the representative of the people, not royalty. If I took up this sword, would I be more than a Kage? A lord? A king? An emperor?

No matter; that could be decided later. As of now, I would be the supreme commander of this army. Some of the nearby shinobi raised their head to watch as I reached out to the sabre. The air between my hand and the hilt crackled with blue chakra. When my finger touched the grip, pure power blew the surrounding dirt and dust into the sky. I went a step further and completely grasped the handle, despite the sensation of my arm being ripped apart. I could barely find the strength to remove it from the ground; but alas, it came free and I held it up, beckoning to the heavens above. I wouldn't have been surprised if lightning struck from the cloudless sky. Thankfully it didn't.

After holding the Sabre of Heizugakure towards to the sky for a few moments, a roar erupted from the mob of shinobi. They jumped to their feet and held their clenched fists up high in solidarity. A grin came across my face as reality sank in. These soldiers cared not for politics and elections; and that I, Makino Yosai, was the eleventh Heizukage by their approval.

Feel free to leave your opinions or any suggestions.

Programming / Lua Eight Queens Program
« on: September 01, 2016, 14:55:52 »

Can anyone help me understand this further? I don't get how the function isplaceok works. I know the arguments come from the addqueen function, but I don't understand how they are computed.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / SLO Territorial War
« on: August 02, 2016, 03:04:49 »
SLO Territorial War
This means war

  • Only organizations may claim territory
  • All organizations are automatically eligible, however, they must appoint at least one representative (up to 10) to speak for it
  • Representatives must post below and choose a color to join the game
  • The representative(s) must post below which tile(s) they want to claim, along with a screenshot of a member of the organization standing in said tile(s) - in game
  • While claiming multiple tiles, you can stand in the center of them and take at least one screenshot, provided there are no defending shinobi still in any of the tiles
  • You can only claim tiles that share a side with one you already own
  • Organizations may only make one claim post per day. (resets at 12 AM CST(5 AM GMT))
  • Organizations that are registered and have had all of their tiles claimed may only claim one tile to get back into the game, after that, they may claim as many as their Organization Power allows

Organization Power Information:

All organizations are assigned a power when they sign up and when they make a claim, which will be calculated like so:
# of members + (days since org's creation * .065)
When you post to make a claim, you are allowed to make a claim to at least one tile, plus one per ten organization power your organization has.

Claiming Information:

When your representative registers, he/she is given four tiles to start with. These tiles may be placed anywhere, and do not have to be touching each other.

Note: As long as there are open spaces, you may not use your starting four tiles to claim another organization's territory.

Every time you post a claim, you must do so in this format:

Organization Power:

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Organization Power:[/u][/b]

And I will reply with confirmation or denial based on the rules of the game, and an updated map.

General Information:

I will update the Organization Power calculations once a day, at around 12 AM CST. (5 AM GMT) You are to use this calculation for the following day when making claims.
Along with that I will post what gains and losses have been made by organizations, and the Organization Scores. Your organization's score will be calculated like so:
(Organization Power / 10) + # of tiles

Note: Owning tiles 16-9, 16-10, 17-9 and 17-10 adds eight points to your Organization Score, instead of four from owning four normal tiles. However, you must own all four or else each one is only worth one point.

Map Information:

The tiles work like a proper grid, the first tile on the top left is 1-1, the second tile is 1-2, the tile below 1-1 is 2-1.

These go all the way up to 32-32, at the bottom right.


All space is no man's land as of 8/1/2016

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Maritime General Thread
« on: July 30, 2016, 08:08:58 »
Welcome to the

Maritime General Thread

where all ideas and suggestions related to the oceans, seas, boats, naval combat, etc in SLO will be discussed. Share your aspirations and wishes for the transportation and battling aspects of SLO's oceans.

Personally, myself, I hope that sailing is much more than clicking on a boat then watching a cutscene that shows you on a boat traveling to the Hidden Snow or wherever the destination may be. I really hope that we will be able to commandeer our own ships, outfit them with special equipment, etc. I want to be able to have naval battles with opposing sides, as far-fetched as it may be.

Although it isn't really a Naruto-related thing, I do hope that sailing becomes an aspect of SLO. Being able to control the seas in vital spots, such as the strait between the mainland and the Hidden Snow would be awesome. You could crush communication and trade routes, essentially becoming king of the seas. I would totally set up a base on a small island in the sea (if possible) and launch raiding parties out of that.

Expanding on the idea above, hidden bases that people and organizations can set up independently of villages that are on the water should be able to have ports. These would obviously be instanced, so not any average Joe can dock his ship in your organizations port; only people with permission to enter the instanced area would be able; but, it would be a nice touch. Along with the private docks, there could be small cities on the coastline separate from the Hidden Villages but still ruled by the land they reside in that have ports where you can dock your ship or buy a new one.

Obviously the cost of a fully loaded warship would be astronomic, and I think it should be that way - everyone having massive warship would be chaos - but, I also think that there should be small affordable two or three man boats that could travel in the rivers and down the coastline. If you wanted to travel to the Hidden Snow, it would be more complex. You could either hire an NPC crew to take you there, hire a crew of players, or have your own well-enough equipped ship to make the journey across the ocean.

I don't know how advanced the technology will be, but outfitting a ship with cannons seems kind of silly in a world of jutsu and chakra. Maybe there could be special naval jutsu designed for maritime battle?

Some of these suggestions may be a bit outlandish, as the team will be focused on creating the game around ninjas and whatnot, instead of a full-fledged boat simulator 2016. I think that even being able to buy different level ships (rowboat, sailboat, galleys, etc) would be nice, even without customization. Just being able to take to the seas on your own intuition would be fuckin gnarly.

also what about that one underwater village that vreg talked about?  8)

I don't know about you all, but I wish that sailing will be more than instant fast travel, and knowing Vreg and the team, I think it will be.

Hit me up with your suggestions. What do you think about maritime travel and warfare?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / SLO Demo Idea(s)
« on: July 13, 2016, 06:29:55 »
I've been thinking about a good demo to attract the masses around. I'm going to dump the idea here, which could be rather long, so be prepared. If you want, you can add on or create your own.

So I first came to the idea of a game like Wizard101. You go through streets, completing quests, getting rewards, average MMORPG stuff. I'd say that the demo for SLO could be something like a single street. An instanced area in which you start next to a quest giver. They give you a quest to defeat three or so bandits, making you run a bit down the street, maybe take a turn, go over a river on a bridge. Basically just show off some beautiful scenery, until you arrive at a bit of a more open area in which an ample amount of bandits stand. I would suggest these first bandits only used ranged attacks, and the player starts with only chidori. It could teach players a bit about fighting bad odds. Once you defeat three, you run back to the quest giver, turn the quest in, and get a few rewards. I would suggest these rewards be something like a new piece of armor and one more jutsu. The quest giver then sends you down to the next quest giver, whom sends you on another quest to kill bandits, this time with these bandits have more jutsu and health. This could repeat a few times, until the player has the testing jutsu and a few shiny pieces of gear. The last 'defeat bandits' (could be a ninja from another village) quest could be turned into the Kage of the Hidden Hill. (or an NPC assistant if the Kage will be a player in the game) Once this little demo is completed, players get to keep the jutsu and gear they acquired once they join the multiplayer aspect of the pre-alpha/beta/etc. I believe it would be a could simulation of what being in a village would be like.

If it would be possible, having the entire Hidden Hill  there would be advantageous. If it would be able to be implemented, it would probably be a good idea to use invisible walls so that the village isn't spoiled. Another solution would be to create a makeshift village for as far as the eye can see, to make it seem like the village is complete. I'm not particularly sure that the village system would be as structured as this, however this would probably be the easiest way to give a taste of what questing could be like without having to create much more than a street and a park-like area.

SLO Arena: Battle #3!

Hisssss, lads. We've got ourselves another battle over here. This time, between notorious forum troll Kamashe Nakadori (Kamashe) and Kazuki Himitsu (Shivraj). You all think this one will be quite one sided, but who knows? Everything is a surprise.

Spoiler: show

Character Name: Kamashe Nakadori

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 50/100

Taijutsu: 50/100

Genjutsu: 50/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One



Kinjutsu(this one)

Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 75/100

Stamina: 75/100

Speed: 50/100

Strength: 25/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 50/100

Hand Seals: 50/100

Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 50/100

Kenjutsu: 50/100

Summoning: 50/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two






Leftover Points: idk

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Spoiler: show

Ninjutsu - 50
Taijutsu - 15
Genjutsu - 85

left = 0


Health - 55
Stamina - 65
Speed - 60
Strength - 45

left = 0

Chakra Levels - 50
Hand Seals - 50
Chakra Efficiency - 50

left = 0

Bukijutsu - 10
Kenjutsu - 70
Summoning - 70

left = 0


Also, for a weapon, I would like to have from the anime original, if that is not allowed, then I would like to have Kusanagi as my weapon, or at least the same kind of sword as Sasuke has, works well with Lightning

Summoning, hmm, lots of snakes or a big snake?

as for jutsu
I would like to have (anime only, hope it's not against the rules)

that should be it, you can choose the ninjutsu as you see fit

They sat in a tavern, sneaking looks towards one another. Both shinobi were aware of the other’s allegiance. They were set to be sworn enemies, of course. Well, I'm enemies to anyone participating in this village system. He picked up his drink, squinting back at his prey. He's gone. Kazuki rose to his feet, throwing a few coins on the bar top. As he weaved in between the drunken bar-goers, he felt a sharp point at his back.

“I want you to walk out of here and never come back.” A voice whispered behind him. Kazuki began to move his hand, only to have the kunai dig deeper into his back.

“Alright. Just put your weap-” Kazuki turned as quickly as he could, smacking the kunai out of his assailant’s hand. His target retaliated, punching him in the gut. He staggered a few feet backwards, running into some civilians. They pushed him away, muttering about lunatics and drunken fools. For the first time, the two ninja stared each other in the eyes. They both harbored deadly intent.

Kamashe finished the hand signs, his opponent unaware of the impending attack because of Kamashe’s long sleeves used to hide his one-handed seals. He quickly smacked his hand on the ground, a ring of fire growing around it. Suddenly, it shot out, blowing apart wooden tables and people alike. Kazuki subsequently disappeared, avoiding the flames altogether. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared before Kamashe, sending him flying with a chakra-imbued punch to the chest.

“Nice try.” Kamashe said, releasing the genjutsu Kazuki had placed. Kazuki had used the brief contact of their two arms to place Kamashe under the illusion, however, it had been just as briefly dispelled. They stood close to one another, staring yet again upon each other, waiting for any movement. As one tavern-goer walked in between them, muttering her apologies, Kazuki disappeared. My chakra flow isn’t disrupted. This isn’t a genjutsu. He went on high alert, forming his chakra into a visible claw encompassing his hand. As he walked towards the door, determined to be able to bring the fight into the open, he began incorporating his fire affinity into the transformation.

“Hey pal, you need to cool-” Kamashe felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned quickly, expecting Kazuki. He realized it was not his enemy only after jamming the claw into his chest. He ripped out the man’s heart and dropped it on the floor. Hopefully this will be a lesson to you, Kazuki. Kamashe stayed perfectly calm as people around him became aware of the situation, screaming and running away. His eyes darted around, waiting for one man to be left standing; his challenger. If you are going to try to kill me, go on. Make it happen. Kamashe rotated around, looking for Kazuki. Nowhere to be found. Finally, he looked upwards only to find Kazuki’s white hair dangling inches from his face.

They locked eyes once again. Neither of them were in a particularly good position to launch an attack, so both shinobi simply waited. Suddenly, Kazuki’s chokuto fell from his sheath, prompting Kamashe to move. He stuck his palm flat on the blade of the grounded sword, swinging upwards to deliver a powerful kick. Kazuki dashed backwards, sliding as he returned to the floor. Kamashe now held Kazuki’s sword, feet attached to the ceiling that Kazuki inhabited moments earlier.

Neither remained still for long, the battle now truly beginning. Kazuki flipped up a table to block Kamashe’s incoming kunai, kicking it towards him once he heard the thud of the projectiles. Kamashe dodged to the right while flying through hand seals. A chilling gale blew throughout the tavern, knocking Kazuki back and forcing him to abandon his hand seals to block incoming missiles. He jumped behind a counter, preparing his next attack while waiting for the wind to die down. Upon the shattering of glass, Kazuki changed his plans and bolted towards the open window. The wind sliced at him for what seemed like an eternity before he reached his destination. The shards still stuck in the frame sliced at his robe, getting a solid hold on it. He tumbled onto the dirt below him.

The last gusts of wind blew out a pleasant tropical breeze. Why did it get warm all of the sudden? Kazuki squinted, looking back through the window he escaped from. A bright light was visible. Shit. Kazuki got off his knees as quickly as he could and dashed behind a tree. The entire wall of the tavern exploded outward, launching wooden splinters at a high velocity. That son of a bitch couldn't have just walked out the door? No wait, I can use this to my advantage. Kazuki bit his thumb, preparing for a summoning.

“Lightning Style: Sacrificial Serpents!” He rounded the tree, aiming his palm towards Kamashe. Seals and marks flew out in every direction, followed by snakes. They launched towards Kamashe, having a seemingly endless length. Kamashe dodged to the right, only one snake catching his wrist. Kazuki’s eyes widened, a grin creeping onto his face. The snakes bursted with lightning, electrocuting Kamashe. The fried reptiles withered up on the ground, occasional charges jumping from their body to the ground.

Kamashe grabbed his wrist, covering the bite marks with his hand. He could barely feel anything in that arm. Quite a cruel jutsu… Kamashe looked back up towards his enemy. Kazuki held his hands together in the tiger hand seal, bringing up chakra from his reserves. I just need to get in close to him; he’s terrible at taijutsu. Kamashe rushed forward, only to have his ankle experience a sharp sting. He tripped over something small and round, falling on his good wrist to break the fall. He only pretended to zap all of the snakes. Some of them are fine. Kamashe looked up in time to see Kazuki above him, releasing a barrage of water bullets. Kamashe funneled wind chakra into his hands, cutting the serpent’s head from its body. It fell to the ground in time for Kamashe to roll forward, coming in below the path of the projectiles.

He watched as the bullets slammed into the ground, making the dirt wet where they landed. Kazuki landed close to Kamashe, instantly using his chakra to propel himself backwards. Kamashe followed up with two explosive tag rigged kunai, jumping upwards to launch a myriad of shuriken in all possible places for Kazuki to dodge. He heard the clang of steel meeting steel along with loud explosions. A sword imbued with lightning screamed by him, producing a loud thud as it hit the tree behind him.

Kamashe saw his enemy charging as the world went dark. I’m not… unconscious, am I? He held up his hands. No, I can see my hands before me. A solid punch sent him to the ground. I just can’t see anything past that. Kamashe rose, eyes looking for anything other than pitch black darkness. Another blow landed on his chest, launching him yet again. He crawled backwards, desperately trying to distance himself from his attacker.

“Release!” Kamashe yelled, weaving his hands together. To his surprise, he stood back in the tavern, before the battle had even begun. Was that all a genjutsu? Kamashe looked around, spotting Kazuki. He sat at the bar, sipping on a drink. Kamashe switched locations, putting up his hood as he moved. Kazuki looked back to where he was, silently noting Kamashe’s absence.

“Hey, pal. Why you creeping around like that, huh?” A man grabbed his arm, pulling his hood off. Kamashe’s brow furrowed as he struggled against the man’s iron grasp. If I cause too much of a scene, Kazuki will find me. He surged his chakra to his hand, grabbing the man’s wrist and applying increasing heat.

“Fushh-fucking ninja.” The man released Kamashe, drunkenly staggering off in a different direction while massaging his wrist. As Kamashe watched the man walk away in disgust, two more grabbed him from behind. As if on queue, Kazuki appeared from the crowd, Chidori in hand. Sooner than Kamashe could act, Kazuki dashed towards him, piercing his chest with the jutsu. He felt no pain. Ah, so this is the genjutsu. He smirked, raising his hands to release the genjutsu.

Before he could do so himself, he awoke as a burning log fell atop him. It crushed his leg, sending searing pain all throughout his body. Fuck! He used the blindness genjutsu to push me into the burning tavern. Kamashe struggled against the log, but did not have the strength to push such a large object. That last genjutsu was just to waste enough time until the building collapsed on me. He looked up as two more chunks of the roof fell onto him.

Victor: Kazuki!

SLO Arena: Battle #3!
G'day shinobi! Today, I am bringing you an intense battle. This one was really fun to write and took me awhile, as it is pretty long. As always, the character profile of the shinobi will be put in spoilers below.

Spoiler: show
Character Template:

Character Name: Nibui Himitsu (

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 80/100
Taijutsu: 30/100
Genjutsu: 40/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One

Senjutsu ----- This one

Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 80/100
Stamina: 50/100
Speed: 35/100
Strength: 60/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 50/100
Hand Seals: 50/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 25/100
Kenjutsu: 60/100
Summoning: 65/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two

Fire ----- 1
Wind --- 2

Leftover Points: 75

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 75%

Extra info:
Weapon: I've described the weapon my ninja would be using in my ninja profile, refer to that please.
Jutsus: I have also mentioned the jutsus he would use in my ninja profile - check it out.
Summoning: Yes, I have put points into that. I would like my ninja to summon Amaterasu, the sun goddess. She will use her swords to attack enemies with flames.

This is Amaterasu, the sun Goddess. Her attacks consist of masters-rank sword techniques and once she surpasses a certain threshold of anger, flames start spewing out of her blades and launch forward at the target. Amaterasu is grand in size and her attack set enemies alight - they then burn to the point where their bones turn to ash.

Amaterasu can remain on the battlefield for a limited amount of time and requires an average in-take of chakra periodically (75 chakra every 5 minutes - if you follow the chakra bar on the SLO game), to sustain her form.

Sage mode
During the battle with Kaeiro (Kai) Nibui would find a safe place to bond with nature and release his sage mode.

Nibui’s sage mode will temporarily boost all of his stats (health, speed, stamina, chakra, strength etc)

Nibuis sage mode will make him slightly bigger than before and turn his skin to red, his eyes would turn fully black and obsidian horns will appear on his head.

Hand seals
If a shinobi has hand seals level 50 and above, they may perform them with one hand. In this case, Nibui would be able to do hand seals with one hand.

Fire - Wind mix jutsu: Spiraling flame
Nibui releases a spiraling gust of wind and sets it alight causing extra damage. Something like Rasenshuriken but with fire.

Spoiler: show
Ninja stats:

Ninjutsu: 65/100
Taijutsu: 75/100
Genjutsu: 10/100

Advanced ninja stats:


Physical stats:

Health: 80/100
Stamina: 32/100
Speed: 80/100
Strength: 33/100

Chakra related stats:

Chakra Levels: 60/100
Hand Seals: 40/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills:

Bukijutsu: 45/100
Kenjutsu: 80/100
Summoning: 25/100

Chakra Natures:


Leftover points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Summon: Giant wolf or 3 normal wolves

Also, can my character alternate between a sword and a scythe or just use both and have a hidden dagger to use up close.

Nibui felt something approaching rapidly on his right. He dodged backwards, instinctively putting his hand on his katana. He looked towards his left to find a sword lodged into the wall of the chasm. Someone threw their sword? He looked to where it came from, only to find a figure rushing towards him with a large weapon. What the hell is he wielding? Nibui drew his sword, squinting to see what his assailant held in his hands. Is that-... a scythe? As the shinobi drew closer, Nibui could confirm the identity of the weapon.

Nibui blocked the first overhead strike from the scythe-wielding ninja. His attacker dropped his right hand, reaching out with it to grab the sword from the wall. As he did so, he rotated himself and the sword so that he held it backwards, stabbing within inches of Nibui’s head. A quick dodge had ensured here didn’t get a sharp blade through his head. Nibui jumped upwards, only to be followed by the ninja. Once again, the sword flew by him, this time, ripping part of his robe.

“Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!” Nibui narrowly dodged the burning sphere as it flew into the sky past him. Both shinobi landed on opposite sides of the chasm, the wind now assaulting them with sand. I can use the wind here to supplement my wind style attacks.

“Wind Style: Slicing Gale!” Nibui spat vicious winds towards his opponent. Moments later, a fire dragon erupted from the other side of the chasm, engulfing his own jutsu. It came towards him with a fierce roar, intending to do to him what it had done to his jutsu. He dashed to the left, avoiding the jutsu as best as he could. He felt heat on his back as the dragon passed by, losing power as it traveled on and on. Nibui drew his blade, turning towards the enemy. He launched himself across the chasm, igniting his sword with fiery chakra. The opposing ninja did the same, no weapon in hand. Milliseconds before they clashed, the sword thrown upwards previously fell into his hands. The two shinobi struck each other with full force as they flew by. They ended up trading places, Nibui able to see the footprints of where his opponent had stood.

“This has been a fun bout, but I truly must go.” Kaeiro said, adjusting one of his gloves. I shouldn’t try to prolong this battle, he’s probably got more stamina than myself.

“You’re a funny guy, I’ll give you that.” Nibui sat down, clapping his hands together. He may give me enough time to get into sage mode. As he gathered what little natural energy the desert could offer, he felt Kaeiro’s presence approaching once again.

“No you don’t!” Kaeiro yelled, releasing a powerful sideways slice with his scythe. Nibui ducked, the scythe cutting off the tip of his hair. He kicked forward, hitting Kaeiro’s shins. The ninja fell forward, recovering with a quick handspring. He spun around once he landed, preparing to defend from a direct attack. Instead, Nibui had jumped backwards over the chasm, releasing a large ball of fiery chakra supplemented by his wind nature. It exploded near Kaeiro, who shot upwards, summoning several shuriken using the marks on the shaft of his scythe. Nibui blocked as they reached him, summoning his own entity in return.

The sun seemed to harshen, beating down harder than before. Kaeiro soon found himself battling with a titan; dodging her large katana’s blows. What kind of fucking summon is this? The giant continued its assault as Kaeiro flipped sideways, weaving handsigns.

“Lightning Style: Projection!” Kaeiro materialized an enlarged, lightning-based version of his hand. As the titan swung again, Kaeiro reached up and blocked the sword’s downward path. His jutsu discharged intense lightning as the blade threatened to slice through the charged hand. The titan roared, zapped by the emission of lightning. To add insult to injury, Kaeiro took his freed left hand and chucked his chokuto into the giant’s eye. It yelled, increasing the power behind its strike. Flames exploded from the blade, finally dispelling Kaeiro’s lightning projection and slamming into the ground. Fuck. I just made it angrier. Kaeiro took a chance, dashing underneath the titan, plummeting into the chasm. He pulled his scythe, shoving it into the wall to slow his fall. As he reached the bottom, Kaeiro could hear the summon smashing the ground above him, sending loose rocks falling down.

After a minute or so of dancing around falling rocks, Kaeiro heard a loud poof, indicating the release of the summoning jutsu. He sat down, slowly gathering natural energy and regenerating a small chunk of his chakra. I need to end this soon. I'm getting tired. I would love to take a nap about now…. Nibui gave him no time, charging down the chasm walls. Fuck, he's reached sage mode. Kaeiro slowly got up, cracking his knuckles. Time to end th- Nibui smashed Kaeiro into the ground, cracking the stone floor below him. Shit! He's faster than before. He felt some of his ribs crack while he spat up blood.

Suddenly, Kaeiro opened his eyes. Genjutsu. Pretty low lev- This time, it was no genjutsu; Nibui slammed into Kaeiro from the front. He flew backwards, fracturing the wall behind him. Man, his sage mode is ugly as fuck. His skin was blood red, obsidian horns grew from his head and his eyes black. Looks like some sort of demon.

They locked eyes, trying to read what their opponent’s next move would be. Both shinobi abruptly began dashing down the chasm. Nibui’s sage mode enhanced his physical body, increasing his speed to a level similar to Kaeiro’s. As they raced down the chasm, they clashed; scythe against sword. The sound of steel rang throughout the cut in the earth, growing in intensity as they went on.

He's preparing for one last strike. Nibui noticed Kaeiro had infused his scythe with lightning chakra, and did the same to his own; with wind chakra. Wind beats lightning. You're finished. Kaeiro ran onto the wall, increasing even more in speed; Nibui followed. They launched at each other, scythe against sword, wind against lightning. At the last moment, Kaeiro switched the infusion of his blade to fire.

Both ninja were instantly blown back, the collision of their chakras too powerful to hold. Nibui continued running forward, expecting the same of Kaeiro; who instead switched directions, shoving his scythe into the wall to stop and reverse his forward momentum. Fuck! He's making a run for it. Nibui turned as quickly as he could, using his sword in the fashion Kaeiro did. My sage energy is running thin. I need to catch him now. Nibui rocketed forward, using the last bit of his sage mode to funnel together fire and wind chakra.

“Sage Art: Scorch Style Blast Missile!” Nibui charged up one final attack, aiming at Kaeiro. Suddenly, Kaeiro launched upwards, rotating over the top of chasm. Nibui followed, prepared to release his jutsu.

As Nibui peaked above the opening, he saw a sword flying towards him moments before it hit. He tilted to the left, attempting to dodge the incoming blade. It wedged itself into his right shoulder, its lightning infusion severing some of Nibui’s chakra points. His jutsu became unstable, exploding in his hand. Before his certain end, Nibui flew through as many hand signs as he could.

Kaeiro looked to the sky as a large stone fell from the blast radius of Nibui’s jutsu. Substitution. I'm tired, damnit. This pest won't leave me alone. He clapped his hands together, intending to finish his sage mode activation which had been interrupted earlier. To be fair, I started it.

He must've picked up the sword my summon had lodged in its eye. Nibui sat behind a sand dune, bandaging the bleeding from his right arm. No doubt he's going to finish sage now, I won't be able to escape. I just have to wait until his sage energy is depleted, then he'll be exhausted. Nibui stood up, wiping the blood from his left hand onto his pants. He drew a kunai, ready to finish off Kaeiro. Before Nibui reached the top of the sand dune, he could feel Kaiero rushing towards him. He tossed the kunai up, weaving signs with his only good hand.

“Wind Style: Wind Cutter Jutsu!” He launched the jutsu towards Kaiero’s destination. He grabbed his kunai, beginning a slight jog to the right. I’ll have to use the current high winds to supplement my own wind style. I won’t have to use much chakra. Nibui could feel his chakra running low, but the last jutsu had not taken much out of him. As Kaeiro reached the top, he slid underneath the violent wind wave shot in his direction.

Once he reached a stop, Kaeiro launched himself towards Nibui. His sage mode looks so much different from mine. Kaeiro’s hair had become a torch, his eyes had the same kind of burning flame coming from it. His body looked hot to the touch and his canine teeth had expanded. You could say… He’s a hothead. Nibui chuckled to himself, kunai in his mouth as he weaved hand signs. Before Kaeiro’s impact, Nibui released his jutsu, blowing a funnel of wind chakra through his mouth. He aimed it at the ground before him, propelling himself into the air. He let go of his kunai, quickly grabbing an explosive tag and slapping it on the kunai before he caught and threw it.

The wicked sands had blinded Kaeiro, but he could feel the weapon flying towards him. He did not dodge far, not expecting the explosive tag which had been planted on the kunai. The blast hurled him to his right, mostly only taking damage from the shrapnel the kunai had been blown into. Kaeiro picked himself up as Nibui landed a dozen or so meters away. They both stopped. I just entered sage mode, but I’m already tired as hell. Either this battle ends now, or I’m a dead man. Kaeiro closed his eyes as the roaring flames that decorated him simmered down into a more subtle size. He relinquished sage mode as he funneled the last bits of natural energy into his right hand. It all ends here. I no longer have the speed to pierce his body with a Chidori. I need a more powerful technique that will blow through him. He had never done this before. As he molded his fire chakra with the sage power, the most potent part became visible in the form of a sphere. It emitted powerful flames, stirring up the sand below his feet. I suppose I should name this new technique.

“Sage Art…” Kaeiro started, not sure where to take it next. “Sage Art: Absolute Flame Dance!” Kaiero, wondering what the fuck he just said, launched himself towards Nibui. He weaved through a barrage of incoming vacuum bullets, landing a solid hit on Nibui. His jutsu exploded, forcing Kaeiro to let go and fall back as quick as he could. Everything it touched turned to ashes as it rapidly expanded.

He watched in awe of the new jutsu he had created. It incinerated his opponent in an instant with little effort. Abruptly, Kaeiro took a blow from his left, knocking him down. It caused him extreme pain and some of his vision was lost.

“Did you just seriously fall for a shadow clone?” Nibui asked. Kaeiro slowly rose to his feet to face Nibui.
“I grow weary of this fight-” Kaeiro realized he hadn't even learned his enemy’s name. “-my friend.”

“We aren't friends at all; I don't know you. You simply just picked a bad fight.” Nibui raised his fists, prepared to fight now that his enemy is exhausted. His taijutsu is stronger than mine, but he's gotta be tired as hell.

They ran at each other, too tired to move any quicker. They both threw punches with their left hand, Kaeiro blocking Nibui’s, but Nibui not able to block the incoming blow.  Kaeiro’s leg shot underneath Nibui, tripping him. He stuck his hand out to break his fall, somersaulting backwards and popping back up to his feet. Kaeiro quickly followed up with a high kick, only to have his ankle grabbed. Nibui twisted it, turning Kaeiro off balance. He tried to remain standing by twisting to his right, bringing Nibui with him. Kaeiro followed up with a punch from his left hand, forcing Nibui to release his ankle.

The shinobi stared at each other, panting heavily. They raised their hands into a defensive stance and creeped closer towards one another. Nibui threw a roundhouse kick only to be blocked by Kaeiro, who promptly tried a punch to his gut. He let Kaeiro land the blow, only to follow up with a strong punch to his head. He funneled the last bits of his chakra, blowing Kaeiro a few feet back upon impact. Kaeiro bent over, spitting out blood and what looked like a tooth.

To Nibui’s surprise, Kaeiro stood back up straight, prepared to fight another bout. His left eye was completely closed; it looked bruised. His right eye was on the verge of shutting, Kaeiro could barely keep it open. Nibui, on the other hand, was not in much better of a shape. He had close to zero chakra and could taste blood in his mouth. That was not to mention the tattered state of his entire right arm.

Kaeiro inched closer yet again. Nibui held up his left arm to block any incoming attacks. Kaeiro threw two punches in rapid succession, pulling back as Nibui blocked them. He threw two more, and two more. Nibui was backpedaling, struggling to block the already weak enough blows. Suddenly, on one of Kaeiro’s punches, lightning chakra pierced his left arm, making it numb. Kaeiro smirked.
“You may have more stamina than me…” He panted, catching his breath. “But…” Another pause. “I’ve still got a little chakra.” Nibui now had no arms to utilize. Kaeiro put him on his back with a kick to the chest.

“Just like tipping a cow.” He managed to spit out under his breath. “This battle is over.”

Victor: Kaeiro!

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Scribe's Guild
« on: March 24, 2016, 02:27:07 »

The Scribe's Guild

Director: America


I. America
II. Nas


I. child_emperor

Current Projects:

I. SLO Arena

Previous Projects:



The Scribe's Guild is a group of writers organized together to work on projects. These 'projects' will mostly be stories, such as SLO Arena. We seek to entertain the forum by putting forth pieces for forum members to read.

Aides are people that do not write the pieces, but rather help with information, fact-checking, etc. They are something like interns; they do not represent the Scribe's Guild now, but may eventually become a Scribe.

This guild will most likely dissipate once the game comes out, unless it finds a purpose within it.


Send the Director a personal message containing the following:
  • Forum Name:
  • Age:
  • Position: (Aide or Scribe)
  • Goals: (What type of projects you want to work on, or what specifically you want to do.)
Once this has been completed, the Director will give you an entrance trial to decide if you are worthy of being accepted into this guild.

SLO Arena: Battle #2!
Good day, shinobi! Or night, for you Europeans. I am now bringing you a battle that was probably the most difficult for me to write. Ravennus (Myself) v Taiga Himitsu (taigakun). This one was especially hard to write, as I had to avoid bias as best as I could. The pre-game analysis was released early so that I could see the community's opinion on the battle, and it was there that I made most of my decision.

Spoiler: show
Character Template:

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 45/100
Taijutsu: 15/100
Genjutsu: 90/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One

Kinjutsu X

Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 65/100
Stamina: 70/100
Speed: 55/100
Strength: 35/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 35/100
Hand Seals: 60/100
Chakra Efficiency: 55/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 45/100
Kenjutsu: 15/100
Summoning: 90/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two

Lightning (Primary)

Leftover Points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Kinjutsu - Forbidden Summoning: Human Sacrifice
This jutsu summons enslaved humans for a number of uses, mostly to block incoming attacks.

Lightning Claw Jutsu
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Lightning Clone Jutsu

Thunderclap: Illusory Dimension
Eye of Lightning: Storm Blitz

Spoiler: show
Character Template: taigakun

Character Name: Taiga Himitsu

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 75/100
Taijutsu: 65/100
Genjutsu: 0/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 60/100
Stamina: 50/100
Speed: 55/100
Strength: 60/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 55/100
Hand Seals: 40/100
Chakra Efficiency: 55/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 45/100
Kenjutsu: 100/100
Summoning: 5/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 10

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 10%

Two shinobi met on the rocky plateau, representing a village and an organization. Below them, a battle raged on. Two enemies, locked in conflict, sent their ninja against each other. However, the real battle would be decided here, between two decidedly talented shinobi.

“However this ends, I wish you luck in your endeavors.” Ravennus said in a monotonous voice.

“Don’t pretend to care, I know you don’t.” Taiga replied, prompting a slight smirk from Ravennus.

“I was only trying to be polite.” The two shinobi peered into each other’s eyes for a few minutes, waiting for the right time to strike.

Finally, as thunder roared in the sky, the two shinobi shot at each other. From Taiga’s sleeves came a katana, from Ravennus’, a kunai. Taiga immediately gained the upper hand, following an overhead strike blocked by the kunai with a smack from the butt of his handle. Ravennus stumbled backwards, dropping his weapon. Taiga promptly twisted his blade, uppercutting the enemy. His blade sliced clean through Ravennus, spilling blood onto the rocky ground.
Thunder boomed again as Ravennus’ body slowly faded away. What is this? Some sort of clone?

“Kenjutsu, the art of using a sword.” Taiga heard a voice behind him. He quickly turned around, only to find Ravennus perched on a rock.

“Quite common, but you seem exceptionally talented with it.” He continued, jumping off the boulder.

“What sort of cheap tricks are you using? Reveal yourself.” Taiga launched himself towards the enemy ninja, piercing his abdomen clean through with a powerful thrust. He heard thunder as Ravennus’ body faded and a new one appeared next to it. Without hesitation, Taiga struck the current one, this time with a Chidori. Ravennus’ didn’t disappear immediately, instead grabbing onto Taiga’s arm and pulling him closer. They stood mere inches away, staring into each other’s eyes.
Without releasing his hold on Taiga’s arm, Ravennus used his left hand to form hand signs. He’s quick, and with one hand. I can’t tell what he’s going to use.

“Lightning Style: Kirin.” Taiga’s eyes, widened. He tried to loosen Ravennus’ grasp on his arm, to no avail.

“ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?” Taiga increased the intensity of his Chidori, pushing straight through the enemy shinobi’s body.

“You are going to kill us both. Nobody wants that. Nobody needs that.” Taiga drew his katana with his left hand, rapidly sticking it through Ravennus’ neck. The shinobi did not pause. He raised his free hand, preparing to guide the thunderous dragon to the ground.

Rain clouds covered the sky, casting a shadow on the battlefield. It began to precipitate, mixing the blood of the shinobi with fresh water from the sky. He’s going to fucking do it. Taiga looked up, still trying to wrest his arm from Ravennus’ iron grasp. Lightning formed into the mystical beast.

Before Taiga could say any last words, Ravennus lowered his hand, blowing both himself and Taiga to bits.
Thunder clapped once more. Taiga opened his eyes, gasping for air. He stood opposite Ravennus, neither injured in the slightest. Genjutsu. Just an illusion. It felt so real, though.

“The battle really begins now.” Taiga looked up towards his enemy. There’s no way he actually knows a technique like Kirin. He doesn’t seem very strong, either. My best bet is to get in close.

“Sir. We lost our entire right flank. The center is danger of rout and the left is barely any better. You may want to withdraw with the rest of our forces. Kinzokugakure reserves will be here soon.” Taiga turned around to look at the voice which spoke. One of his subordinates in the Heathen Army.

“You can’t be serious. How did they do it?”

“The side of the mountain collapsed. They created a landslide, destroying our right flank and some of the center. The rest of their forces were able to focus on our remaining few.”

Taiga closed his eyes, elevating his right arm until it pointed at Ravennus. A chidori spear extended, stopping inches before Ravennus’ face. It promptly retracted, fizzling into obscurity, allowing Taiga to form his hands together.

“Release.” Taiga opened his eyes. The battle raged on below, undisturbed by natural disasters.

“I should’ve known earlier.” Taiga said, finally free of the illusions Ravennus had put him into.

“So, how did you figure it out?”

“It had me fooled for awhile, I will give you that. However, the thunder gave it away. Every time I had bested you, thunder clapped and a new illusion began.” He paused, debating if he should tell the other reason why.

“That can’t have been all. You are holding back on something.” Well, fuck. He called me out.
“Yeah. I noticed you started the battle in front of that odd shaped pebble. In your illusion, you were behind it. I used my chidori spear to measure the length I thought it roughly was.” Ravennus only nodded at the response.

The two shinobi launched at each other, sword in one’s hand, kunai in the other's. Taiga’s rapid attacks forced Ravennus to backpedal. A lightning infused blade swept upwards, catching Ravennus off guard. The cutting power of the sword sliced his kunai, leaving a shallow cut on Ravennus’ face.

“Y-You fucKING CUNT!” He yelled, jumping backwards while holding onto his face. He didn’t hit my eye, but he got my face good. He held his left hand up to his face, covering his wound while moving his right hand behind his back to form hand signs.

Taiga charged, clapping his hands together. Just a little bit longer. As he entered Sage Mode, he combined the natural energy with his own chakra, forming the effigy of a shark’s head in his left hand using water chakra; the form of a eagle’s head in his right hand with lightning chakra.

The quick attack caught Ravennus off guard, who had barely finished casting his jutsu. Light flashed behind his left hand. Some sort of healing jutsu, using lightning maybe? Taiga didn’t have time to contemplate, instead slamming his left hand into Ravennus’ gut. He isn’t disappearing now. I don’t know if the last cut was enough, but this shows it. This is no genjutsu. He rushed in for a fatal blow, prepared to strike with both hands. Seals flew out of Ravennus’ right hand.

“Forbidden Summoning: Human Sacrifice!” Smoke covered the battlefield as Taiga felt his attack strike true. As the dust cleared, a figure flew by Taiga’s right side. He was barely able to make out the form of Ravennus, bleeding profusely with his left eye closed. Wh-who did I hit? He looked back to his victim, only to find a man he had never seen before. Human Sacrifice Jutsu, huh. I suppose it worked, but how many sacrifices can you procure before I get to you? Ravennus pulled a kunai, lunging towards Taiga.

“Still coming after me with that weak Taijutsu of yours?” He pulled his hands from the man, reinvigorating the intensity of his active jutsu. Ravennus altered his path, instead dashing in front of Taiga. They locked eyes, Ravennus opening his left eye to reveal an intense storm raging within. Shit! Taiga tried to look away, but it was already too late.

He looked around. The eye of a storm. Lightning bolted around the dark clouds, winds slashing at his face. I-I can’t mo-move. He looked down to his arms. They were bound by bolts of lightning, the same with his legs.
An ocular based genjutsu. I can’t move. I can’t breath. The strong winds pounded at him, sucking the breath from him. So that’s what he was doing with his eye earlier. I’m going to pass out. I can’t feel m-

Victor: Ravennus!

SLO Arena: Battle #1!

I officially kick off the first SLO Arena tournament with a heated battle between Kamiko Himitsu (Xassassin) v Vizier (SirTroll)! Your bets should have been placed in the Analysis thread. The official character templates will be below in spoilers.

Spoiler: show
Character Name: Kamiko Himitsu

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 55/100
Taijutsu: 50/100
Genjutsu: 20/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 55/100
Stamina: 60/100
Speed: 55/100
Strength: 55/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 25/100
Hand Seals: 50/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 15/100
Kenjutsu: 75/100
Summoning: 60/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two

Leftover Points: 50

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 50%

Summoning: Wolves

Would like a double edge sword that has a ring on the end of the blade much like a kunai.
Also double edge kunai, regular kunais and shurikens.
Jutsu list: Great dragon fire jutsu, dragon fire jutsu, moushou kaseiken(fierce flame fist), kaseiken(flame fist), katon-horou no jutsu(fire release. Fire prison), katon. Kita no jutsu(aerial explosion technique), housenka no jutsu( mythical fire phoenix technique), katon:hi shinton no jutsu(flame spread technique),, silent wind, rasengan, sword of wind, bloody sound technique, flowing wind fist, wind explosion.,1647.0.html

Wolf Summoning

Spoiler: show
Character Template:

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 100/100
Taijutsu: 50/100
Genjutsu: 0/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One

Kinjutsu -Flying Raijin

Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 50/100
Stamina: 50/100
Speed: 100/100
Strength: 25/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 75/100
Hand Seals: 25/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 40/100
Kenjutsu: 10/100
Summoning: 0/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 100

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 100%

I want to use flying raijin technique with my ultimate jutsu

As there is no intelligence statistic then can I go for 100/100 shikamaru lmao

Character name: Vizier

   A man entered the clearing, robes flowing from his rapid approach. He scanned his surroundings, silently noting a presence watching his every move. He reached to his tool pack and drew a kunai, spinning it around his index finger.
   “This battle will be over in seconds.” He said aloud as he flung the kunai at the ground beneath him.
   “Agreed.” A girl stepped out from behind a tree, chakra jumping onto a nearby branch.
   “However, we might have different outcomes in mind.”
   Vizier drew another kunai, twirling and flipping it through the air. Blue-white light radiated from the blade, accompanying the crackling noise emitted. Lightning style. Kamiko thought to herself. Chakra imbued weapon. Two can play at that game. As Kamiko drew her sword, Vizier launched himself towards her. In turn, Kamiko threw herself towards him, still in the action of drawing her blade. Flames exploded out of her sheath, consuming the blade in fiery chakra.
   As the two shinobi clashed, Vizier’s kunai was forced up and out of his hand by the searing flames emitted from Kamiko’s chakra blade. They flew by each other with little contact, trading places from their original position. Before the kunai reached the arc of its flight, Vizier had vanished.
   Brown eyes. They appeared so quickly, Kamiko could not react. Vizier swiftly hit Kamiko with a powerful uppercut, sending her flying a few meters into the air. The kunoichi twisted in air, spiralling until she faced downwards. Before Kamiko could get a solid view of Vizier, she started weaving hand signs for a powerful wind style jutsu.
   Suddenly, she felt a presence a few meters to her right. Kamiko pivoted as quickly as she could in mid air, only to see two shuriken flying towards her.
   “Wind Style: Vacuum Blade!” Immediately the shuriken were imbued with Wind Style Chakra, increasing their reach and cutting power. How the hell did he get there?!
   “Wind Style: Wind Explosion Jutsu!” Kamiko yelled, releasing her jutsu, no longer with the purpose to attack Vizier, but rather to steer her away from harm. After using her Wind Style to dodge the attack, she landed softly on the tree behind Vizier, which she had originally began on.
   Without delay, Vizier yanked on the strings attached to the shuriken. They swung around, again advancing towards Kamiko. He let go of the strings, gracefully back flipping onto the ground below him and catching the kunai which he had teleported to. He did not look when the shuriken hit their mark, causing an audible slicing noise as Kamiko was cut into three by the viciously sharp shuriken.
   “Flying Raijin. Huh. Who knew you’d have such a powerful technique.”
   Vizier froze. He was certain that the shuriken struck a fatal blow. He quickly turned around. The sight he saw visibly shook him. Kamiko’s face and upper torso were lying on the ground a few feet away from her midriff, which was in turn a few feet away from her legs. Genjutsu. I should’ve known earlier. This fight should not have been this easy.
   “Genjutsu, I see.” Vizier raised his hands and formed them into the sign for genjutsu release. He closed his eyes and felt a click.
   “So the rumors are true. Your genjutsu is, well, quite lacking.” Kamiko taunted him. She flipped down from the tree, forming her hands into the tiger hand sign.
   “You’ve exposed your techniques to me. Lightning Style, Wind Style, Flying Raijin… The fight hasn’t even begun yet and you’ve got no secrets left to hide.” Vizier’s brow furrowed as he pulled several shuriken from his pouch. Kamiko drew her blade in response, preparing for a rapid series of attacks.
   As Vizier let his shuriken fly free, Kamiko imbued her blade with the same fiery chakra from before. Time seemed to slow down as the shuriken approached. Where is he going to come from? No doubt the shuriken are a diversion. She ignored them, as they were not on path to hit her. One shuriken passed her. Then another.
   On the fourth shuriken, Vizier teleported in front of her, poised to strike with a hand full of lightning. How?! It doesn’t matter. He appeared too early, I can block. Kamiko raised her blade to intercept his path. Milliseconds before the two came into contact, Vizier disappeared. There must be Flying Raijin marks on the shuriken. Kamiko braced for impact, she knew Vizier had the upper hand with speed.
   A kick on her back sent Kamiko rolling in the dirt. The initial hit did not damage her much, as she was prepared to receive it.
   “So the rumors are true.” Vizier copied the mocking tone she had used earlier. “Your speed is, well, quite lacking.”
   “Pure juvenile. There’s no way I can lose to a kid like you.” Kamiko picked her sword up from the ground near her. She glanced around, noting the locations of Vizier’s tools. I need to avoid going near anything that could have a flying raijin mark on it. As she looked back towards Vizier, he started advancing with extreme speed. She jumped upwards, rotating mid-air.
   She’s faster than I give her credit for. Clang! Sparks flew as Vizier slid past where Kamiko had been. He turned quickly, preparing hand signs for a Wind Style jutsu. A sword was in her place, stuck down into the ground. Around the blade was his kunai. I don’t believe it. In the middle of his dash, Kamiko had thrown her blade through the loop, pinning his kunai to the ground. Vizier did not have time to admire her accuracy; Kamiko had followed up immediately with a Great Fire Dragon Jutsu.
   Vizier dodged to the right, launching his own Wind Style: Wind Bullet Barrage. Kamiko was able to dodge a few, igniting her blade to block the rest. One slipped through, slamming into her ribs. She spun backwards, landing on her feet. Instantly, both shinobi starting weaving hand signs. She’s going to finish before me! Vizier dodged to the left, cancelling his jutsu to pull smoke bombs.
   Kamiko continued her Flame Phoenix Jutsu, drawing a kunai to supplement the bird’s striking power. She tossed it into the air before her, finishing the final hand sign. The fire escaped her mouth, taking the form of a roaring phoenix. Hidden within it was the kunai, ready to cut Vizier while the flames burnt him. She quickly pulled two more kunai, aiming them towards the left and right of the smoke cloud to counteract his inevitable dodge. She called upon more of her chakra, spitting out two additional phoenixes.
   Suddenly, Vizier dashed out from the smoke, heading straight towards Kamiko. He shot himself forward, dodging the phoenix by rotating his body to be parallel with it. Kamiko threw herself backwards, preparing one last phoenix. Vizier speed was unmatched. He is approaching too quickly! I’ll probably be caught in this last phoenix’s blast radius, but at least he will be finished. She released the last bird as he channeled his lightning chakra into a Chidori. One meter. This phoenix is going to roast him.
   Upon contact, Vizier exploded into an intense display of bright lightning. A lightning clone! The flames of the phoenix and the lightning of the clone clashed, blowing Kamiko back into a tree. After a moment of stillness, Kamiko rose once again. The backlash from the two jutsu’s clash had burnt her left arm, but she could still fight.
   Vizier lowered his arms, peering around the clearing. He barely had time to raise his Iron Susano’o to block the incoming phoenix. Unlike Kamiko had predicted, Vizier did not attempt to dodge, but rather used his Magnet Release in an attempt to form the Iron Susano’o. Utilizing the tools lying the around battlefield along with the tools he had yet to use, Vizier suspended them in the air around him, forming a cage to block incoming attacks. However, due to the lack of weapons he carried, he could only form a part of it. The bulk of the phoenix blew Vizier to the left, his Iron Susano’o travelling with him.
   “Magnet Release: Polar Expansion!” Vizier formed the hand signs as quickly as he could, compelling the iron weapons to shoot outwards.
   “Scorch Release: Incinerating Outbreak!” Kamiko held her right arm high, hoisting a ball of wind and fire chakra towards the sky. Vizier grit his teeth, reforming his Iron Susano’o as quickly as possible. A ring exploded from the orb, setting fire to the trees around. Vizier raised his arms to shield his eyes, readjusting his Iron Susano’o. The ring expanded, flowing above Vizier. Intense heat radiated from it, causing him to sweat furiously. Before he lowered his arms, Kamiko had funneled her chakra to her legs, bursting forward to the side of Vizier. He readjusted his defense as quickly as possible, only to hear the sizzling of the iron tools as they melted to Kamiko’s attack.
   Vizier plucked an untouched kunai from the Susano’o, dropping the rest of the tools. He dodged backwards, tossing the kunai into the air as he weaved signs. Damnit! His right arm was slower than usual, after defending from the earlier phoenix’s explosion.
   “Lightning Style: Lightning Clone Jutsu!” Lightning struck on either side of Vizier, forming into copies of himself. He caught the kunai with his right hand, shooting a wave a pain through his entire arm. Vizier winced, but pressed on. The two clones charged Kamiko, who had released the Scorch Style orb. She quickly formed the signs for a summoning jutsu, calling upon her lupine companions. Moments after Vizier’s clones and Kamiko’s wolves clashed, Vizier teleported to one of the remaining tools of the Iron Susano’o. He re-engaged his magnetic defense, dashing towards Kamiko with a lightning imbued kunai in his left hand.
   She wasn’t prepared. Vizier grinned. The battle was his. He was millimeters away, brandishing his lightning sharp blade. Time seemed to slow down. Just this much closer. He noticed Kamiko started unsheathing her blade. It’s too late, girl. You can’t block this now!
   And she didn’t. Vizier’s kunai struck true, embedding itself in Kamiko. She grunted, but continued to draw her blade. Blood spilled onto the ground, as Vizier shoved his kunai through her heart.
   “Why won’t you die!?” Vizier yelled. “I’ve stabbed you straight through the heart!. Y-you fuc-fucking demon!” Kamiko smirked, holding up two fingers.
   “Release!” She yelled. Genjutsu. Vizier blinked, looking again at his kunai. It wasn’t untouched at all, but instead, burnt almost in half. She had tricked him into picking up a dull kunai which had its sharp point incinerated by her previous jutsu. The weapon hadn’t even pierced her body armor. I can’t move. I can’t even teleport away without taking her with me. She’s got an iron grip on my arm. Vizier heard the ignition of her sword one last time.

Victor: Kamiko Himitsu!

General Discussion / Shinobi Life Online Arena
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:03:17 »
Welcome to SLO Arena!

In this arena, you first must submit your character template along with the required stats. Take a look below.

Character Template:

Character Name:

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 0/100
Taijutsu: 0/100
Genjutsu: 0/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 0/100
Stamina: 0/100
Speed: 0/100
Strength: 0/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 0/100
Hand Seals: 0/100
Chakra Efficiency: 0/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 0/100
Kenjutsu: 0/100
Summoning: 0/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

To achieve one chakra nature affinity, your ninja must have at least 25 points in Ninjutsu and 25 in Chakra Level. To develop a second, your Ninjutsu must be at 50 and Chakra Level at 50.

Each point not spent is converted into one percentage in a draw to receive a Chakra Nature Combination.

A link to your character page would be appreciated when you submit your Character Template.

You may also send me a list of any techniques that you could possibly want character to utilize. If it isn’t realistic, then it won’t be put in. Per se, if you want your character to use Kirin, but only have five points in Ninjutsu, you won’t get it.

This goes for weapons, as well. If you request your character to have a sword, I will assume it is a basic katana unless you send a picture or description. Again, nothing ridiculous, please.

For the last thing to submit with your Character Template; you should include anything specific you may want, within reason. This includes what your summon would be, if you put points into it.

You must fill out this form, and send it to me via PM. Your character will be placed into a pool and pit against other ninja in a battle written by myself, and others if they wish to assist. (PM me) If you have a specific character you wish to battle, you must have permission from the owner of the character to do so. You can make more than one character and set them against each other, if that’s what you like to do.

The more interest shown and characters submitted, the faster stories will be written.

Good luck, Shinobi!

Registered Shinobi:
  • Ravennus (America)
  • Vizier (SirTroll)
  • Kamiko Himitsu (Xassassin)
  • Kuria (Mars)
  • Taiga Himitsu (taigakun)
  • Isei Himitsu (Nas)
  • Satoru Nii (DrSuhi)
  • Konohuro Kirishima (Konohuro)
  • Nibui Himitsu (child_emperor)
  • Ken Himitsu (TheSupremeKing)
  • Sanji Amigake (Sanji)
  • Star Shizen (cmsurfer)
  • Yamanagi (Yamasukage)
  • Kaeiro Kirishima (Kai)
  • Kazuki Himitsu (Shivraj)
  • Kamashe Nakadori (Kamashe)

Top Shinobi:
  • Kamiko Himitsu: 2 Victories
  • Ravennus: 1 Victory
  • Kaeiro Kirishima: 1 Victory

Latest Battle:

General Discussion / america toste 2torial
« on: March 12, 2016, 23:24:55 »
k so today i show u al how 2 make toste like amarican

k so first u need bred, budder, grape jellie, toster and big knief

next u need to get rid of stupid blender, u need toster

now git out reel toster

plug in toster and so k now ur set up shoud llok like tihs

git oraeng from reftigderator

cut oraegn in halv with big knef

now u have 2 halfes of oraeng

trow de bad halv of oraegn away

git out peece of bred and sqweez oraeng joose on brede

nexxt is hard part, u need 2 open jar of budter. i try use big nief here but oh well

nexx u need 2 scoop out budetr and puton bred

k so here i relize that dis is actally barbecu sawse lol dat woulda been bad

i git out grape jelly wich has nice sqwees conteiner

now u put bred in toster

hear i put sum vege oil in toster too so bred dosnt stick 2 sides

next u choose least pussy tosting mode

mmmm good lookin toste :)))))))

now u pik right glass 4 tje toste

nex u neeed a reeces cup

put rapper on the straw 2 make coole ubrela straw amd grind up reeces in toste

nexx u go oout to front porch and watch 4 stupid commies with ur tasty toste, goverment-issued snipper rifle and doggo

danks 4 watxhin america toste 3torial

Naruto Fanworks / America's Story Time
« on: March 07, 2016, 21:47:37 »
Author's Note: This is the first chapter of a story that I've thought of, however, I have a few directions I could take this. The first is, if you all are interested, I write a chapter every so often and post it here. The second would be popcorn writing. That means, since I wrote the first chapter, whoever wants to write the second can, and so on. We could make a nice story as a community, as long as someone doesn't fuck around with it. The third option would be I just stop writing this now because you think it's shit. You tell me, SLO.

PS: The formatting is kind of wonky and I can't tab like I would to start a paragraph, so I just spaced each paragraph out from the others.

The sound of steel clashing was deafening. It rang all throughout the village, a constant reminder of the perpetual chaos that consumed Shogekihagakure. This was the third coup d’etat in this month; the leaders of the village were constantly at each other’s throats.

“Explosion Release: Day of Judgment Jutsu!” These were the last words Nakai heard before his eardrum ruptured, leaving nothing but a ringing noise. The user of the aforementioned high level technique was no doubt the current Kage, seeking to level the playing field by blowing through half the village and its people, along with the mutineers. Nakai, unfortunately but fortunately, had been on the outer ring of the blast radius.

He woke, after presumably a few minutes unconscious and brushed the dirt off his flak jacket, noticing a seven inch splinter wedged into his arm. Nakai hissed as he pulled it out, causing the flow of blood to hasten, now that nothing blocked it. He sat up, shifting his body so that he was kneeling.

“I got you. Hold still.” A young voice to his right said. It sounded distorted, but at least her could hear. Nakai looked over, seeing a girl of maybe eight or nine. She grabbed his right arm, the one penetrated by the missile, and wrapped it with scraps from her shirt.

“Who are you? Why are you out here? It’s dangerous.” Nakai said, wincing as he touched his wound.
“I’m a genin. I’m fighting for the Kage. I can see that you are too, with the gear you wear.” Nakai looked at her in horror. She was a frail girl, dressed in trousers too large for her and a shirt which would offer no protection in battle. That was beside the fact that she was no ninja, but simply a kid. She probably couldn’t even do a proper clone jutsu.

“N-no way. You can’t be serious. Where are your parents?”

“They died in the Servile War. The Kage enlisted me to replace them.” She offered a half-smile, but Nakai could tell there was nothing behind it. So this is what his village had come to. Child warfare. He himself was barely of age to fight; Nakai was a Chunin by rank, but was no more skilled than a Genin. His advancement to Chunin was sped up by the need for soldiers by the Kage. His entire class of Genin, about seven teams of three, were made Chunin after a half-assed exam which a ten year old could pass. Nakai was only thirteen, a few years below the average age for a true Chunin.

“We should probably get out of here.” The girl said, running to the building on his right. Nakai wouldn’t even call it a building, it was what was left of a house after the Kage’s jutsu had hit it. He got up, jogging from the street to what appeared to be a fountain. Nakai kneeled down at the edge of the fountain, which, luckily for him, had a few gallons of water left in it. The statue of the third Shogekikage was no longer spouting water, but Nakai used what was left in the bottom to rinse off his face, and quench his thirst.

“Are you a loyalist, boy?” Nakai froze, feeling the cold steel of a kunai at his throat. He wondered what the right answer was. At this point, Nakai did not care who came out as the village leader, as long as he did not die. Because he faced away from his assailant, his badges identifying him as a so-called “loyalist” were hidden.

“N-no. I’m fighting ag-against the Kage.” He answered, hoping for the best. The attacker lowered his knife, and let out a sigh.

“Good, now let’s get up and at it. The Kage massacred our entire right wing offensive with that jutsu, but he took a few hundred village shinobi and villagers with them. We are going to have to enter the fight with what’s left of Katakiuchi in the center. They are facing hard resistance from the Kage’s Shock Guard.” The man paused, which Nakai could only assume was from suspicion.

“Turn around, boy.” Nakai felt a hand on his shoulder. It grabbed him tightly and spun him onto his butt. Nakai panicked, kicking the man in the chest. He slid a few feet back and reached into his back pouch, redrawing the kunai from earlier. Nakai formed the hand signs for the only Earth jutsu he knew, Earth Dome. The ninja saw his intent and shot upwards. Nakai, realizing his inability to hit him with the jutsu, cast the dome on himself, using it as a shield.
He could hear nothing from the outside, but could tell the ninja was trying to break the dome. Dust and chunks of stone fell from the roof as the shinobi pounded at the dome. One spot in particular had taken a serious beating, and was close to being penetrated.

“Dynamic Kick!” The dome shook, cracks now apparent in the location the kick had landed. Nakai knew that one more kick would shatter the dome. While he had wove the signs for the Earth Dome, Nakai had been frightened, which caused him to fumble and misuse most of his chakra. He couldn't even muster up enough to use the Clone Jutsu. A minute or two passed. To Nakai, this was an eternity. He couldn't figure out why the ninja had not broken his dome yet. Mind games, perhaps.

Suddenly, the dome ruptured, splitting into a million pieces. He covered his eyes as pebbles flew in every direction. Nakai looked up to see two men on horses and one man, who had supposedly cracked his dome, staring back at him. He recognized the insignias on their armor. The Shock Guard Cavalry. The horses served an archaic purpose. They carried spears and occasionally engaged in battle with an initial cavalry charge, but after that they usually dismounted and fought on foot. A symbol of status; that's all the horse was.

Lost in his thoughts, Nakai realized, once he had focused back onto the present, the dismounted Shock Guard was offering his hand. Nakai took it, grunting as he rose to his feet. He let out an audible gasp as the Guard pulled him onto his horse, for his arm had reminded him of the wound he endured not too long ago.

“We need to catch up with the other squads. Lord Shogekikage and Aya’s battalion have probably crushed the left wing and the stragglers of the right wing. Katakiuchi was routed, but they'll most likely regroup with the fourth line and press the attack.”

“No, Yoneda. The Yugure wouldn't risk their lives like that, and Iwata won't commit his last group of rebels to the attack. My prediction is as follows; they will reform around the Zonei river and ravage what is left of the village. Iwata and his mutineers will probably join Katakiuchi permanently and attempt to influence them into another attack once their strength is restored.”

“I can agree with that. Although, Iwata won't be back anytime soon, if at all. To him, this was supposed to be an easy attack. However, we won't let in so easily. We stopped Katakiuchi here, and we should help stop them elsewhere.”
“Yeah. Fortunately Iwata was not as serious a threat as the other villages had. How many villages have capitulated to the Yugure now?”

“You are forgetting, they aren't capitulating. Technically. The Yugure dispose of the current Kage and install their own. Of course, the new Kage is completely loyal to Yugure. That is, except for the Hidden Snow. The Yugure have completely overrun it, creating a land of lawless rogue ninjas.”

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
« on: August 20, 2015, 02:11:45 »
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is a compilation of members who come together for one cause; to regulate trade on goat hookers. Led by nobody, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is a pure bred American Democracy. Members of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) are the best of the best, going through 6 and a half minutes of intense goat-hooker-monitoring conditioning.

Members of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
- America
- Xendrus...
- Indigo
- InfinityQuake
- Shadow1759
- m4r1us

To join ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), you must send an active member of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) a vocaroo with the pronunciation of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Org For You; Ordo Divinus
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:22:18 »

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