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Messages - GhostParadise

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Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Kaiyō Clan
« on: October 31, 2016, 20:21:58 »
Name: Kuro
Gender: Male
Chakra Nature(s): (Lightning)
Village: (Hidden Thunder)
Specialization: (Kenjutsu and ninjutsu)

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Akagi Clan
« on: August 02, 2016, 10:56:56 »
Name: Kenshi (GhostParadise)
Starting Village: Hidden Thunder
Speciality: Kenjutsu
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning, Fire
Why you want to join the clan: I was previosly in Himitsu on which this clan was created upon so i would love to join with all of my friends

Name:Satomi (ThePinkDemon)
Starting Village:Hidden Thunder
Speciality: Medical Ninjutsu
Chakra Nature(s): Wind and Earth
Why you want to join the clan: I used to be in Himitsu on which this clan was created upon, i would like to fallow my brother into this clan

Forum Name: GhostParadise
Character Name: Kenshi
Position applied for:   Voter
Village:   Hidden Ash
Status: Approved @GhostParadise

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 08, 2016, 22:57:49 »
as stated by kamiko i will too be resigning from Himitsu, it just dose not feel right without all my friends nor does it feel right leading a clan that was not my own...leebz will be put back as thread holder but idk if he will lead but the thread will be locked, i have already talked to leebz himself, everyone saw this coming.....

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 08, 2016, 00:34:22 »
New update decision has been changed no longer will Applicants be based of PC specs, sorry everyone for this mishap....tbh im still getting used to being leader so please bare with me thats all i ask.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 07, 2016, 23:49:45 »
Just so people know, I disagree with this change xD
No offence, GP, but this would be classed as some-what discrimination. Listing people with "bad" rigs separate from the "good" rigs is like saying separate the poor from the rich. Himitsu was never meant to be that type of clan, Himitsu has always stood for family, no matter what your background is. This is just my input on things, but yeah. I would strongly reconsider your idea on this if I was you bud. :3

What I meant to say is we put ALL new applicants on a waiting list and then the ones who have PC's that don’t lag and don't tell me that it's a poor vs rich thing you can get a decent gaming rig for $600 to even $400 so honestly it really isnt that hard you just have to look for the right parts. All applicants will be considered to be part of the clan but won't be put on an active “in-game” roster because of their inability to effectively play the game. If they want to hang out and Skype and be a part of the family, wonderful they can do that. But if you want to be considered for Tournaments and Events then you will have to be accepted and put onto the active list. This isn’t about Rich vs Poor or Discrimination. It's about having a strong clan and active clan. NOTE THAT THIS CHANGE DOES NOOOOOT EFFECT CURRENT MEMBERS i have said this enough -_-.

and leebz i thought you would want Himitsu to be an active and more stronger clan so thats why im doing this tbh  :P
EDIT: if you really do think this sint for the best then i will discard the decision 

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 07, 2016, 20:17:30 »
people didnt get what i ment XD i do a horrible job at explaining stuff sorry about that, i made it sound like if you dont have a good rig then GTFO, thats not the case lol

anyway ill relay what i said to others on this thread.
the waiting list isnt really a waiting list XD it a list of people who dont have good rigs but are still apart of the clan, they cant participate in clan events due to the potato rig that they have, here's the msg i sent to kamiko and toadsage

"ok, so i currently have an idea which would impact himitsu greatly and incease activity but idk i need someone input
keep in mind this only effects future members not the current
so what i came up with is basing some of the recruitment's on how well the persons PC is let me explain, if they dont have a good rig but are saving up for a new one they would be added to a waiting list of somesort untill they get a better PC (They would still be in the clan but they would not be participating in events cuz they cant play the games we play on their  PC), if they have a decent rig or a good rig then they would be taken into consideration, we would test them in game aswell see if they lagg to much,if they pass that and there application is good they will be let in......i feel for the future generations of himitsu, this would create balance (people would all have a good a rig in the community so noone would be left out)
this would also increase activity seeing as some people in himitsu currently arnt that active cuz they either dont have a good rig or they have RL stuff to deal with"

as what im saying people on the waiting list will still be a member but its just so i can get an idea on who's all the active ones in games vs people that arnt active due to their PC or RL stuff.......this just helps me get a better understanding whos all active so not only will Himitsu be more active it would have a waiting list of some sort like a "None active but active on chats" vs "active and good PC and can participate in events"

sorry for bad explaining XD @Mars  @Shivraj  @bloberfish

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 07, 2016, 00:23:40 »
My due time to leave.
You too shiv, unless you get your pc sorted kek
Update for Himitsu (keep note this change does not effect current Himitsu Members)

@Mars if you read it it says it didn't  apply to current Himitsu Members XD

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Himitsu Clan
« on: June 06, 2016, 22:53:50 »
Update for Himitsu (keep note this change does not effect current Himitsu Members)
Hey guys so recently me and @Toad Sage and @Xassassin have made a very interesting decision on the hopes to make Himitsu not only more active but also a better fit as a family where noone gets left out!

we have made some changes to the application section as you may have noticed. what does it mean? its actually very simple we are only making sure that people that submit applications on the Himitsu page will be active and supportive of Himitsu and the game itself, by having a decent gaming PC we can promise the future generations of Himitsu will have good PC's and will have a great experience in the clan as no-one would get left out on all events on different games as-well as SLO, this will bring balance to Himitsu as many people currently don't have good rigs or they are currently saving up for a new one,  with the waiting list people will still be a member of the Himitsu Skype and Discord Group chat, this does not mean that they are not accepted but are put on hold just to verify that they will be active and currently getting a new rig and are really interested in Himitsu , Himitsu is a family we build together we create together


General Discussion / Re: Important Himitsu Update
« on: June 05, 2016, 22:21:41 »
as of today i am the new Himitsu Leader, thanks @Leebz  for everything you have been the best leader, we may have had some battles here and there but none the less you were truly an amazing leader,I William Shoemaker aka GhostParadise will assume  the leader position with the intentions that you had, Himitsu we are a family we build&grow together we are one,had an amazing time with you as a leader you are truly a legend. You will never be forgotten, your legacy will live on as the same will Himitsu, Thanks for everything.

Im crying rn >.>

same here zach :(

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Rōguhantā
« on: May 22, 2016, 02:55:41 »
Toad sage is at collage for EMT school so he cant be replaced

EDIT:::  He has a reason to be inactive and from what remi said to me was if they have a reason to the point when they have stuff to do and cant be online till they are done such as school, they cant be replaced, plus toadsage graduates this month and will be back soon, me and him keep close contact, we are both content creators for himitsu so i would know XD

now jc i have heard very little from him but he is a legend, hes the one who created the RP music bot for discord, so i doubt he will be replaced  :P

General Discussion / Re: The biggest noob.
« on: May 12, 2016, 00:32:01 »
requesting a ban for CloudArcher XD

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Bitoku
« on: May 04, 2016, 21:40:21 »
Name: Kenshi Himitsu
Gender: Male
First chakra nature: Lightning
Village you will start from: thunder
Rank you're applying for: Chastity
Why you deserve that rank:to work hard on taking down Kata & to bring my brother back home @Ken
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): kejutsu and ninjustu

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Kenshi Himitsu
« on: May 02, 2016, 22:13:13 »
UPDATE!!!!!! BRAND NEW HISTORY!!!  made by ken with the implantation of my old history with some modifications!
hope you guys enjoy the read  :P

nice!, keep up the good work guys!!!

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