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Messages - Diamond Lee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 28
Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Organisation list
« on: June 16, 2017, 04:39:57 »
Defiantly needs updating.

slo needs updating
shit s h o t s fired

Opinion seconded

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:56:05 »

everybody im about to talk about is a rapper fyi

That's funny, because I recently got into some Asian artists recently, after watching the "It G Ma" video by Keith Ape . I have listened to other songs he is in or has made such as Diamonds, Gospel (Rich Chigga) etc. I also have taken a liking to KOHH (Japanese rapper) and think they are not very famous in the English-speaking world due to the fact they rap in Korean and Japanese, which sucks because they really seem to have talent. KOHH also showed me a side of a Japan i was unaware of, as I read his bio on Wikipedia and read his translated lyrics.
What do you guys think? Did you know them?

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:45:34 »
The things you'll see on a forum dedicated to a pre-alpha Naruto role play game ...

Not trying to be cool or anything but wouldn't it be more appropriate and constructive to talk about this irl in a philosophy or theology(?) group, or even if you like arguing on the interwebs that much, on a religious debate forum or a subreddit for this (sure that exist)

but that's just my 250/50 cents on this, and that currency is worthless

By experience, I did not mean xp or something to level up I meant literally getting more experienced at fighting and completing missions

And yeah your idea seems nice

General Discussion / Re: Guide of the Best Clans
« on: May 23, 2017, 23:41:13 »

How about when someone needs somethingdone or the kage wants something done, they request the mission but putting it up on a board (with clear objectives, conditions of completion, and payment), and then players in want of money or experience go to the board where all the available missions are and apply/sign up for them? Wouldn't that be more realistic?

General Discussion / Re: america cereal 2torial
« on: May 22, 2017, 04:43:41 »
Shitposts af... FeelsBadMan. genuinely upsetting to see. Stop reviving topics that are 2 years old thanks.

i thought this was hilarious
It was comedy gold

Does anyone else know of any old threads like this? I want to see more like this har har

General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: May 08, 2017, 23:39:03 »
.... because it was relevant to what I was saying ?
How about you use some common sense.

Oh, some guys are fighting in the forum. I have to appear cool, so I'll mention some drama, that happened last year. Since that's relevant and I need more text in my post so that it doesn't qualify as a shitpost.

You're a fucking tumour

I don't want to engage in pointless shit like this, but this was so cancerous that I feel like I just need to answer.

1. It was a relevant example to the point I was trying to illustrate. How is that not common sense? As you just flaming out of frustration? If you have problems in your personal life, don't take your anger out on me. Back to the topic. The fact that it's a relevant example is my opinion. I was definitely not trying to appear cool, and if I was, then I apologize, because I was not.

2. Why is it that when anyone mentions that incident, you instantly spring out of nowhere and start flaming? Is it that painful of a memory for you? Are you that insecure? I definitely would be, if I started a childish, useless, and uncalled for beef with some of the nicest members of the community (imo).

3. The fuck? I do shitpost sometimes, but how would what I posted qualify as a shitpost? It had nothing of a shitpost. I'm not going further into this because i'm sure even you know that that was nowhere near one.

4. A "fucking tumor"? That does it for me. Fine, if you don't agree with my opinion, fine if you don't like me as a person, but say I'm a tumor because I'm debating is the behavior of a tumor.

I think you should go back to not checking the forums because your hate infects not only not those around you but your own mind as well. It's not healthy tsuna. Once again, if you have problems, don't direct them on other people please.

but hey thats my opinion amirite
edits : wording

General Discussion / Re: #SLO Interviews - First edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 03:57:47 »
rip rip triggered

technically wasn't that bad. I'm not going to get butt hurt or anything so nice job! I'm lazy, you aren't !

rip can't help but feel pain when I read slo interviews first edition tho




General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: May 05, 2017, 23:36:42 »
Tsunayoshi vs. Tsunagami
What the fuck, I'm not even checking SLO anymore and this nigga mentions that old asf rivalry.. (im not very important)

.... because it was relevant to what I was saying ?

General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: May 04, 2017, 04:29:32 »
Let's take a step back. All of these flaming posts and replies and members beefing with each other all started because .... someone wrote in large font?

*insert hol up meme here*

Everybody here, I (not a very important person), recommend you chill the fuck out. The fact that so many are triggered over such a trivial matter clearly shows the pettiness and short fuse of so many members here. I for one am definitely not an exemplary poster, but i can't help but wonder why these types of arguments happen all the time. Tsunayoshi vs. Tsunagami, this font shit, shitposting, etc etc. They all come from the fact that many posters want to control even the smallest things that people post on this forum, from names to font sizes, or what people post.

Now this isn't the only forum where this happens, but due to its size and interesting set of members, this phenomenon of beefs (the plural of beef, beeves is not used when referring to feuds FYI) is quite common.

Why don't we all myself included take a few tens of minutes to think of wether or not it is worth it to argue over a minuscule matter over the internet on an unfinished Naruto 3DMMORPG game forum. Let's try and think similarly next time we are about to post a scathing reply to someone who pissed us off because they said xD. Is this worth it? Could I be doing something else? Will it change my life if this font is used? Do I have anything else to do I could be doing instead? This is how communities get really toxic. You might say "but lee, the place is already toxic!" I'll say: it is not. I have seen much worse. This place is really not that bad compared to some elitist, snobby and cancerous forums I have come across.

I, a meaningless poster, once again recommend all parties drop this topic. Let somebody post in large if they want. If you are really triggered, report and our good friend Nova will take care of things. Don't make a post: things will escalate it and before you know it your relation with a poster you respected will be ruined for the next few months and they will always have something against you. (Not that it matters that an internet stranger hates the person associated with your username.)

I gotta sleep tho

jk I'm just really retarded trying 2 act kool n shit by using vocabulary we all know beefs and arguments r dope af ni🅱️🅱️a fight fight fight ya bby

General Discussion / Re: Hidden Dust Chronicles - Databook
« on: April 27, 2017, 22:57:11 »
Very nice! I quite like the data book concept, it helps ground stories and develop characters imo. Looking forward to more chapters and entries!

Suggestion -- when u update the data book, I personally think it would be easier for you to update it it in the original post in the first page, and then bump the thread to let people know it's updated. It enables you to see all the entries without having to scroll around and change pages. Seems better to me, but do with this suggestion what you will :/ :)

gg m8

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Returd Shonobis
« on: April 23, 2017, 23:57:31 »
Did I ever say I was part of the original u phat bitsh???? alguem bom bom br??!! what i meant was I was so triggered that there would be no distinction between people who were retarded and were invited to the retarded and people who were retarded and were accepted/joined and retarded like me. Also being a returded shinobi is an honor senpai san sama sensai desu kawaii tsundere.

Also, I'm not shitposting I'm discussing the mechanics of this organisation.

That's all I have to speak. (Shart)

I like scatological humour and I like being humouros ( mmm hummus) but I cannot think of a joke. POOP :/ sorry

General Discussion / Re: Chapter 7 - Intruder
« on: April 23, 2017, 23:51:18 »
Very well written chapter!

Feelsvregman for kimoto. Never 4get kimoto.

This was really good I'm saying it again! (dident spot any misstakes)

Waiting for more!

(yours truly)

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Returd Shonobis
« on: April 23, 2017, 20:34:43 »
I'm fuuurkcibg triggered all 3 of my chrsomosones are lighting up.

Can u please mayke a category for the ORGINIAL DISCOARD RETURDZ???? like pls all these new ppl joining arent sweg 0@/;7;:&:&:';$:'haaa

sorry 4 triggre

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