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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - TemiHyung

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Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Need Help
« on: July 22, 2017, 04:46:30 »
damn i don' t know. what computer do you have?
where do you live?
and maybe just delete the game and re-download it.

In the final game when someone has claimed the title of a rouge ninja and leaves the village, will they lose some advantages like

-buying things from npcs that belong to a village?
-Not being able to participate in special tournaments?
-Or not being able to learn jutsu of higher ranks than when they left?

Will being rouge affect anything big for a player? Or will they just not be able to enter a village undetected?

I guess my question is what's gonna happen after you become rouge? (gameplay wise)

TemiHyung was born July 13th in the year xxxx(depending on what year slo is set in). He was son to Hirokishi and Yuri Masashi and a younger brother to Isaac Masashi and Jordan Masashi, of the Hidden thunder. Throughout Temi's childhood he was very highly regarded because of his family's royalty and their friendship with the Kaminarikage. He was also noticed with his skills in ninjutsu, taijutsu and shuriken-jutsu. Temi was also very proficient with other skills except for genjutsu. Temi was not too keen about having friends so he mostly kept to himself.

Although still a child Temi was sent out on his first mission only at the age of 11. He and his brother, Isaac went on a mission to safely escort a sacred scroll to the Hidden Metal. They were expected to be ambushed by rouge thugs who wanted to learn all types of powerful jutsus in order to kill all the kage. Fortunately Temi and Isaac didn't find it very difficult to hold off the thugs and get to the Hidden Metal without being hurt badly. Two years later after TemiHyung got his genin status and was about to get chunin status he was sent out on a solo mission the Hidden Metal to deliver a message from Kaminarikage to the Kinzokukage. On his way back to the Hidden Thunder TemiHyung was ambushed by rouges from the Hidden Metal who didn't believe in getting help from other villages. Temi was forced into battle with 3 chunin leveled shinobi he won the fight but didn't leave unscathed. TemiHyung suffered a broken leg and a broken rib. After being found laying on the ground unconscious halfway to the Hidden Thunder TemiHyung was found by a passing villager who rushed him to the hospital. Temi was told that he couldn't go on any missions for the next two months which really took a tool on his physical strength. Weeks later and TemiHyung's family was sent out on a mission to a newly discovered hideout which was thought to be where most of the rouge ninja's were located. Temi's family went on that mission but......never came back. No bodies were found and no traces were found either. Now Temi is all alone....

 4 years pass and a lot of things have changed for TemiHyung he has now turned 17 and has a lot of friends who he can use to give him happiness and allow him to be distracted of his loses. Now Temi has a new future ahead of him and it looks pretty bright. His goal is to become a legend in the shinobi world and to also find out the truth about what happened to his family

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Transportation!
« on: June 30, 2017, 06:15:45 »
Welcome back to TemiHyung's thoughts of the day. OK let's get rooooght into the topic. Transportation. In the world and in many other games there are many ways to get from place to place. I was wondering if any transportation methods will be implemented into SLO. If they are here are some ideas.

Horse driven wagons. I personally think these are cool because you can put many things in it such as items (leading back to my last topic about theft) and people. It might take a slightly long time than other methods but it's cool and kinda fits with the old school ninja ways.

Another method of transportation that should be added is boats so instead of players having to travel over long distances over water while using their chakra, they will have a calm relaxing sail across the sea.

The last method that i can think of is train. Depending on what timeline SLO is set in, train could be added or not. But it would be cool to add a train that goes to different villages.

But in all fairness all these methods should take at least two minutes and even more depending on where u are headed.
Lemme hear what you guys think bout this idea.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Theft
« on: June 30, 2017, 00:36:54 »
Adding to my latest topic, (if you didn't see it here's a link;topicseen#new) i think that one of the things that also should be implemented in the full game should be theft. Theft adds a less serious crime to the game. This is how i think is should work. When players store their stuff away, another player should be able to steal it IF they manage to find it . If they do steal it  and get caught (they could be seen by another player who was by there or maybe caught by someone protecting the belongings or maybe a seal was broken which alerted the caster, etc) They shall go to jail for however long the judge or the "law" sees fit. But if they do not get caught then they're safe. Now here are some ways to prevent theft.

1) Maybe hide it somewhere only you know of.
2) Hire someone to protect it for you. (or give it to your friend to help protect, your organization, or clan etc.)
3) Put a Seal... shit this gives me another idea...........
4) Take it with you but put it in a cargo holder something like that. For fucks sake another idea........

Anyways what do you guys think about this idea i would love to hear.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / A De-buff Idea
« on: June 30, 2017, 00:21:10 »
I was play a game on my phone and it had a very interesting de-buff that causes slowness. This is very realistic because it happens in real life. I think carrying a lot of items should cause you to be slower and to make things even harder every item should have a specific weight and also for players to be able to carry more weight and not be slow they have to "upgrade" their strength by training or pills. Like in the game i was playing, (RavenSword 2: Shadowlands) if you are not over you specific weight capacity you will not be de-buffed. Now here is how this idea can make the game "better" at least that's i think. This will not only make the game harder it will also force players to store their belongings in a safe place so if they die they can at least retrieve their remaining belongings. But......this storing you things can be bad. If someone were to stumble upon your belongings and steal them then sucks to suck and players will be set back depending on what gets stolen. But there is a way that players should be able to protect their belonging when stored away which leads me to my next topic: which you will have to wait for. Let me know what you guys think about this idea and if you like it or not. @Vreg

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / TemiHyung(Redo)
« on: June 29, 2017, 04:35:14 »
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 6"1'
Weight: 150lbs
Hairstyle: Short and Untamed
Facial hair: none
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Black
Blood type: A+
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Hidden Village: Hidden Thunder
Clan: None yet
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality:
TemiHyung never gives up until the very last minute but knows when to stand down. He is a very outgoing person. Has a lot of friends as he is an extrovert.Very protective over his friends and village members. Very smart and creative in battle. Adventurous. Likes to have fun;but if also very laid back. Always tries to get better in his combat and is set on his goal to be the strongest ninja of them all.

Description of the character's history:
TemiHyung or Temi for short is a very bright teenager with a dark past. He is all alone as his parents and two older siblings did not return from a mission to a hideout while he was injured. He tries to hide his loneliness by surrounding himself with a lot of people. But when he gets home he is reminded of the very sad memories that was left behind when his family was lost. Despite the fact that he lives a sad life Temi still strives to become the strongest ninja of them all. His goal is to become known as  legend in the shinobi world

Combat style:
Close range fighter. Is very unpredictable in battle. His fights often ends when his opponent is using earth style or water style. Is know for his precise timing, aim and precision. Doesn't use up too much chakra unless fighting a stronger opponent. Often fools his opponent to think that they have won so he can strike when their guard is down.

(Changed my backstory a lil bit because there were to many of parents or family dying.)

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Schedule
« on: June 27, 2017, 05:46:34 »
I was thinking......there should be a schedule for updates so there is something people can look forward to and others stop shouting out random times they think updates will happen. I say we aim for an update every 1 to 2 months. Now I know some people will say shit like "Mate don't you know the devs have lives and shit" to that i say yes i do buttttttt they also kinda signed up for this when they made the game. I'm not ordering anyone around to follow my idea but i just think it'd be cool. What do you guys think?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Offline Practice mode.
« on: June 23, 2017, 18:37:19 »
As you all have probably noticed the server is starting to go down more often. Players are starting to get impatient when it comes to the server being back up. Luckily TemiHyung is here with his daily suggestion. OFFLINE PRACTICE MODE. Here's what I'm thinking. When the server is down or even when players don't feel like going online, there should be an offline practice mode where players can either practice getting the hand of jutsus and aim or they can just fight some bots. This would not only keep players interested but it would also help them hone their battle skills. I have more to say to adapt to this. But I wanna here what you guys think about it. @Vreg

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Female Characters
« on: June 23, 2017, 18:30:55 »
After i heard about the whole u can create you own character thing, i was wondering will there be female characters too? My sister actually brought this up to me because she wants to play the game too but she wants a very pretty female characters. So my question is will players be able to create female characters?

I like this idea a lot but what about instead of NPCs we have real people as spouses. Here's why. Think about the coding that has to go into this (the chatting, the movements, different designs of NPCs etc.) and its would be kinda useless. I say real spouses or in game spouse. its still give you buffs and everything but it would be more realistic. And also to signify that you guys are married or together there must be some kind of item bonding both of you.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Growth
« on: June 21, 2017, 22:32:53 »
I saw something like this in the faqs and now I'm curious if it could work. I think there should be an again system but nothing too complicated. Here is what i am thinking. For player (Except kage in the final release) we all start from let say age 7. And maybe like 24 hours spent on the game servers we age 1 year. and while we are still young we are limited to some skills (unless you are one of the people who has a kekkei genkia or something) and every year you age your size becomes bigger and you gain new skills. Now you might be thinking what about the age of death or something like that. I say for get that and everyone stops aging around 40 or 50 years old. It'd add a more realistic feel to the game and really extend the process of learning. Plus it might make the game more enjoyable and it also separates shinobi when it comes to skill. It give everyone that uniqueness to their characters. I'd love to hear what you guys think please and thank you @Vreg

maybe work with one of the moderators and make a mini battle scene like two people running at each other with swords and then clashing; and then the whole screen goes black or white and then while the game is still loading you can put a lil picture of a shinobi getting ready or maybe a shinobi of the month. idk. something like that would make the loading screen pretty exiting. @Killualikecodes @Vreg

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Community jobs?
« on: June 21, 2017, 22:13:29 »
LOVE what you just said. I think so too. This will not only make the game better but it will also in a way get the people closer and it will be like an actual community. People interacting with each other on a daily basis. I hope to moderators and vreg will see this and implement it to the game. Once again thanks for your response @NinjaMirage

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Community jobs?
« on: June 21, 2017, 22:00:35 »
Many people have mentioned the idea of community jobs. Like instead of everyone being a shinobi full time they could be making in game money by being ramen sellers, cops, or even farmers,etc. Things like that. Will this be in the full version of the game? And should it be in the game? I wanna know what you guys think.

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