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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - Konohuro

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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Chat Box
« on: July 14, 2015, 13:43:33 »
This is addressed to @Vreg
I think anyone would like this, and for those that won't like it, it won't affect them so they may not comment.
Can you make so the chatbox can be seen even after you enter a certain thread? I've seen this on other forums and I think it would be useful here too.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Positions
« on: July 08, 2015, 09:23:02 »
I think it would be very useful to have different stand positions: like in the following image (of course no weapon, but in such a game where sneaking will be possible...)

General Discussion / Rap Battle Ranking
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:13:56 »
Just submit your vote depending on who's creation you liked the most.
This poll allows you to change your vote, so if someone evolves, just change your vote for the one that deserves it.
I invite the entire community to vote!

E.g.: I got impressed by Mars last creation so my vote goes for him. But next week if he won't continue his cool creations maybe I ill change my vote for Shiv.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / One hand seals
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:08:33 »
This idea came in my mind while reading Kayleb's and Mars's topics.

I think that would be cool if at one point you will be able to perform the seals of a jutsu with only one hand. After performing one jutsu for 1000 time for e.g. (or maybe more) you can do that jutsu with only one hand, this way you can do the seals while holding a weapon. (Like we've seen in the latest chapters of Naruto Gaiden manga)

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Choose your village
« on: June 23, 2015, 18:15:15 »
It doesn't matter if you will desert or you will be a devoted shinobi to your village. Where will you start from?

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Kirishima Clan
« on: May 03, 2015, 14:30:16 »
Noble Clan of Inferunogakure

"Ready for All, Yielding for None"

Affiliation: Inferunogakure (Hidden Inferno)

Clan History:
There once was a man who traveled the shinobi world in search of a place he could finally call home. From the snowy lands in the north to the cluster of volcanoes in the south, this man who possessed tremendous power and wisdom searched. His name, long forgotten by him and cursed by his enemies had been Hao Kirishima. Hao's mastery of the fire and lightning chakra natures where impressive and nothing to be taken lightly just like his sword-handling skills.

One day he ventured into the darkness, deep underground in an unknown land. Not knowing he would be destined to remain there for the rest of his lifetime and never see the light of day again he explored with all his hopes of finding home extinguished. After two years of walking, running and sleeping through the screams of unknown horrors he saw light.

Hao crawled to the light being just a shell of what he once was, his hair had turned white through the ordeal. What he found would remain in his memories for the rest of his time. People. People celebrating, eating, laughing and playing while carrying on with their normal lives. He had never seen anything like it, the outside world had been a living hell for him. Hao decided he would make this his home.

He was treated with kindness and love, and found someone he could settle down with. That was the beginning of the Kirishima Clan.

Nobleblood's Vs Demiblood's:
This was the most known event in Kirishima history and a stain which could not be removed. For many generations the Kirishima lineage had been kept pure. Members only mated with the sister clan and vice-versa. However, this was completely thrown out of the windows when some members started mating with shinobi from other clans, their offspring had different traits from the normal members. It caused an uproar, the Noblebloods with their overwhelming numbers treated the "unpure" members now called Demibloods like scum and slaves.

The Demibloods didn't allow this to happen for long, they started a rebellion which echoed all around the Hidden Inferno. Tons where killed from both sides in this battle to regain their honor and respect. Even the Kage could not stop the war, he had been on the verge of exiling the Kirishima when suddenly the long-lasting battle ended.

However, it had taken the death of the most important member to stop the fighting. Kirishima's founder, Hao Kirishima, had gathered every member and proposed a plan. Equality, members would be able to choose who they mated with regardless of clan. There would be a council made up of a Grand leader, a Nobleblood leader and a Demiblood leader. After his speech he done something suprising, he took the sacred Kirishima weapon and stabbed himself in the heart asking the Demibloods for forgiveness and offering himself to peace.

Ever since this moment, the clan has been mentally split in two.

Unique Traits:
  • Most clan members are born with white hair
  • Most clan members possess the fire chakra nature
  • All clan members are known for their lightning-speed

  • Fire chakra nature
  • Kenjutsu
  • Lightning-speed
  • Intelligence

  • Strength
  • Stamina

  • Don't kill your fellow clan members
  • Don't betray us by revealing secrets, you'll be deemed a traitor.
  • Be proud to be in the Kirishima.

Allied Clans:
Hano Clan
Tsukegami Clan
Hadokawa Clan
The Sabaku Kuchikomi

Rival Clans:

Total number of members: 43

Nobleblood Members: (19)

Demiblood Members: (24)

Application Form:

You need at least 25 posts to apply to the Kirishima, we will judge these posts and see if they're good enough to get into the Kirishima.

Type (Nobleblood or Demiblood):
Ninja Rank:
Hidden Village:
Chakra Nature (s):
Kekkei Genkai/Chakra Mix:
Specialization (Taijutsu, kenjutsu etc.):

Warning: Don't put the Kirishima name or logo on your profile until you've been accepted or you will be declined.

Code: [Select]
Clan Application:

[b]Type (Nobleblood or Demiblood):[/b]
[b]Ninja Rank:[/b]
[b]Hidden Village:[/b]
[b]Chakra Nature (s):[/b]
[b]Kekkei Genkai/Chakra Mix:[/b]
[b]Specialization (Taijutsu, kenjutsu etc.):[/b]

Profile Clan Code:

[url=,1340.0.html][color=red]Kirishima Clan[/color][/url][left][img][/img][/left]

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Languages
« on: April 05, 2015, 17:16:16 »
I was thinking of implementing different language for each country. There are 3 countries in SLO so there would be 3 different languages. At the beginning no one can understand what the other one says. If you are near a foreigner and he starts saying something, you will see only: "*********".

Also, there would be very rare books that teach you foreign languages. And let's say that if you find and read one book of that kind you will start understanding parts of that foreign language. However the books will have a certain level so that if you find a book of lvl 2 you won't be able to read it unless you have read a book of lvl 1.

Depending on what lvl was the last book that you read you will be able to understand 10% of a sentence, 20%, 30% and so on.

If this will be accepted, I think that a person who can speak a foreign language should be rare, like 1/10 person.

But a person who can hear and understand a foreign language should be able to speak in that language too, right?
In this case, the person who knows another language will be able to choose in the chatbox the language that he wants to speak in. Also, if that person knows like 50% than 50% of the sentence that he writes will be shown to the others.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Making plans
« on: January 25, 2015, 17:54:58 »
If in this game the strategy will really play an important role to the success of an attack/assault, I would like to see in game an option through which you can kind of... create a room where you can share the plan of attack. I will explain everything below and I hope I will make myself clear, if not, let me know, I will try to reformulate.

I think everyone played at least one mmorpg where a player can make his own stand and sell stuff. I see this system being almost the same: a person is creating the "room" (visually he isn't doing anything special maybe e only sits on the ground and he becomes clickable), when that person is creating his room a black window pops up; other players can click that character and they join the "room" (thus they will sit on the ground around the host), the blank window that appeared to the host, appears to the guest too, the same one. After this process is done, the host can draw everything he wants on that blank window, and everything that he is drawing will appear to the guest/guests as well. While typing on the chat what every symbol represents, the host can show how the movement will go. Of course there can be added visual effects like: if you are in desert the blank window will be yellow and when you are drawing, your lines will be dark-yellow, if you are in an area with snow the blank window will be white and your drawings will be grey and so on depending on the surface, suggesting that you are making drawings on the ground with a stick or with your finger, whatever you want to imagine.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Textures
« on: January 03, 2015, 14:48:57 »
I was wondering how will look the final game.
It will have the textures similar to ones from the Demo or they will be more anime-ish like in the video below?

PS: The game showed above is dead.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Microphones
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:38:12 »
Is more like a question rather than suggestion.
There will be the option to speak with other players from the same area ig using microphones? I thought about this long time ago but I wasn't sure that it will work, but after I saw how DayZ/Arma gameplay works I don't know if this will be a bad aspect to add in SLO, too. At least in the RP server, will be very useful.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Natural skills
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:14:46 »
What about having another skill-tree, a simple one which would contain: Hearing, Vision, Smelling and Hiding. Every player will have to spend a certain amount of points on those skills from the beginning of the game without any progression unless he gets rank-up (then he will get more points to put on what he wants). On the other hand, what those skills do is more complicated.

1.Vision- something similar to the Eagle Vision in Assassin's Creed, but you can't see clearly the objects. All is black unless another player is hiding. If you have enough points on this skill you can see the position of that player signaled by a red area, however you can't move while using this skill so you will have to turn it off and go to check. When you put more and more points on this skill your Vision will have a bigger range and you will have a bigger precision, Oh yes, I forgot to tell you about precision. Things won't be as easy at the beginning, the red color that indicates the area of the player will be really big compared to the real position of the player, you will see a red area like 5 times bigger than the character size.

2.Hearing- very similar to Vision sense, is a detecting skill. The difference is that when you use that skill, there is no black screen. On the other hand, you can't move nor using camera rotation. If someone is nearby, on the screen will appear some arrows that indicates his direction, simmilar to shooters, when you get shot by someone some red arrows appear around the screen like here: (here would be 2 players around you as there are 2 indicators). Also here, when you put more points on it, it will increase your Hearing range and precision. PS: the red arrows or semicircles won't disappear but they will palpitate.

3.Smelling- Unlike the others two, this is a tracking sense/skill. While using this skill, everything turns black, you can see only the contour of the objects around you and a red way that shows the traces of the player. While this skill is on you can't run, you can just simply walk, so if you are in a dangerous place alone, you would better use this skill for some seconds to determinate the main direction. The whole image will look similar to this:

4.Hiding- This skill is a passive one. Depending on how developed is this one and depending on how developed is the enemy's detection skills (1 or 2), they won't detect you or, they won't have such a good precision as they would have if your hiding points would be 0. In few, this skill is the one that counteract the first 2 senses.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Character's names
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:04:15 »
I thougt at the name problem and it came up in my mind this idea that will make the game more realistic but I think that will only suit the rp server.
Here it is: no-one can see other players names. He can find out his name only by rping. After you found out shinobi's name, you add him to your friends list with the name that he told you. This way, a rogue can use differenr names keeping his iddentity hidden, just like would happen in a shinobi universe. After you associated a name to that shinobi, the name that you have introduced will be displaied above shinobi's head. However, between the members of the same village, the name should appear automatically (the real one). Tell me what you think guys. I didn't thought too much about this system as it came after night, so I couldn't find a problem yet :)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / World War Shinobi Life Online
« on: October 05, 2014, 13:58:41 »
First of all I apologize if this suggestion have already been made and rejected, I didn't had enough time to check all 5 pages from Suggestion category.

My idea is like this: The whole map to be divided in many small parts/territories maybe like 55 parts or even 110, depending on the size of the map (also the number to be divisible by 11). Each village will have ONE territory of the map that will be forever theirs. (that territory will be, of course, the one that the village is placed on. I will call those territories default territories). Also, each territory will have a Shinobi Outpost which will behave like the main center, except the default ones that have as main center the village itself. Every month there will be a World War, where every shinobi that belongs to a village (or even rogues if they ally with a village) conquer a territory. Now, at the very begging of the game, all territories will be neutral (except the default ones) so the shinobis will only have to go to the Shinobi Outpost and put their village flag/sign resulting in capturing the whole territory. In the following wars, the shinobi will have to defend their territories by staying in it's outpost protecting the flag or to attack enemy territories and conquer them by replacing the flag. Overall, this war will be like an "open world capture the point". If a player dies in this war, he will wake up in the hospital, and he will stay there until the war ends.

Sorry for my bad english. If something is unclear please ask and I will try to reformulate. I look forward to hear your opinions.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Konohuro Kirishima (WIP)
« on: October 04, 2014, 17:18:49 »

Name: Konohuro Kirishima
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 1.80 m
Weight: 62 kg
Hairstyle: A long straight hair falls on Konohuro's back. A medium and thin strand of hair covers a part of his left eye.
Facial hair: -
Hair color: White
Eye color: He has no eyes.
Blood type: B+
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Haigakure
Clan: -
Good or evil at heart?: Good at heart but cold in actions.


Face 1 (Konohuro refers to this side of his personality as: The Black Mask):

Konohuro is a tragic figure. Since his parent's death he kind of lost apart of himself in that moment too. His whole life since that night has been spent learning and teaching himself how to become a shinobi to save the world from hatred. He's the typical brooding loner type. Also because of his parents death he can appear cold and aloof towards others who wish to get closer. To him he'd rather play it alone because if he cares for someone, puts his heart out on the line, he'll eventually get hurt when he loses them. Still that cold and sometimes arrogant/prideful side is what most people (who don't know him well) see instead of the kind and compassionate person he truly is underneath it all. Though he is very compassionate to others he has trouble sometimes letting the darkness get too far; this can show off his impulsivity despite his calm nature. His friends presence is there for one reason: they're the light to his darkness. They may be the only things keeping him from over the edge.
Beside his attitude The Black Mask has an uncommon curiosity for humans origins and it’s purpose. Since he was a 13 he started travelling across the land seeking answers… answers that are not as important as the question otherwise. He got to three main ideas that are leading his life:
1. Words mean nothing.
2. The emotions are composing the person and are destroying it.
3.Our fate is fixed. It’s our destiny that must be sized.

Face 2 (Konohuro refers to this side of his personality as: The Red Mask):

In contrast with his first face, Konohuro shows that a part of him is a homicidal, psychopathic, ruthless, sadistic, maniacal, lunatic, manipulative, intelligent and diabolical criminal who wants nothing but chaos and anarchy wherever he goes. While The Red Mask covers his mind, Konohuro uses a high-pitched, comical, bouncy, silly, and over-the-top voice that occasionally stoops down to a slight growl. His malevolent, sadistic sense of humor and psychopathic tendency of murdering whoever stays in his way defines The Red Mask so it can't be mistaken with his other personality: The Black Mask. Konohuro also likes to corrupt his enemies in various media, however if he fails he has a vicious, uncommon pleasure of inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on his enemies before he kills them due to his ruthless mind.

Despite of the existence of two personalities, they don't manifest separately in fact they act like a whole. After the shift took place, the other personality remembers what the previous one did, in addition while one personality is controlling the body, the other one can easily take control over the other. In fact, a part of Konohuro's rationality remains neutral and decides how to act: like The Black Mask or like The Red Mask. What other people don't understand is that there aren't two different minds nor two different wills that are fighting for the control of the body, the two personalities are just two different types of behaving that Konohuro decides to adopt in order to act in a certain way; choice that is decided by his mood, too.

Description of the character's history: Coming soon...

Introduction / Sup
« on: September 14, 2013, 15:56:04 »
Yep, I'm Konohuro and I just heard about this project and I like it so... I hope that you won't give up Vreg, good luck!

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