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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Naruto Fanworks / Character Designs / Sketches
« on: March 17, 2016, 22:01:03 »
Started skecthing some designs for my character.... was a good way to practice poses and clothing

Naruto Fanworks / Family First
« on: February 12, 2016, 23:40:22 »
( ;))

We crouched down, each to our own branch. The sky was dark, a nice cold chill lingered in the air, it reminded me of home. We had our eyes focused, focused on what was below us. Small tenet huddled around each other, forming a circle. In the middle a bigger much larger tent. There was something comical about the formation but I just couldn’t put a finger on what it was I found funny.

We’ve been here for a few days now, scouting the surrounding areas. Checking up on what we were up against, and planning our attack, like any good shinobi would. But I just want to get this done and over with. I miss my bed.

I’ve been crouching here for a while, I am starting to get drowsy, I can feel my eyelids get heavy. Need something to distract me. I look down at my hands, then my nails. I scratch on the black paint on my nails. I never really knew why I painted my nails black, maybe it’s because they’re my favourite colour or because the compliment my caramelish skin. Maybe I should dye… I shake my head before it starts to get weird.

My ears twitch, the guard which I placed near me, the guard I thought I left unconscious starts moaning. I groan, a quick hit to the side of the head should do the job. And it does the guard slumps back down almost falling off the tree. There were a series of guards around the camp, he was one of them.

I look around for my temporary teammates, how long is this going to take, we could have cleared out the camp a long time ago with ease… I could probably take a quick nap, I’ll keep one open and my ears on high alert, no one will notice, all will be well. A sound pierces though the tree line, a high pitched whistle, wait a high pitched whistle?  That’s the signal? The others moved in, leaving me behind. I jump in reluctantly after them, into the centre of the camp.

They haven’t noticed us. Which is good, meaning all the noise I made earlier didn’t really matter. There was dead silence, everyone should be asleep right now, and there was no unnecessary roamers around the camp. Which is also good or all of our efforts would have been for nothing and well that would be annoying.

There was no guard outside the main tent, so we slip inside easily. The tent feels bigger than it looks outside. Inside was relatively dark except for the few candles littered around the tent. A makeshift fire in the middle, and a figure beside it, laying down, arms and legs bound, head low.

A burly man towered over the boy, arm held high, a blood stained club in hand. The arm hammers downwards, aiming to crack the boy’s skull in two. A kunai flies through the air, slicing through it. Digging straight into the burly man, deep into his left eye socket.

The muscular man drops his club, hands rush to his face, in a state of shock, he couldn’t decide whether to pull out the kunai or just try and stop the bleeding, in the he screamed breaking the silence that was held until now, arming everyone in the tent, and maybe outside.

“Kill them!!” Someone barks an order, I moved my gaze quickly from the heavy man to the owner of the voice. There were many others in the tent. They moved in on us with a sickly smirk on their face. “Ah finally, we’re gonna have some real action.” Zhou shouted back, returning their smirk with his own bloodlust grin.

“Let’s just get this over with.” Kuru sighed with disinterest, pulling out another kunai. Unsheathing my sword we rushed in.

They had no chance, we moved too quickly for them, moving from one enemy to another. Slicing my way towards the boy.  I wiped blood from my blade, moving closer to the boy. Zhou chuckles to himself, dropping a body.

I crouch in front of the boy. Only a few years younger than me. His black hair drooped down over his pale face. His eyes were wide, the grey pupils darting around, unsure what had just unraveled in the past few minutes.

I couldn’t help myself. I started laughing, the other two Himitsus watched me with a slightly concerned look. More men burst into the tent, shouting commands at one another. Cutting through the ropes that bounded the boy. I hand him a kunai. “Welcome to the family.” I winked, and turn to face, the men who had rushed into their grave.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / The Shinobi World
« on: January 22, 2016, 17:44:59 »
Sooo out of mere curiosity, I recently watch the Boruto movie and i was wondeing yea. If The would in this would like change  as years go by ( Cause you know this game will blow up and never ever end ;D), like the Naruto world has change with like tvs,  computers, new ninja tools and all that.
Or will the world just stay like the traditional shinobi world...forever and ever and ever and ever (ever..ever...ever "echoes").

Drawings / Drawings WIP
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:53:04 »
Started learning/practicing my drawings  so far its all meh but they'll probably get better 8) hopefully


Having troubles with body proportions and poses :(


Shinobi Life Online Questions / Countries
« on: November 09, 2015, 11:05:29 »
Ehh curiosity are the regions in SLO gonna be divided into like countries like in the naruto world...par example "land of fire, land of earth etc". I would assume  there would be something like that planned oh and what do yous think they would be called or would they named after the ones  in naruto.

Naruto Fanworks / Dissolution
« on: October 26, 2015, 20:35:15 »
 ehm this particular story is not set in a specific timeline so the ages of the characters in this story may not be exactly "cannon" per say lol. It is set in the hidden Thunder for now but may expand as the story finds itself so there's no specific tone or theme one minute it may be filled with humour and end up incredibly dark lol so eh enjoy this short intro.)

”Why is it so hard to breathe?", was all that ran through his mind, he knelt down clutching his chest, the sky was dark, rain poured down washing blood down his face. His vision blurred, his hearing muffled, his throat filled with blood, he struggled to pick himself up while he gasped for air.

Footsteps approached, each step dragged in the heavily soaked dirt. Dry laughter could be heard but just barely.
He lifted his head in attempt to point out where this sound came from, but all that his eyes could make out was a dark blur that grew bigger as it came closer, taking shape of a shadow.

The shadow decreased in height as if crouching down. The man tried to speak, the very least mutter words but all that came out was blood. The shadow spoke in an almost musical tone,"Sh sh you'll strain yourself, you've done enough, it's time for you to rest now", with that the shadow's head came closer to the man and with a kiss to the forehead everything slowly went black.

Naruto Fanworks / Isei's random thoughts
« on: September 25, 2015, 22:36:32 »
(uhm ok I was gonna write a small story full of suspense, action,death and happiness but well I ran into issues so I was like nahh I'll just write something random.......welcome to mind of Isei Himitsu lol )

You know them days when you like don't want to do anything, no training or missions or leaving the house. Well today is that day...well almost everyday is that day. I say almost because for some reason people have the ehmm impression that i'm very lazy, that i don't train or go on missions or leave my house, but in fact i do leave my house, i need to lay on the grass every now and then. Maybe i don't do the stuff other "shinobi" do does'nt mean im not one, well kinda, i don't care really.
Yeaaa i kinda put "shinobi" in air qoutes, now a days being a "shinobi" is a popularity contest. Everybody wants to be one of the popular kids from the academy but on a bigger scale obviously. Being a ninja gets to people's head, they take it for granted, act like they are celebrities, like they're more important than everyone else. The reason for becoming a ninja used to be righteous and honourable, to protect their village and all that, but now people join the academy with dreams of being the best or with a mind set for revenge or to avenge a late relative. True and honest shinobi can be hard to find now a days, i sound like an old man don't i, you're probably older than me.
Uhmm i sort of forgot what the point of this was, i think this was supposed to be just a light chat between us but then took a left turn.
Random topic but has anyone actually seen ninjas dating, like where do they find the time, im 19 and i still dont know how my father and mother met. I kinda get it if ninjas date and marry each other cause they kinda spend and go through missions and all that together. But the part that bugged me is when ninjas suddenly have normal civilian wives or maybe its just me.
Well I'm kinda tired of talking now, my bed needs me.... Goway.

(if u actually read this through I commend you and would love to hear your thoughts might write more on this whenever the mood hits)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / SLO Times
« on: September 21, 2015, 22:19:34 »
Just felt like throwing a suggestion out there...this might not be for everyone but opinions would be appreciated though lol.

I was wondering about having a way to implement like a sorta newspaper thing in SLO. Like each village has their own news, par example: events in the village, important celebrations or minor things like daily duels between chars, arena fights or whatever interesting stuff happens in your village.
Also it would be cool if this were player driven for people like me who don't mind writing and taking a break from daily grinds, but this would mean whoever the writers are keep up with the daily activities of their village.
This would be cool for people visiting a village to see what goes on or for people who haven't been on in awhile or don't keep up with village news.

If not in each village a global SLO newspaper would suffice, with news about war, new kages, rouges etc.
And I don't mean stuff like game updates and patches lol.

Hopefully yous understand what I mean xD

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Roleplay....?
« on: September 04, 2015, 16:20:16 »
Uhm ok I wasn't sure if this had already been mentioned and talked about or how to phrase this question.
But I wanted to know if SLO would be a heavily RP based game or would there be like a different for those who enjoy RP and those who don't. Obviously we're gonna be playing as ninjas and that, but I'm talking about properly getting into character and speaking or playing in character.
I can see most people on the forum are big into roleplay at least I think lol, but this also addresses the casual players or just other players in general.

I hope I worded this correctly 8)

Introduction / Wazzzap
« on: August 14, 2015, 13:13:58 »
Name: AJ Abiola
Ethnicity: African/Irish
Living in: Ireland
Born: Ireland
Sports: Used to play football and rugby but well i sorta got lazy xD
Hobbies: Beginner skateboarding, gaming, video editing, sleeping
Goals in life: Finish college with a degree in programming or film making
Languages: English, Nigerian and a tiny bit Francais
Computer languages: none so far
Languages to learn: Japanese
Computer languages to learn: all of them !!
Education: About to start college 8)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Isei
« on: August 14, 2015, 13:03:46 »
Name: Isei Himitsu
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1
Hairstyle: Short and spiky
Facial hair: none so far
Hair color: Grey/White
Eye color:  Light brown
Blood type:  o
Primary chakra nature: Lightning Release
Good or evil at heart?: Depends...

Description of the character's personality: Lazy in nature, cynical and sarcastic but in his own way kind. He prefers to carry out his missions quietly and as efficient as possible although he can be very brutal if need be.  Due to his lazy nature he can be quite reluctant to do missions….unless it is directly related to his clan.

Description of the character's history:

Born into the himitsu clan. Like any other normal child he was conceived by a normal mother and father who were supposedly in love. There was nothing special about him, he wasnt born with any special chakra, or a family of legendary ninjas. For a child born into the himitsu clan this was extremly rare. His father was an incredibly average ninja with no special talents, which is mother felt ashamed of, afraid her little boy would be like his father, unable to  bare the shame she left them in search of a new husband, one who she would be proud to be his wife. Isei spent alot of time with his father and gained his lazy and uncaring attitude, as an extremly average ninja, Isei's father would be rarely used for missions.  Isei had little friends as a child, not because he didnt want to or wasnt liked, Isei belived it was too much of an effort to leave his house to do more things that required more effort.

Isei was encouraged to attend the academy with the other himitsu children his age but Isei dismissed this instead starting the year after. Isei was not concerned with catching up with the kids he grew up, he spent his time in the academy the same way he spent his time at home....sleeping. Although he never paid attention in class, he was by no means dumb or weak, Isei was on par with some of the genins he just preferred not to show it. Isei spent years as an academy student while he watched others younger than him become genins. Every year his teacher would force Isei to take the genin exam and every year he failed...intentionally. Every year the adults of his village would mock and look down on him, this did not bother him at all until, at the age of 15, from his classroom window he saw 3 kids mock and laugh at his father for "creating a useless child and his mother was right to leave" no matter what they said Isei's father defended him, " he is a late bloomer" he would say. Isei began to cry during class and imediately requested to take the genin exam.

Isei became genin effortlessly and took the chunnin exam the same year. The villagers finally saw that this kid was not just some average boy from an extremely average family. Isei and his team passed the Chunnin exam with ease which his father proud and respected in his clan and village. With such raw talent Isei was expected to also become jounin but that was not an option for him, Isei realized that being a chunin required alot of time and effort, he was content with being fact he wished he could go back to being an academy student.

(This is is basic history didnt want to go into too much detail as it would be too long...if needed  i will probably...maybe write a sperate story about his life and stuff)


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